Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 539 Chapter540-Silencing

Chapter 539 Chapter540-Silencing

That is to say, Gick's true intention was solely to take Code 19's body.

All the discussions prior were but a ruse to divert Ali and Roronora's attention, seeking an opportunity to clandestinely abscond with Code 19's corpse.

There must be something of paramount importance to Gick on Code 19's body!

This realization struck Ali without a moment's hesitation, prompting immediate action.

As expected, Gick showed no intention of resistance.

Code 19's body was swiftly bound.

He was acutely aware that the strength of Code 19's battered form stood no chance against the blockade formed by Ali and Roronora.

"My attempt to bluff has indeed failed," Gick sighed, "This round, you've won, half-elf."

As his voice faded, Code 19's body jerked violently, and two trails of blood streamed down from the corners of his eyes.

Ali froze momentarily, her expression darkening instantly.

She hadn't anticipated Gick would act so decisively—eliminating Code 19 at the first sign of failure to transport him.

Undoubtedly, Code 19 must have been privy to secrets of immense significance, so crucial that Gick preferred to kill him rather than let these secrets fall into their hands.

But now, that lead was severed.

With a sigh, Ali watched as the golden glow in her palms dissipated, and countless mana ribbons vanished, leaving Code 19's body to collapse, devoid of strength.

"I should have joined you in taking action," Roronora remarked, eyeing Code 19's lifeless form and then Ali's grim visage.

"Had I acted, there might have been a chance to stop him."

"It's futile, Gick employed methods aimed at the soul; it would have been too late regardless of who acted," Ali gestured dismissively.

"Ultimately, the reason he left such a contingency within Code 19 indicates he always entertained the notion of eliminating him at any moment. I surmise it's not just Code 19—every key subordinate of his is likely rigged with such a failsafe."

"What a dangerous individual."

Glancing at Code 19's corpse, Ali hesitated for a few seconds before stepping forward.

Even if Gick had completely obliterated Code 19's soul, whatever was on Code 19's person remained, potentially harboring useful intelligence.

Gick had spouted much nonsense, yet amidst the drivel, truths lurked.

Pure fabrications fool no one; it's the lies laced with truths that deceive.

Perhaps the village in the forest held no hope for subhumans, but it surely concealed significant ruins or something of equivalent value.

Gick's target must be that very thing.

If Ali could locate it before Gick, the upper hand would shift to her grasp.

This represented the best strategy for turning the tables.

Thoroughly searching Code 19, Ali ended up with an assortment of mundane items scattered around her: various snacks, a handleless throwing knife, a booklet filled with notes, several explicit drawings, and a small-capacity Space Ring.

With a mind clouded by perplexity, Ali began sifting through the clutter for potential clues.

Despite Code 19's dangerous aura, the assortment of items suggested he was merely a magus of advanced age, subject to the same desires and whims as anyone else—snacking when hungry, perhaps even indulging in risqué images by the campfire at night.

What, then, distinguishes one person from another? A person can embody many roles, but which among these is the true self?

This question surpassed the boundaries of Ali's current understanding, prompting her to set aside such ponderings and focus instead on the items before her.

The first item examined was a booklet, densely packed with writings that seemed nonsensical at first glance, yet undoubtedly followed some sort of encryption.

It appeared to be Code 19's personal notebook, containing significant entries encrypted by his own design.josei

Silently marking it of interest, Ali tucked the booklet into an inner pocket.

Next were the assorted snacks—seemingly ordinary dried fruits that wouldn't come cheap for the average farmer, but were trivial expenses for a magus.

The snack bags bore no special mechanisms; after a brief inspection, Ali handed them to Roronora with a cautionary note, "Be careful, they might be edible, or they might be poisoned."

Then came the next item: erotic illustrations.

Drawn on high-quality paper, these images featured scantily clad women in provocative poses, their craftsmanship so exquisite that they seemed to leap off the page, the work of an unknown master.

The figures were portrayed with such lifelike precision and allure, it was impossible not to appreciate the artistry, regardless of the content's nature.

After a brief glance, memorizing the content, Ali rolled up the drawings and stored them in another Space Ring of hers.

Her commonly used Space Ring contained many edibles, to which Jelia had access.lightsnovel

If placed there, who knows when Jelia might stumble upon them.

Securing the drawings, Ali looked up, somewhat uncomfortably, to meet Roronora's gaze.

"I... won't say anything... but you have to lend them to me."

Who said this guy lacked common sense?

He's already learning how to blackmail!

With a darkened expression, Ali waved dismissively, "It's intelligence, looking at it won't hurt, but you absolutely cannot let Jelia see it. If caught, don't you dare say it came from me!"

Roronora nodded, though it was uncertain if the message truly sank in.

Regardless, Ali shifted her focus to the last item of value amidst the miscellaneous objects: the Space Ring.

For a magus, a personal, encryptable Space Ring is undeniably a treasure trove.

A spell magus requires a vast array of materials to cast spells, an enhancement magus needs precious substances for bodily repairs, and various tools for exploring ruins and checking spells, along with spell scrolls, spell potions, and mana equipment.

It's impractical and unsafe to carry all these in a backpack.

The Space Ring thus serves as the ideal container.

Although the Space Ring's capacity might not be large, the contents within are assuredly of the greatest value.

Ali began attempting to bypass the identity verification spell on the ring, a standard security measure for every Space Ring designed to prevent theft.

Even if a magus were to lose their ring, it would remain inaccessible to others.

Although accessing items within a Space Ring requires mana, there's no stipulation on the source of this mana, meaning even non-magical individuals could theoretically use a Space Ring.

However, encryption adds a layer of protection by verifying the user's physical makeup and soul.

Only after passing this verification can one successfully access the Space Ring.

Cracking such encryption is no simple feat, yet Ali is not without her methods.

While other elven tribes might lack the means, Ali, as a master of spells, possesses a vast array of tools at her disposal.

As she caressed the Space Ring, she pondered the most appropriate approach to tackle its encryption spell.

lightsnοvεl Different encryption spells employ varied methodologies, necessitating distinct countermeasures.

Although Ali has many targeted decryption spells at her disposal, some, due to their complexity or her inability to cast them personally, are stored in scroll form within her Space Ring.

These items are exceedingly precious and should not be squandered lightly.

Moreover, such encryption spells might possess self-destruct capabilities.

Should one attempt to break them down one by one, there's a risk they might self-destruct before any progress is made, rendering the endeavor futile and potentially destroying valuable contents within.

After several preliminary attempts, Ali began her formal effort to decrypt the spell.

The first decryption spell she tried, predictably, failed—not because it was the most complex or most effective spell she knew, but rather an obscure one.

Its strength lay not in the act of decryption, but in analysis, providing a deeper understanding of the encryption spell and paving the way for a more targeted approach.

Armed with more detailed intelligence, Ali prepared her second decryption spell.

This one wasn't the most widely known or traditionally effective, but it was a suboptimal solution from her repertoire that she had modified to suit the specific structure of this encryption spell.

If Ali's assessment was correct, this adapted spell should prove most effective against this particular encryption.

The spell, ultimately condensed into a matrix no larger than the tip of her finger, was aligned directly against the ring's encryption spell.

A flash of white light followed, and Ali felt the encryption dissipate, her mana successfully integrating with the ring.

A smile broke across her face as she stood up, anticipating the most exciting part: the unboxing!

With a flick of her wrist, the contents of the ring spilled out in a cascade.

First to hit the ground was a pile of shimmering coins, a mix of denominations from various nations, making them uneven in value.

Even by a rough estimate, the total hovered around a thousand universal gold coins—a fortune, indeed.

Next came several bottles and jars, all intermediate spell potions.

Another heap of gold coins followed.

After the spell potions were a few scrolls, and lastly, the item Ali had been most eager to find: another small booklet!

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