Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 1060 The End Of The Novel - Part 11

Chapter 1060 The End Of The Novel - Part 11

Arthur raised his head and took a deep breath, calming down his rage and controlling it. "Yeah, one step at a time. As if there will be a place in this universe that can shield those motherf*ckers from my sword."

He threw everything behind his back for now and looked at the last battles going on in this world. This time it was his victory, yes with a stain of sadness, but he won in the end.

For someone like Arthur, he already was prepared to have losses during any wars. He considered what happened in his backyard as his own loss in this war.

From another angle, one could say this blow didn't affect Arthur's forces or foundation. From the moment he established his empire, he took the vow to make this empire his own legacy and his only home.

And that wasn't only for him, but it went without saying to anyone else especially his generals and friends. What about losing an academy? Few survivors of Willy's clan? He wasn't Willy to begin with, he was Arthur.

"Gege, from this moment on you'll distribute an imperial edict," Arthur slowly said while the fight was on the verge of ending, "I want everyone to change the name they call me in the empire. From this moment, I'm emperor Arthur, and that name shall go down the records of the empire and pass through generations to come."

'... ok,' Gege knew the mood of his and feared to say anything to stir up his anger and sadness again.


"We won!"

"Yeah! We crushed them!"

"Long live our emperor! Long live our empire!"

Many shouts of victory came from all the surviving forces of Arthur. This fight started with a perfect scheme of his enemy, yet no matter how deep and dirty the enemy planned, Arthur crushed all of these and emerged as the sole victor again.josei

"The moment of truth," Arthur didn't want to waste any time here and instantly dropped his blood over the ground. The ground shook violently, attracting the attention of everyone towards him and silencing all the celebrations.

But after minutes of rumblings and grumblings, nothing happened. The earth returned to its calmness again like nothing happened.

"Sigh, so I have to build cities up there," Arthur raised his head towards the sky. It seemed like his vision penetrated through long distances and many obstacles, only seeing the two lands facing each other inside the secluded prison world.

"Fine! I have nothing to worry about anyway," Arthur sucked in deep breath before adding, "spread my orders, Gor and Deem have to rebuild the damaged cities here and also build cities up there," he pointed towards the direction of his lake city, where the prison world was.

"Also tell them to train as many mages capable of building cities as possible. Let's name them as imperial architects, and from this moment on they will have a peak dedicated for this purpose at the sect. Also tell Agnus that he will have his own peak as well for forgers."

As he reached this point, he started to put the final touches of his empire and sect. "Also there must be a peak for potions and medical herbs. Let the master position be empty for now. Whenever someone appears worthy of it, we can appoint him there."

'C'mon, have you forgotten about me?' Gege laughed, 'I'm the soul of the garden world, the best one knowing about medicinal herbs in the entire universe!'

"Hahaha, but you don't have a body and can't teach anyone regarding potions," Arthur teased her, but it seemed she took this as a serious matter in response to his words.

'No, I won't settle with that! You lack a person able to do any of the two, and I can do one. So why not appoint me as a peak master then? As for teaching others, I can communicate with them using my portals and the help of the tree of mirrors. Humph, I can't believe you won't give me such a position after all this time we spent together.'

"..." Arthur was taken aback. At this moment he realized his girl wasn't fooling around or toying with him. She really wanted such a position. "Alright, who said my girl can't have it? From this moment you are the peak master of medicinal herbs and potions. But don't forget about potions and pills, alright?"

'Yeah,' it seemed like Gege didn't hear his last phrase and screamed in joy. Helplessly Arthur had to drop this matter and remind her later about the importance of pills and potions teachings.

And like this Arthur's true dominance started to expand and show its real strength all over the universe.

As there was no enemy to attack here, Arthur kept training inside his garden world while his forces kept training and expanding as well. Deem and Gor led and trained millions of architects and also tens of millions of people to help them in building the cities faster.

A task that should take a couple of years was done in six months only thanks to that. This mission wasn't a delay, as Arthur saw it was a good chance to train good seedlings to fasten the futuristic important task to invade and control nine more worlds.

"Let's go."

As he was ready, he let a final drop of his blood fall to the ground. This time the rumblings and grumblings continued for a long hour before a gigantic portal appeared and opened a path back to his world.

Arthur passed after linking this world into his star map using the help of Gege. he didn't pass alone, but brought all his generals including Doaf, Amera, the crow who joined him first from his world during that tournament.

It seemed like another lifetime when he thought back about those memories of his. The moment he passed through the portal, he found himself standing in the heart of a big academy. And there was a large number of forces waiting for him.

This was Locek academy, the academy where the long journey started from.

"Willy of the Dorgazire academy, or to be precise, the past and all dead and destroyed Dorgazire academy… Welcome to your death place."

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