Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 1062 T2

Chapter 1062 T2: 1



A short and loud series of sounds started to reoccur at fixed intervals, forcing the sleeping youth on the ship deck to open his eyes.

He was Arthur, a well-built youth with a bare chest and legs showing off his small yet visible muscles. His skin was slightly dark, and his hair was dyed in blue, looked disheveled, giving him the impression of a beggar.

Yet from the stern look on his face and the faint blue aura coming out of him even during his sleep, anyone would know he wasn't just a simple youth at all.

The first thing he saw was a large ship that could contain a thousand men without a problem. The ship appeared to have more than one level, as he could hear many shouts coming from the lower decks.

Despite being muffled, he could still hear some groans and sounds that resembled lashes of whips. And that made him instantly stand up with extreme vigilance. With his head pounding, he tried to look for any sources of danger but he couldn't focus as his eyes stung from the pain

"Easy," a sound suddenly came from his back, "you are not in any danger… at least not soon."

He glanced at his speaker. He was a man in his early thirties with a very distinguishable scar that was below his left eye. The scar resembled a little star and it seemed to have happened a long time ago.

"I'm Lim," the man stretched his hand to greet the youth, yet the next moment a loud series of explosive sounds erupted from far behind and startled the youth.

"This is the gate of realms," Lim explained as if this was something already known to everyone, "how can you not be aware of it?"

"I… don't recall anything," Arthur lied as he didn't want to say anything before he got to know where the hell he was at the moment. It would have been stupid of him to trust this man blindly.

Despite having many memories of his past, he couldn't tell what this gate or realms was or what was this ship for.

All he knew was that he ascended to a new realm, and from the look of things this new realm wasn't as warmly welcoming him as he initially thought.

"It's normal to have that," another mid-twentieth man came from the other side of the deck with a group of a hundred people behind him, "passing through the gate of realms is always a risky feat… but it's worth everything."

"Indeed," Lim nodded, "he is Jordan, but you can call him Jor… he won't mind that."

Jordan glanced in a warning towards Lim before returning to Jim as he smiled, "Don't stress yourself too much. After all, the journey to their base would take a day or two."

"Did you know which force they belonged to?" Lim suddenly shouted and jumped off the sturdy wooden deck.

"Is it one of the alliances?" one man came towards here under the shout of Lim.

"Or it's the pirates?" another one appeared and, suddenly more started to converge at this place.

Arthur stood his place in silence, just watching and listening without saying a word. Some came alone, while others came with groups of people behind like Jordan.

Some were like Arthur in body size, while others looked like giants with their skins showing some tattoos or glowing by eye catchy lights. Arthur felt his forehead starting to sweat as he had no clue what was happening.

"What do you want it to be?" Jordan didn't directly answer as he evilly smiled as if he was enjoying a little show.

"I'd prefer the alliance indeed," one man said and a group nodded alongside him.

"For me going to the alliance means death… it must be the pirates," another expressed his thoughts while another group nodded.

And Arthur stood in the middle of them all not reacting to any group of them. He felt more puzzled about their words while his sweat started to swell up in his armpits.josei

"It's the alliance," Jordan said with a big laugh, "so good luck for those who sneaked onto here… I hope you don't regret your choices."

Arthur noticed a glare of hatred coming from a group of people before some started to move in one direction and a small meeting was held there.

Then he saw some even jumping off the ship, throwing themselves directly into the raging sea waves around.

"What about you kid?" Jordan asked, "Are you legit or like them?"

Arthur frankly didn't know what to say. The look over his face made Jordan laugh. Jordan casually waved his hand as he turned around to leave, "forget it. I frankly prefer you discover it at the last moment, just before the test."

Arthur felt some hatred towards this man yet he didn't express anything over his face. "Don't mind him," Lim said after Jordan and his group retreated, "he thinks himself a royal reincarnation, so he is acting this high and mighty."

Arthur glanced at Lim as he knew this man would be the one to explain things here and unveil all the mysteries to him. "May you tell me what this place is? What do the alliance and pirates mean? And why did some prefer the alliance and others preferred pirates?"

"It's a long story to tell," Lim took a deep breath, "but lucky for you I love to tell stories."

He laughed and Arthur didn't mind him behaving like this. After all he was the only one acting nice here to him and he was in desperate need of answers.

"Let's go to a more comfortable place," Lim led him across the entire ship until they ended up in a bar-like place. A couple of beautiful girls were there to serve, and yet not a single one was there to order anything.

The ship was really big, moving in a violent sea with strong waves like a giant beast. Arthur didn't think this ship was this big, as crossing over from one end to another took around two minutes' walk, if not more.

"Two Rainbow hot drinks please," Lim said before winking, "this one is on me."

"Thanks," Arthur politely answered while acting as a docile beast feigning weakness until he got what he wanted.

"Now tell me what you remember," Lim suddenly said while the two ladies were acting to prepare the drinks for them, "no one can come up here without any memories at all."

"I just recall being a very strong person in another world," Arthur said, part of the truth that wouldn't lead to any problems, "yet everything else is blank."

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