Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 277 - A Change In Plans! The Time Is Really Tight!!

Chapter 277 - A Change In Plans! The Time Is Really Tight!!

He knew the initial blueprint of his city would accommodate millions easily, but he was now aiming to have tens of millions in his city. such a figure would need change in plans, especially when everything was still raw and immature.

After half an hour, he received a response from Amelia. She wrote a very long letter to him, taking three bird's wings to deliver the message.

First the mine progress was going smoothly, with no major problems so far. She also told him that many villages and towns came from long distances after hearing about them and asked to join, and she did as he instructed; sent them all back to the city.

As for the city, she explained that the current population and the potential growth curve forced them to change the blueprints. Deem had already expanded the blueprint to make the city compromise of ten sections, each could hold up to five million, making the city currently not in need of any change.

As for the defensive buildings, this was a problem as building towers and walls was easy, but according to Dor, he couldn't make many defensive buildings without the weapons to support them.

So this dilemma made the final blueprint not ready yet, and they are now focusing on building the old city while laying the foundations of four more sectors, leaving the rest till he comes again and takes a decision about it.

As for the Dorfis clan, she said they noticed some strange movements recently but couldn't understand or hold the ones doing this. So with his warning she now understood what was going on here; and she would start war preparations and would hasten the building of the first five sectors at least.

"A problem in equipment? Hahaha, thanks to the Dorfis clan I have acquired a real treasure of war machines, hehehe."josei

He didn't delay and wrote back, narrating the huge number of war weapons under his disposal, stored already inside the dozens of hangers he took possession of from before. He wrote asking them to go wild, build as many defensive buildings as they could, and they should first finish them out as the war might start at any moment.

As for sending these back, he promised he would figure out a way so they shouldn't worry themselves about these. He also took a rapid tour inside these warehouses, examining their content in general, and sending the main items he found listed in the message.

After doing all that, he noticed some lines started to show an end, meaning there are only a couple of hours left before they all would enter the world.

Despite that he didn't hurry to enter the portal, as he didn't want to lose these villagers and warriors, as the system would absorb the whole region after entering the portal, leaving those outside unable to enter the portal again.

As he expected, it took four hours and a half for all the villagers to come and enter the portal. Arthur glanced at the emptiness around the portal before glancing over the distance, to the place where the ruins existed.

"Till next time darling," he muttered before taking the two girls with him, entering the portal and sealing it using his sealing array.

The population here was really immense, and the earlier defensive shields he and the girls sat before were hardly enough to contain them all. So the next thing he did was to expand the area, learning from what happened inside other pillars, as these villagers and warriors would start building their homes again and start living for such a long time inside his garden.

"Now I will remove all your slave marks, so stay still and don't move," he stood in midair, flapping his wings like a giant mythic beast, and his roars made everyone silent. Tina did the translation for him, and so the whole world ushered unders sudden strange silence, except for the distant roaring monsters.

He then thought in his mind, giving the order to his system:

"I want to use the ability of killing the cursing tattoos."

"Ding! The sprout of the ability of killing the cursing tattoos is temporarily activated. The ability can be used according to your will."

"Ding! One hundred thousand people were freed. You have reached the maximum limit of your current power. Using the ability for a fifty two more times will make it a permanent ability."

"Use it again," he muttered.

"Ding! One hundred thousand people were freed. You have reached the maximum limit of your current power. Using the ability for a fifty one more times will make it a permanent ability."


"Ding! One hundred thousand people were freed. You have reached the maximum limit of your current power. Using the ability for a fifty more times will make it a permanent ability."




"Ding! One hundred thousand people were freed. You have reached the maximum limit of your current power. Using the ability for a thirteen more times will make it a permanent ability."

"Sigh, only this far I can use the ability, only thirteen more times and it can be permanent," he muttered with some regret, as he thought he could unlock the ability permanently in this wave.

"How do you liberate many in a short time?" Tina was the oldest one and the one who witnessed him doing the liberation ceremony long time ago. he glanced at her and just smiled, before looking to the people as he roared:

"From this moment you are my subjects. Live here temporarily and fear nothing. Keep working hard and try to build and expand your population, hone your skills, and be ready for any fight at any given notice. I might be in need of warriors later on."

Tina was still looking at him speechlessly, so Sara took her place in translating the orders to the people. Arthur then flew away, heading straight towards the pillar, while Tina was still asking him many times about the ability while he continued to keep his silence.

As for Sara, she just flew silently as well, while thinking about the words of Tina, the silence of Arthur, and the rumors regarding the treasure in the heart of the castle of the sky which Arthur took.

And she was linking the dots.

As he went to the pillar, he didn't delay and sent the grumpy Tina and the doubtful Sara to kill all the warriors in the place.

As he took the pillar, the eyes of the venerable master appeared once more, glancing with content and delight towards Arthur, before letting him go and absorb the pillar.

Just as he appeared in the star map again, and before he could say anything to the girls, the system was faster to send him a sudden message.

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