Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 296 - Using Dragomancer Ability Again

Chapter 296 - Using Dragomancer Ability Again

He had already a huge pile of monster bodies inside his rings, so it wasn't a problem for him to use his ability for a long time. The only issue he was currently facing was the low success rate.

"Last time I gained four dragons, I hope this time I gain more," he prayed before putting his hand on the first corpse as he said: "I want to use my dragomancer ability."

"Ding! The ability is used. You have one hour to use the ability, and if the hour passes without using it, you will lose your right to summon dragons."

"Ding! Sorry, it's a failure."

"Sigh, the first attempt is this bad," he shook his head helplessly while watching the body of the killed monster turn into a pile of ash. He then moved towards the next one, and it was another failure.

"Ding! Congratulations on summoning a dragon. You gained the recognition of the world. your summoned dragon is ready to hear and follow your orders."

"Finally," he smiled with joy as this gave him a very good feeling about his end result. "Just wait here for a moment," he said to the dragon which just appeared from the corpse of that hideous monster. the dragon just bowed his head before following the orders of Arthur and stopped on one side.

"A success!"

"Another success!"

"A fourth success in a row! That's a record!"

"A failure! Damn! I jinxed myself or what!"

"A failure, sigh!"

"A success! Yeah baby, gimme more!"

"A failure! I won't speak again after any success!"




He stuck to his own rule and didn't speak after any success, which made him gain three successive successes. "It seems the world will doesn't like me celebrating over a successful summon," he muttered, shaking his head bitterly while not knowing if he should laugh or cry.

He glanced over his newly added dragons; eight strong looking dragons stood in front of him, showing their respect by their obedient silence.

"Alright, I know it isn't fair to just summon you guys up and then throw you to the battle the next moment, but I'm in a dire situation here. I have one day to completely conquer seven worlds, with massive armies of monsters and humans guarding them. so, I will have to use you guys, and also those old ones."

He then went towards the portal, flying with his eight new obedient and strong looking dragons. Their appearance caught the attention of everyone standing in front of the portal, waiting for their turn to fight.josei

"The lord is here!"

"Heil the lord!"

"The lord is mighty and we will win this!"

"Nothing stops in front of the path of our mighty lord!"

Shouts upon shouts erupted suddenly in the whole place, while many supportive and encouraged cheering started to sprout out in waves. Arthur just glanced at all this and smiled; he never expected his presence here to be welcomed this warmly.

He never expected his popularity among his people to be this high! Their trust in him gave him a strange sense of power; a power that could defy heaven itself.

He never felt this way, even when he was a sect elder and master back in his days. He was well respected indeed, feared for sure, but not adored and beloved like this!

His body started to gain a new sort of strength; the strength of belief. His soul felt much refreshed than ever, feeling like getting home after a long tiring day of work to find his beautiful wife taking him into her embrace with love, lust, and care.

It was an amazing feeling that he never felt before, and the strangest thing was that he never realized this sort of power at this moment, but when he reflected later on the origin of this mighty power, he realized it all started from this place!

The next moment he passed through the portal, and the world filled with explosions and rumbles, cheerings and shouts was replaced by a world of chaos of a brutal war!

"As I expected," he softly muttered with no surprise over his face when he saw this huge army of monsters on the air and warriors and mages on the ground standing like a solid rock in front of his own armies led by Tina and Sara.

"You are still alive, that's good," he muttered as he noticed instantly the two huge monsters wrecking havoc among the smaller hideous ones, moving unstoppable everywhere, killing huge numbers of monsters with Tina's icy breaths and Sara's wind attacks.

But their minute number was the only obstacle in front of winning this war! As he stood motionless in the air for a few minutes observing this war, something unique piqued his interest.

The fighting warriors, mages, and monsters didn't come from seven portals only, they came from over dozens more! "Have they moved more pocket worlds to here?" he muttered in surprise as he didn't expect this to happen.

"I never thought you would be this generous to bring me all these worlds. and I won't be rude not to accept this gift, hahaha," his mood changed from good to better when he realized that his gains here had soared for much more than he expected.

He didn't see the pocket places now as just pillar holdings; they held treasures, valuable and unique treasures in them. Each pocket world wouldn't only give the chance for his garden to evolve and grow bigger, but it also would contribute more to his personal growth, his army strength, and his empire's total dominance over others!

"Great, you eight wait here for now and guard me," he said before heading to an empty spot on the ground, landed there surrounded by his eight newly summoned dragons before closing his eyes.

He momentarily roamed the garden world seeking for his dragons he previously summoned. He found them laying silently on the ground, closing their eyes like sleeping babies.

"Wake up, we have a mission to do," he said, before adding as they all opened their eyes and stood up from the ground, "I will summon you in a minute to a brutal war, so be ready."

"We will, master," the four replied in unison, with their deep and harsh voices, before he opened his eyes.

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