Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 545 - The Dirty Scheme

Chapter 545 - The Dirty Scheme

As Arthur and the others ascended the arena, the sound of the dean came again announcing three other matches.josei

"Wow, we are going to fight in batches now," Tarry laughed while others only glanced at this arrangement with much doubt.

As for Arthur he simply sneered.

"Try whatever you want," he muttered, "in the end you will lose and I will emerge victorious."

Despite reading the scene, Arthur moved with strong steps towards the arena and never paused. His team members moved after him, and when they reached their place in the arena, they spotted dozens of special rings where other teams were about to compete.

"Listen up," the lead master of the contest said to all the teams here, "you know the rules, so don't try to be funny and break them. We will start the contest in the usual order, and our esteemed masters will have the final right to decide the winner. Their decisions are final, so try to save yourself an embarrassment and accept the results."

Arthur smiled as he moved his eyes towards the other contestants. "We will compete the same way," he said as he started to walk towards the front to take part in the first contest.

Like before, he was the main participant and gave his team victory up till the individual fight. There he stood alone while the opposite one hundred team members were vigilantly glancing at him.

"You've already lost," he said addressing these blue cloaked youths, "spare your lives and admit defeat."

"Never," one of them moved to the front while he removed the cloak. He wasn't too much older than Arthur, only nineteen or twenty in years. Arthur smiled while he glanced at the surrounding rings where other teams were already going neck to neck with their opponents in team fights.

"They are surely faster than us," he smirked before taking out his sword and added, "c'mon, let's end this quick. I don't plan on wasting my time here."

The moment the opponent moved to attack him, Arthur started to evade using his fast steps. Arthur could easily kill him, but that would take some time and effort as this kid used two gigantic shields that looked unfit for this world.

'They have an aura of the higher planes,' the golden dragon warned, 'try not to get hit by them, or else you'll lose your balance for some time.'

Arthur didn't intend to do that, not because he was afraid of the two shields, but he had something else bothering him.

"What's wrong? Are you going to keep running around?" the youth laughed yet Arthur didn't answer back. He simply kept evading for a couple of minutes until he heard a sudden cry from the side and the next instant one of the opponents in the nearby ring was smashed like cannonball towards him.

He evaded that, but the next moment another one was thrown from a second ring, then a third and so on. While he kept avoiding those useless youths, the entire arena shook when every single team moved from their rings and started to aim towards him.

"You finally moved," he smirked and wasn't fazed as he was waiting all this time for this to happen.

"Master, this is cheating!" Amelia suddenly cried out towards the lead master who simply scratched his head as he said: "In which way? Please enlighten me."

All the team members were instantly enraged, yet when they were about to move the lead master threatened: "Don't break the rules and wait for your turn. This is still an individual fight."

Before anyone can do anything stupid, Arthur's voice came from the upfront where he was literally surrounded by over a thpousand player:

"Stay back."

His simple shout made everyone hesitant, yet when they saw him jumping high in the air, taking out his bow and one single arrow they all hurriedly retreated, ran fast and far away from here, running for their lives.

"Let's hear you scream," he laughed while sending off the arrow towards one side before he jumped again on the air, using his steps in a total new level.

Moon jumping.


The next instant the arrow broke into a loud booming and explosion that started to create a massive devastation here. Everyone glanced at this gigantic bronzed giant body and head and wings of a dragon before they were massively hit by such a brutal attack.

Arthur was also hit and sent flying further away, but he was totally prepared as he channeled his three energies and tried to endure such a close hit.

"Damn," he stood up from a deep crater where his body was severely wounded, "even after using all of my energies together this arrow damage went beyond my expectations."

He stood up, simply took out a healing pill and used it. He also took a replenishing pill while waiting for the massive destruction of the arrow to subside.

Even the masters standing in the arena were hit by the blast, and all were sent flying away. Some were heavily wounded, and others were slightly wounded.

But there were no dead or untouched, making the impact of such an attack memorable in the minds of everyone standing here.

"I object," suddenly one voice came from down below followed by the sudden appearance of a group of masters belonging to the Locek academy. "Dean, this kid used unauthorized force to kill every single one in the arena. That's against the rules. This isn't a group fight, but an individual fight. He should be banished instantl…"

The master was in the middle of his words when a loud bang came from the direction of one of the towers. A silhouette instantly appeared in front of the master, simply slapped his face and the next instant that master was sent to the ground again, to rest inside a deep crater with a devastated body.

"Don't worry," Reem turned to glance at the dean, "my master ordered me not to kill him.. Just he needed a lesson so he won't be so impulsive and arrogant next time."

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