Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 548 - Getting A Special Gigantic Cauldron

Chapter 548 - Getting A Special Gigantic Cauldron

After one minute he already killed hundreds of monsters.

"What the hell is he doing?" the leading lycan muttered while he felt Arthur wasn't the fool he felt he was. "Can anyone tell me what the hell is he doing?"

"I bet he lost his mind," one of the lycans in the team said, but the leader wasn't satisfied with such an answer. "No, he is definitely doing something."

This wasn't only the feeling of that lycan, but every single higher being here, including the dean. Everyone stayed sharp while trying not to miss a single thing he was doing.

Yet the next thing he did made them all startled.

'Ding! Two minutes and thirty seconds for the first killed ones.'

'Good, direct me towards them,' Arthur suddenly stopped his killing spree before heading towards the first killed monsters.

He then leaned over their bodies, opened their bellies, and started taking out organs in large batches.

He threw these organs towards the cauldron while even not looking but not missing a single time. He kept clearing all the monsters he killed before the cauldron started to emit explosive sounds.

"It reached his limit," Arthur stood there motionless before raising up his head while shouting, "anyone up there can lend me a gigantic cauldron? I promise half of what I make will belong to the master who helps me."

"Kid it's forbidden to even speak to the venerable masters in such a rude way!"josei


The next moment a gigantic cauldron descended from the sky cutting the words of the lead master of the contest and making his face suddenly change.

"My master says it will be a real shame to let anyone else give you a hand. We are the silver cauldron clan, and my master is eager to see the link between cauldrons and forging."

Arthur glanced at the direction where the familiar voice of Goden came. "Thanks a lot for master's kindness and I promise he won't be dissatisfied."

Arthur didn't waste anymore second while he moved with his highest speed to put a huge amount of fiery ores around the cauldron before finally letting all.

'Pour it with Golam's lake,' he muttered before hurrying back to his killed monsters.

'The liquid requires time to be heated enough,' the golden dragon muttered.

'Ding! And I need your blood,' the system said.

'I'm filling the cauldron now,' Gege added.

'Take my blood,' he cut his hand and let his blood splash out of his veins. But the next moment all the blood vanished and appeared miraculously above the cauldron.

Arthur then started to throw organs again, and despite the presence of such gigantic cauldrons, his throws never missed.

'These will be mostly lost before the liquid reaches the optimum point,' the golden dragon sighed.

'At least I won't let them rot here,' Arthur simply said before asking, 'how many more do I need?'

'At least two more batches like this one.'

'Sigh, no time to waste then,' Arthur then went on a spree of killing monsters and taking out their organs.

And he kept doing this for two hours before he finally cleared all the monsters here.

"What is he going to do next?" This was the question everyone had, but the next thing happened was for him to wave his hand and another batch of monsters appeared again.


Everyone was speechless while watching him killing and taking out the organs from the bellies of these monsters. He took around two hours to finish, and then he did the same and took another two to clear everything.

On the side, Doron already made his sword and shield while waiting silently for Arthur to finish.

"Are you going to be a cook after we defeat you?" he sneered and the leader seemed to love this joke as he kept repeating it until Arthur finally finished clearing the third wave.

"C'mon, kill more, we need to feast on your defeat tonight, hahaha," the leading lycan laughed out loud while everyone on his team laughed with him as well.

But next Arthur stopped, waited for a few minutes in his place motionless while waiting as he closed his eyes.

'Tell me when you are ready,' he said.

'I need five more minutes,' Gege said, 'I think you should start making it while I finish preparing.'

'No, he needs to use the mix in each step or else it would be weak,' the golden dragon said. He was the owner of such an idea, calling it the old relic lost since the ages of the golden dragon era.

And he just was so excited about it that he even proposed lending Arthur part of his own limited energy.

But Arthur refused, as this would let him enter into deep slumber for a long time. He would prefer to make a weaker version now, especially when he planned to use his blue dragonair's energy which wasn't any much inferior to the golden dragonair's energy.

He waited, and when Gege gave him the sign, he jumped up there until he reached the top of the cauldron.

"Great," he muttered when he saw the golden liquid mixed with some blue in some places inside the cauldron. He didn't expect it to be so strong, that even standing there right now made him feel much intimidated.

'You are sure about its safety one me?' Arthur had to ask, as he felt just touching this liquid would result in killing him.

'It has your blood, so don't worry. You are secure, but if anyone else tries to be funny… hehehehe,' the golden dragon evilly laughed while Arthur simply smiled.

'Next step then,' he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before channeling his two energies inside his body at the same time.

'Didn't you say you are going to use only your dragonair's energy?' the golden dragon hurriedly asked.

'It's best to go full out, right?'

'Ding! But you might exhaust your energy in this way!'

'I have replenishing pills with me, plus I don't need to make such an effort at the next contest.'

'Why?' Gege asked.

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