Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 625 - Building A Lake City

Chapter 625 - Building A Lake City

"I understand," he then turned to his army flying silently behind, "we'll go there and clean this place up. Don't show any mercy, and try to clear everything within one day."

He knew Deem wouldn't hesitate to send off the workers once more reinforcements arrived at the city. That meant they only got one day or two at max, and during which he needed to make this place ready to construct his grand city.

The next thing happened for him to activate his technique and descended like thunder upon his enemies. Despite their large numbers, they seemed quite disarrayed, as if they lacked any suitable general or any kind of decent leaders.

And this made the task of Arthur and his elite force easier. In less than half a day they managed to clear the place, while most of the survivors ran off, seeking refuge at the nearby forest.

"Go there and scan that forest," Arthur ordered before adding, "don't delve deep, I only want this place to be secured."

The army of dragons nodded before he took out thirty corpses and turned them into dragons. He selected the bodies of those hailing from higher planes and formed thirty mighty dragons to add to his small army.

"In ten days I would have double the current number of my dragons," he muttered to himself before landing over the white shore and glanced over the lake silently.

He was lost in thought, as he realized he crossed a huge road before coming here. His life was so epic and full of turns, yet he was satisfied with what he did.

"I'll train," he decided, "this place has strange tranquility over my soul."

'I'll keep watching then,' Gege said, 'if anything happened, I'll inform you up ahead.'

He sat on the ground and started his training. During the next day nothing much happened that was worth disturbing him.

Those runners came back with larger forces, and this time they were led with some capable generals. Yet they couldn't bypass the tight security of his dragon army, or even rival their strength.

They came in large numbers and during an entire day only massacre erupted among their forces until they finally retreated with bitter defeat and great losses.

When Gege interrupted his training, he was so close to take a small step in his cultivation. "The forest…" he was surprised to see the vast sea of trees be mostly gone from his sight, and only long tongues of smoke rose from everywhere.

'A war erupted while you were training, kid,' the golden dragon said, 'this is just a normal collateral damage.'

'Ding! The enemy gathered great forces and ended up defeated.'

"Good," Arthur couldn't help but sigh, "I just wanted this forest to act as a source of wood for the city. Anyway it provided more room for the city to be built along the long shore of this lake."

He glanced again at the lake while picturing the amazing scene of his city. "This place would be really special," he already could feel that. "Are they here?"

As there was no threat worthy of disturbing him, he knew the workers were about to arrive.

'Indeed they are,' Gege replied, 'you should watch their work initially and give any instructions if needed.'

Arthur flew to the air to spot a long line of villagers coming from the direction of his base. "They are in large numbers," he said in surprise as he thought Deem would send only a few at first.

'Those answering the call are growing in size in each hour,' Gege proudly said as if this was her own achievement.

"It seems the case," Arthur sighed before he spotted someone who surprised him.

"What are you doing here?"

He went directly towards Deem who smiled as he said:

"I asked around and knew the direction you went to. Roughly put I guessed the location you'd be there and decided to come and supervise over the building here."

Arthur glanced suspiciously at him as he added to explain himself more in a whispering tone:

"I figured this might be an important place or else you won't go here in person."

Arthur inwardly sighed as this man's brilliant mind was something that he didn't account for. "Alright, I want you to start building the city here," Arthur pointed to the shore as he added, "and I want the city to open up at the lake."

"No walls there?" Deem asked in loss.

"And ruin this amazing scene?" Arthur laughed, "our villagers need to learn fishing and start using this lake via the port you'll build here."

"I guess this would require extra work then," Deem seemed quite excited, "Any more requirements?"

"Not anything special outside the norm," Arthur said while thinking deeply about the image of the city in his mind. "Send some to salvage any usable wood from there," he motioned his head towards the forest before adding, "also send scouts to search for ores."

"We brought enough with us," Deem confidently said, "we already excavated many ore mines around the big city and carried them inside storage rings."

"Also search for some here," Arthur said, "as for the security, I'll guarantee no one will disturb you."

"Good," Deem rubbed his hands together, "I'm so much excited about that port. Do you want a military one too?" he asked.josei

"Sure, why not," Arthur muttered before adding, "I recall there's a river branching from it on the other side. I believe it goes deep inside the planet, linked to other rivers and ending into the ocean. We can use that to move our warring ships anywhere we want."

"Good point," Deem nodded, "I'll try my best then. I didn't make ports before, nor ships."

"You can ask around," Arthur glanced over the great army of workers pouring towards here, "I doubt we won't find anyone with such experience amongst them."

Deem nodded before going up ahead and started organizing teams.

Arthur stayed in the air observing his workers dispersed into many smaller teams.. Some went to the devastated part of the first to salvage the wood, while others went beyond that towards the intact forest to cleave the trees.

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