Tamer of Cosmic Beasts

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: Structure of V-Valley Dukedom

Soon after, beasts started to come out, one after another they accepted Akash as their new sovereign, all for different reasons. Some were impressed by the healing miracle Haji Tea showed, others were moved when Akash confidently declared he would take revenge. While another group didn't know what to do and just went with the others. There were also many who were opposed but with no home to return, they unwillingly joined as well.

One-Eyed Wolf was ready to depart as he went to meet Shine Moose and asked.

"Aren't you coming with us? I thought you hated bloodshed?"

"I want to but I can't..."

Shine Moose replied with a sigh.

"You can, the new duke is generous. He would let you go as he did to me, then we could live peacefully."

"I cannot, my code of honour will haunt me if I leave now. I am also a contracted beast of the duke's vassal."

"I don't understand, you always wanted to live freely? You took an oath to follow me, did you forget?"

"I forget nothing, you are still my leader, and I still hate bloodshed as much as I did before. That's why I'm staying behind to end this endless cycle of death and suffering. Regarding the oath, it was only if you would become the duke. We would have been killed if Duke Akash and his force hadn't interfered, they saved our lives and I believe that he has the power to crush the other oppressors."

Moose took a big sigh and continued.

"My code of honour will always haunt me if I leave them without paying this debt back."

One-Eyed Wolf's face turned somber.

"If that is the case, then..."

The wolf turned around and began his departure.

"Farewell, my friend."

"Farewell, My Lord. If fate allows me, I'll come back after repaying the debt."

The One-Eyed Wolf didn't reply nor look back. He took his leave with 3000 beasts and went to the edge of the dukedom as per the order of the new duke.

Meanwhile, Akash Tagar was conversing with a group of dragons, the former followers of Black Dragon.

"Do you know the full geographical layout of this dukedom?"

Akash asked an old brown dragon.

"I know it very well. It is also full of valuable resources. Every other duke has had their eyes on this one."

Old Dragon replied.

"Then why has no one attacked?"

Akash asked as he raised his brow.

"Many did, but failed miserably."josei

"How come?"

Old Dragon rose and beckoned Akash.

"Follow me, Duke."

Both flew high into the sky. While there, Akash saw the valley was as big as the eyes could see and at the end of it was a huge forest. Before this, Akash did not have the luxury to explore it. He squinted his eyes to see more, with his exceptional eyesight. Then, he saw that there was a mountain range surrounding the entire valley as a fort wall.

"This entire valley resides inside your dukedom, there is a forest at the end of this valley which has many rare fruits and plants. The reason everyone failed before is because of the protective mountain range. All the invaders were completely wiped out or at least reduced to half by Black Dragon before they could even climb the mountains. Each mountain in that range is as big as the mountain on which you fought."

The dragon explained and Akash replied with his eyes fixed straight ahead.

"You are right, those are some alpine mountains."

The dragon was startled.

"You... you can see them from here?"

Akash looked at him with a side eye and replied.

"Yes, I can."

Old Dragonwas surprised, he could only see the fog-covered forest with his dragon eyes. That's why Akash's ability to see the forest and the mountains behind clearly surprised him.

"I didn't expect for the dukedom to be this big."

"Yes, it's counted as one of the big ones."

Compared to Planet Earth, this dukedom was as big as four 1st tier cities.

"Does that Duke Panther live beyond this mountain range?"

Akash asked Old Dragon and the latter replied.

"Indeed, the dukedom beyond them is ruled by Golden Panther."

"I see, I hope we can easily assimilate them into our own territory through Red Mamba without having to resort to war."

Old Dragon cackled.

"Duke Akash seems to be quite ambitious."

Akash laughed as well.

"Haha, no. I'm just a man who likes to help the weak get their revenge on the strong."

"Shall we go now, duke?"


Akash replied and both went back to the others. Once there, he picked some beasts who were leaders or had high positions. Shine Moose, Old Dragon, Grey Horned Wyvern, Unicorn Rampage Gorilla and other chosen ones were present. Akash called for the Lords and Earls from his force as well.

"We will now make the infrastructure of this dukedom. This field in V-Valley will be my palace and every one of you will be given a specific area to hunt and live in as well. If anybody crosses our land without permission, there will be heavy consequences. We will have scouts patrolling the lands as well, made mostly of those who can fly.

If any other dukedom assaults our borders, then you are not allowed to fight before sending a report to the palace first. You all are only allowed to hunt other beasts once a month and the prey should have a bloodline lower than a Star Captain, you are prohibited a beast of a high bloodline, unless it's of the enemy's side. On the remainder of that month, you can just eat the fruits in the forest that taste similar to meat, is that clear?"

The dragons and other meat lovers' stomach started grumbling as they heard that but they all still nodded. Akash then started to distribute his lands to the beasts. It no longer looked as big as before once he had to give it to all the new beasts as well.

Akash murmured

"We need more lands..."

A thought came to Akash as he widened his eyes.

"Or more contracted beasts."

Then, he ordered the beasts to disperse and they all went to their separate ways, leaving the Lords and Earls behind. Akash sent a gathering message to everyone via system, Haji asked

"My life, why everyone"

Akash replied

"I need to ask them something before making a decision."

After getting the message, all of them arrived soon after.

Once all arrived, Akash started his interrogation 

"Do you love your current beasts?"

Many gave a quick response "yes", while others wondered about the sudden question. Akash started his interrogation.

"I was asking all of you yet only half gave their reply"

Those who didn't reply flinched

"My Liege, I'm sorry and yes I do"

"I also love my pet your majesty"

All of them replied, surprisingly there was none who said no.

"This is not what I had calculated"

Akash asked another question.

"Would you leave your pets and make a new contracted beast?"

They were curiously looking at Akash before Bilawal Seth asked.

"My liege, can you elaborate? What kind of beasts you want us to make co tract with?"

"Beasts far stronger than your current ones"

Akash replied and gestured Daan and Haji

"Show them"

They opened their star dwelling and two beasts came forward from two dwellings. Haji Tea brought out Shine Moose while Daan Godlyn took out Rampage Gorilla.

After Akash ordered everyone to go, they both went to the dwellings of their masters.

"This kind of beasts I was talking about"

Everyone looked at the beasts in awe, they thought Haji was exceptional as he was the 1st one to meet and help Akash. Once they know that they can also have such calibre of the beast, they couldn't hide their excitement.

"I will cancel the contract with my beasts"

Baghi Tea was the first one to speak

Once they saw the ex-head of the family being shameless, none stayed quiet. All of them agreed to cancel their contracts for such beasts.

"What is this, didn't you love your pets. Haha I thought you would never let go of them"

Akash asked and laughed

"We do love them because we paid money for them and they are the highest bloodline beasts we could get. But, if you give us more powerful beasts then we will gladly accept them."

"Alright then, all of you have to wait for the right time. For now, I will give you something else"

Akash said

"What is it, my lord?"

Sohrab asked

"Martial Art Techniques"

Akash replied

Baghi Tea's eyes widened, he asked

"The technique same as the one you majesty gave to Haji"

"Indeed, same"

"Thank you very much, your majesty.

I always fancy the technique of Haji, the moment he told me about it"

Haji Tea flinched and looked at grandfather in shock.

"Grandpa, you had eyes on my technique!"

Baghi stared at his grandson

"Shut up, kid"

Akash laughed

"Haha, no need to stalk other's inheritance, all of you will get your own. I observed every one of you during the fight and made techniques that support the user's style and powers"

Come here Earl Baghi, Baghi wanted to dash towards Akash but he kept his emotions u der his control and went in a steady manner.

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