Taming A Billionaire


Thirteen : Fashion Breakthrough

Chapter Thirteen : Fashion Breakthrough

Maya's POV

My conscience was definitely telling the truth when it said this dress was going to get me into trouble. All Emily's idea.

Since I had no clothes left to wear for breakfast due to the sleepover, Emily decided to lend one of her clothes to me which led to me wearing a simple lacy little black dress which showed off quite a cleavage.

"This is a mistake "I murmured tugging the dress upward to cover a bit of the exposed skin which was a total failure

Emily shot me a frown?saying "No, this is a fashion breakthrough.Now stop squirming like a fish out of water and go blow those men off their feet"

And now here I am still chanting mentally , This is a mistake.

"wow" Eden gasped when he came downstairs. He stared at me hungrily like I was some food to be devoured.

"You look breathtaking " He drawled , took my hand and dropped a lingering kiss at the top of my hand that sent shivers down my spine .

"Thank you" I breathed and caught the movement of his eye when it rested on my you- know- what - I'm - talking about.

He smirked, licking the bottom of his lips and released my hand while I made a mental note not to flirt with him else I get myself into trouble. Especially before he begins to think I dressed up to impress and flirt with him.

Yeah, I might have crushed on Eden last night but after discovering him and Nik are competitive and might be seeing me as a sort of prize to be won, I backed off.

I'm done being used, Andrew showed me exactly the pain and humiliation of being used so I've had enough.

I can't afford to go through such pain again so I'll stay away ?as much as I can from trouble, a hot handsome trouble.

Nik and Tina were the last to arrive and I couldn't help but stare at him, how did such a heartless playboy get to be adorned with so much good looks and body

Ok, danger*danger* leave the body part out

"Welcome everyone" Mr Adam said as soon as everyone was settled while I scanned everyone on the large dinningtable. Aside from everyone I knew, there was also a few relatives present at the table.

Sparkling neat cutleries were placed at everyone's side while wine glasses and mugs sat beside them. And I almost forget, the napkies were there as well, very white, soft?and expensive.

Still enjoying the thrill of dinning with a wealthy family, I almost let out a startled yell when my eyes met Nik's scorching gaze.

There was something wild and untamed about that gaze that I felt electricity course through my body.

I shivered as the thought of Nik checking me out filled my head. Suddenly my heart bubbled with joy , why was the mere thought of Nik checking me out excite me this much? .

He finds me attractive? I rejoiced but suddenly frowned, I must be crazy.

Unfortunately that joy didn't last for long

I followed the direction of his gaze and discovered it was resting on my cleavage, then I felt real anger.

He wasn't checking the dress nor me out rather he was staring intensely at my.....my.....my....you know what I'm talking about ?.... and he was enjoying the sight. How could someone be so shameless?

Though my body was thrilled with the fact that I could still make a man salivate?cause Andrew did a good number on my self esteem but??I was angry, how could he stare at me that way, so brazenly with Tina beside him.

So I sent a him a blizzard like glare but he simply smirked and looked away.

Wow, I gasped.

He was shamelessly eye flirting with some girl who wasn't his girlfriend in front of his girlfriend. This guy was definitely a player to the end and funny enough ,I can't seem to remember how I got tangled with the likes of him.

Tina must have felt what was going on or maybe it was just girls instincts cause she found the cause of Nik's distraction .

My cleavage

And she sent a look that if eyes were bullets, I would be long dead .

As if on cue, the servants arrived with our food saving me from experiencing another of Tina's tortourious glare.

Everyone ate in silence just like a mannered aristocratic family, even the sounds of cutleries clicking against the plates were not heard unlike my family where kim makes most of her discussions and noises during a meal.

The silence though didn't last forever cause it was broken by the troublemaker Isabella as she requested for an island from her grandfather.

what would a ten year old girl do with a private Island? I wondered

But that was until I learned she already had three private islands to her disposal and I choked on my food.

What .The . Fuck.

And I was utterly bewildered when Mr Adams readily agreed to buy her another one with a one condition deal in between.

"What deal?"Isabella asked leaning curiously towards her grandfather and I couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint, she definitely was up to something that'll surely and when I say surely, I mean surely , will ?upset her Father.

"You go to the same school with Annabelle" Mr Adams replied with a ?confident grin but the reactions from family members weren't encouraging at all especially Nik

He stood banging his fist on the table and heaving like an enraged bull set loose by mistake " Hell, she ain't going anywhere"

"Its her decision to make Nik" Eden literally snorted while Nik sent him a deadly glare

"Fine , I'll do it " Issabelle accepted confirming my suspicion that she definitely wanted her father upset

"Like hell you would !" Nik spat

Okie dokie, breakfast's over

Soon enough, murmurings filled the whole room as everyone tried to give his or her opinion while I sat on my seat staring at the scene and praying they don't involve me in their affairs but that prayer probably didn't reach God's ear cause my fear came true

"Maybe we should hear from her nanny since she probably has the best interest of Izzy at heart" Eden said so sweetly and innocently that if I wasn't so sharp , I wouldn't be able to decipher that it was his plan to set confusion between Nik and I.

And it was working

"Of course not , this is your family business and..."

"You're her nanny whose duty is to care for her , so that makes you automatically involved with her life and matters" Eden interjected once again , sternly this time as he gained nods and ?murmurs of approval from everyone?excluding Nik

"Fine" Nik snapped "let's hear the life changing words she has to offer "

He said with heavy sarcasm and I knew that whatever I said at that moment wasn't going to please anyone .

If I lie, they'll know and if I say the truth he'll still be displeased , so I just might as well say my mind and come clean

"Urm .I.. I .."

"Just say the shit out!" Nik growled out of nowhere startling me as I gasped from the fright.

"IthinksheshouldgowithAnnabelle"I said it all out in one swift word as everyone gave me a confused stare.

"Isabelle is a loner and doesn't care about friends. So I think her being friends and going to the same school with Annabelle is a huge step into making her sociable. Moreover, it will strengthen their cracked relationship and that's all I have to offer."

I said letting my hair fall over my face like a curtain , shielding their curious eyes that I felt all over even though I couldn't see them.

I breathed, this is dispressing

Suddenly , someone slow claps opposite me and I looked up to meet Nik's eye and felt the coldness in them.

How could someone's eyes display a variety of emotion in such a small amount of time

"Wow!" Nik exclaimed still clapping .

Suddenly, he stopped , a corner of his mouth lifting slightly as he said "I didn't know I had such a good loyal advicer by my side all this time"

Sarcasm, heavy sarcasm.

Nik was taunting me, he was angry at me because I said the truth, because I didn't stand by his side.Venom laced every single word he said , he was taunting me on purpose and I knew I wasn't going to be favoured anytime soon.

"While you guys enjoy your meal, I'm outta here" Nik announced standing?up abruptly as the seat dragged against the tile floor screeching to a halt.

I heard Nik's ?footsteps as it faded away until it suddenly came to a halt...wait..what?

I turned expecting to see the aggressive frown on his face but it wasn't there.The scowl was replaced by a sardonic smirk directed at Eden.

"I bet you were all expecting that" Nik said to everyone but I noticed it was directed at Eden in particular.

He moved towards Eden leaning against one edge of the table and staring at him straight in the eye.

"Just like you said cousin , Isabelle has a right in this and since my own daughter has dedicated her life to torture me ,I'll give her the pleasure of being the queen of vengeance"

Then he pivoted suddenly , facing Isabelle who was glaring daggers at him and said

"Isabelle get your things ready, we're leaving in a hour and you might as well say goodbye to your oldhome cause you won't be coming back here. Its now us belle, you and your father"

Nik announced sending chills down my body while I noticed the goosebumps on isabelle's arms.

Gosh, Nik was scaring the poor girl but Izzy wasn't showing it, she was one brave girl capable of hiding her emotion unlike me whose like an open book.

I sighed , Nik definitely still has a long way to go on the journey of fatherhood and he should know his daughter wasn't the kind to change with brute force. josei

She was the type who can only be changed with care, the kind whose heart has to be melted first. So its just disasterious considering Nik wasn't exactly the role model to look up to when it comes to showing ?love.

After the wonderful but ended up in disaster breakfast was over , I headed to my room to pack ?my things since Isabelle would be leaving pretty soon , also I had to go to my place and pick some things up.

But considering there was nothing to pack aside from my clothes from yesterday, I lay down on my bed and shut my eyelids close hoping to relax for a while when my door snapped open .

Knowing there was no other person than Emily who would bang into my room like this, I opened my mouth to taunt her playfully for the dress

"Your dress really did wonders tod....." The rest of the words get stuck in my throat and I stilled when I recognized who stood by the door.


Her green silk dress hung her shape perfectly, her lips a perfect shade of red and her marching green heels tapped rhythmically on the floor.She was perfectly groomed and that made me feel so outclassed like never before.

Is it wrong that I hate her for making me feel this way?

I noticed the aura surrounding her and it spelt trouble,?even her body language said the same. She stood with arms folded across her chest, her mouth tightened into a thin, dangerous line.

"We need to talk" she spoke, her tone icy and I braced myself mentally for the explosion about to occur.

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