Taming A Billionaire


Forty-Three : Those Who Love You Hurt You The Most

Chapter Forty-Three : Those Who Love You Hurt You The Most

Maya's POV

"You should eat more, vegetables are very good for the body " Kim's mom gathered a spoonful of broccoli and added it to my plate while I just stared at their drama, amused mirthlessly.

" Sister, Ahh " Kim said bringing a spoonful of rice to the direction of my mouth but I shot daggers at her with my eyes and the spoon did a three sixty degrees turn

"Don't you like the food, sister? " Kim pouted her lips pitifully.

God, I feel like puking.

This sister of mine definitely deserves an Oscar award for best actress of the year ; doesn't she ever get tired of this act?

Well unlike her, I was sure to show my dislike. My stepfather can hate me for all I care - who needs his opinion anyway.

"The food is good infact awesome, it's just the face serving it that makes me want to puke " I gibed without a care.

" You ingrate! " Stepfather hissed at me but Kim's mother was there to calm him down.

" Honey dear, calm down. She's just a kid " Kim's mom placated the man who calmed down immediately.

"Maya dear " She started and turned to face me with this very bright smile that could even shame the sun.

Too bad, I'm already immune to them.

"I know we didn't have a great start but we're very willing to bury the hatchet and become friends again, revive this family !" She made her point.

Yeah revival, because you guys need me now

"We can still be the once loving family we were before, if only all of you can work together with your heart and soul. " She continued her motivational talk.

As if this family was loving before .

I yawned loudly in boredom " Doesn't it hurt stretching it this wide? "

" What? " Kim's mom stared at me confused.

"I mean doesn't your muscles ache smiling at me that way? " I asked again .

This time realizing what I meant , her expression became unreadable while the smile on her face froze

"Oh my God "I snickered aloud " The look on your face is priceless! you should take a look at the mirror "

A long silence reigned before he began " U&Q wants to donate to society by creating an Art center that goes by the name "My Eden " taking its inspiration from the Bible - Garden of Eden "

I breathed, taking in his words. Everyone knew the company 'U&G' was one of the largest electronics manufacturing company in the world that have built up a large number of different subsidiaries.

"So U&Q needs an architecture firm to collaborate with for this huge project and because of their close relationship and partnership with the Spenser's, they choosed Nik Spencer as their final decision-maker on the architectural contract and that's where you come in - You convince Nik Spencer to pick us "

I stared at my so-called family in amusement. In one word they were trying to say, they need me in order to get to the top of the ladder.

I might not be knowledgeable about business and all , but I knew that contract alone was a ticket to massive international growth and if they get that, boom! They're now on top of the food chain. Most people knows a deal with U&Q was always worth three or four million dollars at the minimum.

"And what makes you think he'll listen to a word I say?" I retorted with arms folded and a curious expression.

"I heard he has a soft spot for you " Came his reply.

I stared at him, then at Kim's mom and finally at Kim, suddenly bursting into laughter ; laughing with a maniacal?cackle.

" You guys are so funny " I laughed till my stomach hurt before my countenance turned serious.

"If you guys think you're so capable and worthy to receive the contract, then the Nik I know would definitely award it to you guys . So please, don't come pressuring me when you know you're not worthy of such a project " I spat and stood from the dinning chair.

"This is where I'll be drawing the curtain for tonight but it was nice catching up with you guys, see you never " I finalized and stood to leave but Mr HRH was there to block my path.

" What now?! " I yelled at the family who though were acting all lovey dovey with me earlier, were now outrightly scorning at me.

" Lock her up till she comes to her senses " My mom commanded and disbelief descended upon me - She wouldn't really do that, would she? Like come-on, we're talking about Kim's mother here!

But when I saw the guard approaching me and her unfazed expression, my heart sank. I swallowed numbly, she was serious.

"Mom? " I gasped, my voice filled with emotion but no response. "Mom ?" I called again and this time my shaky voice ended in a sob

" You can't do this to me! " I screamed when I felt his hands on my body, trying to take me away "I'm your daughter too, why do you hate me so much! " I shouted, punching and thrashing around as Mr HRH tried to carry me off my feet.

I watched in growing?horror when my mom simply turned her back on me and instead prompted the guard to take me away.

" No, let me go! Let me down, you moron! " I screamed, squirming and hitting that idiot on the back but he was undisturbed and strode towards God knows where.

Next I knew, I was dumped into a room like a rugdoll. Immediately, I pushed from the floor and spirited towards the only source of escape - the door but it was snapped shut before I could reach it

"Idiot ! let me out of here! Who do you think you are! " I screamed out all my anger and frustration, kicking at the door furiously but it didn't budge . josei

A terrible anger filled my heart but it couldn't extinguish the overwhelming ache I felt deep down.

By the time I was done with my ravings , I had already burnt out all my energy and crumbled to the ground.

I clutched my heart, my breath were coming in gasps.Why was it hurting so much? Throughout this years I've taught myself to stop caring what or how they think about me but it still hurts.

No matter how much I tried to ignore their contempt, disgust and disapproval in their eyes whenever they look at me but it still hurts.

My heart feels as if someone was twisting it from inside-out, I felt like dieing. Nothing breaks the heart more than having the people who are supposed to love and care for you instead hurt you the most.

Lying on the bare floor, I drew my knees up to my chest and used my arms as some sort of pillow and stared into the distance. I was very tired, I just want to rest.

Lost in a state of nothingness, I didn't even realize the sudden, loud noise and screams coming from downstairs nor when the door was forcefully opened with a bang.

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