Taming A Billionaire


Forty-six : Im Sorry

Chapter Forty-six : I'm Sorry

Maya's POV

It has been three days since my shutdown and now, Nik is treating me like I'm fragile. He wouldn't let me stand, without help; Change, without help and even walk, without help.

At first it was thoughtful of him and you know, romantic, but now it was getting irritating and depressing - For christ sake, I am not a doll !

But Nik wouldn't listen , the guy was so sturbborn and... ugh ! Self-willed , not a word I say enters his ears unless he decides otherwise.

Sitting on the bed with a bored expression, I grabbed the newspaper he had left on my Nightstand desk and flipped through the pages.

I was carelessly scanning through the headlines when my eyes snapped open as I came across a report,

' K Group on the brink of bankruptcy '

According to the news, it says the company's stock price plunged drastically overnight and lost market value of approximately a billion dollar.

I shivered when I read the news, there was no need stressing my brain trying to figure out if this was a coincidence or not, considering this happened after my short encounter with them.

It was obvious who did it, there was no need guessing. As if on cue , the door to my room slowly opened.

Nik came into my room, a tray of food in his hand as he used his elbow to close the door. He swiftly dropped the tray on my nightstand and sat on the edge of my bed, very close to me.

"You shouldn't be reading that " He said and snatched the newspaper from my grip , folded the paper in half up-to three times and dropped it on top of my nightstand.

"Why did you do it? " I asked and he assumed his usual poker face that always makes me want to rip my own face off.

"What do you mean? " he asked in a monotone, his eyes boring straight into mine.

Gosh, this intimating gaze of his!

I bit into the inside of my mouth " I mean, don't you think pushing their company to the point of bankruptcy is a little bit too much? They value that company more than their own life "

A cruel smile that sent more shivers than butterfly to my stomach curled his lips as he stated " Which is exactly why I did it " He leaned towards me and cupped my cheek with his hand, stroking it tenderly, saying

"They touched something that belongs to me, something I equally value, so it's an eye for an eye "

" I don't belong to you " I retorted and slapped his hand away " Am not a property to be owned Niklaus "

Nik's eyes hardened and I saw him clench his Jaw tightly, It's being ages since we had such an intense argument. The last time we had an argument akin to this moment, was the night I left his place after discovering he was intercepting Eden's calls.

"I won't let that viper of a family destroy you" he declared, his hand reappearing on my cheek again and I just let him be.

I sighed inwardly , I knew there was more to Nik than this devoted and loving side he shows me everyday but I was still conflicted. I mean, Yes, my family did me wrong but at the end of the day,blood is still thicker than water, right?

Or maybe, I'm just being stupid.

"You don't need to worry about your family ever again" Nik announced jerking me out of my thoughts.

" What do you mean? " I asked confused, but I was getting a bad feeling about this.

"They removed you out of the family register"

Shocked was an understatement, I was utterly flabbergasted. I tried to stand but Nik held me back.

" You made them do this, didn't you?! " I spat, eyes seething with anger and hot tears.

"They were planning on removing you once and for all, the moment they win the contract bid, so I just gave them a helping hand " Nik explained but I didn't want to believe him, he was probably making up an excuse to escape the blame.

" No "I shook my head "I don't believe you, now let me go! " I yelled, struggling against his hold.

I just wanted to confirm with my own eyes. I want to walk up to my family, look them in the eyes and ask them if they really did it? why they hated me so much? Was I an alien? I mean, some families have illegitimate sons or daughters yet live normally, but why was my own case different? W-why do they despise me so much?

" Won't you seriously wake up?! " Nik roared at me for the first time, completely stunning me. I mean, I've seen him get angry before but not this kind, never seen him show his outburst in this kind of way. josei

" Your so called ' Family ' doesn't give a shit about you and that's the fucking truth " Nik cursed out loud for the first time while I just blink and swallowed hard.

"You see all my actions as cruel but have you thought about me? Me, who was so nervous that I fucking couldn't think straight all this time you were out, huh? Me, who has been trying all kinds of shit just to prove myself to you! Have you thought about that me?! "

After his unrestrained furious outburst, Nik didn't say anything more while I stood in stunned silence, unable to come up with a response.

"I'm sorry" I finally managed to say when I couldn't think of anything more. I moistened my lips and went on

"I'm sorry for thinking you were nothing but a cold, selfish, emotionless bastard.I'm sorry for not thanking you after saving me from the wicked claws of my family. I'm sorry for being so unappreciative of your helps "

I paused, then added " But I'll really love it next time if you seek my consent before taking any decision concerning me "

That said, I stood up from my bed but he grabbed my hand asking,

" Where are you going? "

"I need to get some some air"I replied blandly, pulled my hand away and left the room.

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