Taming A Billionaire


Fifty : Im Going To Murder Niklaus Today

Chapter Fifty : I'm Going To Murder Niklaus Today

Maya's POV

As soon as we went through the revolving door that led to the large obviously maintained lobby, we instantly became the target of several curious and gossipy orbs .

All eyes were on us.

I knew my appearance with Nik was going to garner attention but I didn't imagine it was to this extent.

Everyone was watching, whispering and talking about us - well me in particular, making me wish the earth could open and swallow me whole.

Unlike me Nik was facing forward, his steps light but firm while he walked with grace and decorum, and his arms following the rhythm

of his stride

"Is she another of our boss plaything?" I picked up one of the discussions and my throat tightened.

What was I thinking anyhow, I probably wasn't the only girl he took to his office . Like seriously, we're talking about the world's number one pla- well ex-player at the moment.

"Lift your head up "

Nik's deep voice roused me from my thoughts and I realized at once I was literally shrinking back from him.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along, speaking to me with a low voice enough for me alone to capture.

"Pull those shoulders back , lift your chin and look them straight in the eyes, don't let any of them intimidate you " He said and as if operated by a remote, I obeyed with immediate effect just as a board member approached us.

"President Niklaus " A middle aged man with a receding hairline welcomed him with a handshake.

"Director Alfred " Nik accepted his handshake with this wide smile that even stunned me.

I blinked my eyes, Nik could stretch his lips this far?

"How are you today? " Nik asked breaking the handshake.

"Oh, it's fine. Just had a bit of issue to settle today " Alfred explained with a smile too before his eyes rested on me.

" And? " Alfred gestured with his eyes.

"Meet Maya , a V.V.I.P to me " Nik introduced briefly, not bothering to go into details.

"Nice to meet you Maya " Alfred said and took my hand, placing a short peck at the top of my palm.

Judging from the knowing smile on his face, I could tell he had already formed an opinion of me : I was probably Nik's plaything to him.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr Alfred " I said with a smile that didn't quite reach my eyes while drawing back my hand.

"See you later then " Nik said dismissively and strode away with all smiles disappearing from his face while I followed suit, trying to keep up with his long legs.

"I didn't know you could smile that wide ?" I questioned as soon as he pressed the elevator button.

He gave me a hard stare saying " It takes a monster to defeat a monster " and stepped in as I followed along.

Even without him explaining, I could already tell where he was heading from. As a CEO, he had many works and responsibilities on his shoulder while battling greedy competitors veering for his position.

"You're the second person" Nik said with an expressionless poker face.

" What? " I asked surprised.

"Out of the many women I've dated, you're the second person I've ever taken to my office " He answered with more details this time.

"Oh" I scratched my scalp awkwardly. He heard that? How awkward could this moment get?

I stared at Nik while biting my lips nervously, should I ask? or should I not ask?

"Tina was the first " Nik replied as if he knew the question on my mind. Was I that obvious?

"OK " I simply said and looked away.

Well, this seems better. Maybe it was good and therapeutic for our still growing relationship; exposing and confessing our dirty laundries to one another than finding out from the public and taking either of us unawares.

Thankfully the elevator opened with a ding and we walked out simultaneously, the air in there had grown thin, hot and suffocating.

"Good day Sir Nik " A guy who I surmised to be his secretary welcomed him - saving me from this awkward silence.

Nik ignored him and walked straight into his office while opening the door for me to pass through like a true gentleman.

"Make yourself comfortable" He said, gesturing to the couch sitting in the middle of his and took off his blue blazer, hanging it on the sturdy coat rack stand.

His secretary who I just discovered was named 'Ned' thanks to the name tag on his perfectly ironed shirt walked in hurriedly and began to spread out documents on Nik's desk.

"Niklaus Spencer, CEO Spencer Group " I read out loud the words written on the beautiful laser engraved office name plate resting on his desk.

Nik smiled at me as I ran my fingers through the engraving, admiring it. Sometimes it feels surreal, dating one of the richest bachelor on earth. It felt like something out of a story book, like Cinderella ; unfortunately I had a wicked biological mother and no fairy godmother.

"These are the documents for today?" I watched him ask his secretary with a businesslike tone.

I carefully observed that Nik at the office was totally different from the Nik at home. At the office he was rigid, careful, intimidating, authoritative and a bit frightening If I might say - his scorching gaze was enough to make someone buckle at the knee from fright.

But at home, he was more relaxed, playful, approachable, though domineering yet happier - when he isn't having an argument with his daughter.

He was like a chameleon, adopting effectively to his environment, dancing to the tune of any music played for him.

"Yes sir, though you have a meeting by four with D shopping complex " Ned said and I checked my cellphone.

It was one in the afternoon, meaning I had only three hours to spend with him before he leaves for the meeting.

I had to make effective use of it then.

"Get her a cup of coconut milk " He ordered his secretary as soon as he was done with his report.

I pouted my lips " Why coconut milk? " came my complain.

He's been feeding me a lot of that these few days I was down. josei

"Coconut milk is packed with?vitamins C, E, B1, B3, B5, and B6 as well as?iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus while increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol " Nik stated with a straight face leaving Ned and I dumbfounded.

"Besides " He added " It might help enlarge those" He gestured to my mammary gland with a wink.

My face burned scarlet red while my hands instinctively flew to my chest protectively before hot scorching anger made my blood boil.

I would've pounced on Nik at once had it not being for his secretary standing before him , still waiting for his final orders with a red face.

I know I didn't have much of a boobs but did he have to point it out aloud.

I'm going to murder Niklaus today.

"Get her a coconut milk drink and some waffles " He completed his order while I waited patiently for my time to strike.

The secretary nodded and left finally as I got my claws out.

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