Taming A Billionaire


fifty-five : Dont Believe A Word He Says

Chapter fifty-five : Don't Believe A Word He Says

Maya's POV

Nik straddling me on the couch and I helplessly beneath him was the scene that welcomed Eden when he stormed into the office, roaring like an injured bull.

Then he froze.

I turned to the source of the disturbance and our eyes met and held, awareness slowly returning.

I panicked and began to push at Nik's chest so he could get off me but he choose this very moment to show me his true colour.

Not only did he not budge, he used this very opportunity to lower his head and kiss me. Fully on the lips. for a very long time. Before he pulled away.

"M-maya? " Eden croaked after the long ' left me breathless kiss' . It was obvious he was finding it hard to believe I was the one straddled beneath Niklaus and intensely making out with him.

"Yeah, your one and only " I would've replied in a normal situation but Nik just made it difficult to show my face to him.

Passing him a thousand watt glare, he finally got off me but not without dropping a small smooch on my lips, irritating me further. I could already tell he was now doing this on purpose, he was trying to irk Eden and he was using me.

"Hi cousin " Nik greeted adjusting his shirt which was missing a few buttons, also creased and rumpled?from the clenching and unclenching of my hands during our passionate session.

"It seems you barged into my office at the wrong time, what if we were in the middle of doing something? " He said insinuatively and I had the burning urge to just hide my face for the rest of my life. How could Nik be so shameless?

But Eden ignored him and faced me

"You? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be having a bed rest?! " He yelled at me and I flinched.

But wait a minute, why was he transferring his aggression on me? I don't know whatever ensued between Nik and him but I was totally innocent. Why was he dragging me into their mess?

"That's not the way to talk to your sister-in-law ! " Nik reprimanded him sternly.

"How I talk to my sister... " Eden trailed off but his head jerked up with a wide-eyed expression as he realised what Nik just said. josei

"Sister-in-law?! What nonsense are you vomiting this time? " Eden huffed.

"He's right Eden, We're getting married soon " I affirmed and his expression changed.

There was this blank look on his face, as if shocked and in disbelief and I began to pity the guy but it seems it wasn't need cause Eden burst into an outrageous laughter.

"Oh my God " He laughed , tears springing from his eyes " He told you that? " He laughed harder, clutching his stomach.

I stared at him in confusion, what's so funny about the fact Nik was marrying me?

I turned and gave Nik a concerned look but he was already on his office seat with his usual poker face. Chin resting on hands and watching the unfolding drama with all his attention .

I couldn't even read his blank expression

Eden continued " I bet you that's the same sweet nothings he muttered to thousand of girls that has warmed his bed "

I frowned, that was possibly not true. I mean, mere looking at Nik and you could see marriage phobia written all over his face and, besides from the short time I've spent with him, Nik doesn't joke with his promises. He loves standing firm on his words.

So I roughly guessed Eden was trying to mess with me as he always does or there is a little atom of truth in what he's saying, after all there is no smoke without a fire.

"You don't believe me? " He snorted and folded his arms " Fine then, let me ask you " He said and ran his tongue over his lower lips - a gesture the old me would have screamed and fallen for weeks ago but it seems I've grown satiated to handsome faces thanks to the Spencers.

" Has he put a ring on your finger? " He asked, an odd gleam in his eyes.

I looked at my hands and shook my head saying "It's a work in progress "

Eden scoffed but choose not to argue on that but asked instead " Has he taken you to my father "

I pointed out " We're still taking things slowly"

He shook his head and rubbed his temple

" How gullible could you get -"

A slow clap interrupts him " What a nice performance, you definitely deserve an Oscar award for best actor of the year " Nik said, words dripping with heavy sarcasm.

"Of Course, I learned from the master " Eden admitted and in the process hinted he learned from Nik.

" It seems my gift didn't satisfy you " Nik spoke, a devilish smirk tugging on his lips.

Eden smirked too. An irritated yet covered up with a smug smirk "Of course, I received it which is why I'm here in your office, overridden with joy wishing nothing than to bow and worship you, my lord "

I stared at the both confused, what was happening here? was I missing out on something ? Why were the both of them speaking with heavy sarcasm.

I wondered what Nik did to Eden to make him storm into his office like that at the first place. But then the both have been on loggerhead with each other from the very beginning, so it wasn't that surprising anymore.

"In as much as I would love to see the end of this but I unfortunately have a meeting to attend this moment " Nik said glancing briefly at his watch before his gaze finally rested on me.

He approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist before bending to capture my lips in a sweet but short kiss right in front of Eden.

He pulled back while I tried to stabilize my beating heart that has shifted from its normal rhythm.

"Be a good girl and don't believe any nonsense this idiot tells you as he drives you home " He said and I find myself nodding to every of his words until I stumbled on something.

"What? ! " I shouted " Drive who home? "

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