Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 170 - The Day Of Flames - Part 4

Chapter 170 - The Day Of Flames - Part 4


"Mom, you have to tell me what's going on!" she whispered, reaching for her mother's hand. "Why wouldn't Dad be close to you tonight of all nights?!"

"Because he's so angry with me Elreth, and I'm sorry, I can't tell you why. I can't tell anyone! That's why he doesn't know—that's what he's angry about! But I just can't. And… I miss him so much, El," she sobbed. "I just miss him so much. I didn't realize how much of my life felt safe because of his arms around me, and his eyes on me, and… I just miss him."

Her mother dropped her face into her hands, her shoulders shaking once, then she lifted her head, shaking it, shaking her hands, "No, no. I'm not going to do this to you today. This day is about you, El, not us. We will get through this. I know we will. And we'll remember your night with joy, just as we should. Neither of us is unhappy about this—we're excited for you. It's one thing we can agree on right now…"

They talked about her father for a few minutes, and how even in the strongest relationship, barriers could appear between you. But that it was worth pursuing it to the end, until you could come back together. That fighting for your mate was a part of being together. And Elreth should never forget that.

"…that's the beauty of the Rite. It's all about choosing the person that makes your soul sing. So, you listen to me, El, walking the Flames with your father was the best choice I ever made. Ever. And I would do it again in a heartbeat. No matter what comes. He has… he is my life. And Aaryn will be yours. And that's the way it should be. So you go out there tonight and you show everyone how much you want Aaryn. You don't back down. You fight for him! And don't believe all this crap about this just being theater, or whatever. Those females will keep him from you if they can, and the males will take you from him—don't let them. No matter wh—"

The door suddenly began to slide open and they both turned to find her father peering around the side, his eyes widening when they fell on Elreth.

"You painted, El!" he said breathlessly. "What an excellent idea!"

"It was Huncer's—wait!" Elreth gasped. "Dad! I'm in my underwear! Get out of here!" she squeaked.

Her mother gave a little growl, and her father sighed and turned his back. But he didn't leave. Just put his hands up and spoke to the wall instead of to her. "There are some females out here with food that smells delicious, so perhaps you should dress, El. And… I need your mother for a… a few minutes. I'm wondering if you can miss her for a short time. I will bring her back soon, I promise. Well before the Rite."

"Well, of course. I mean—"

But her father's eyes had fixed on her mother, and when Elreth turned to look, her mother was staring back at him, her eyebrows up and jaw slack… her expression half-hopeless, half-pleading.

"Mom?" Elreth asked quietly.

"I'm… I'm fine, El," she said, blinking. But she still didn't take her eyes of Elreth's father. "You have some dinner and chat with the girls. I'll be back to help you dress and do your hair, okay?"josei

Elreth nodded and watched, smiling as her mother walked carefully towards her father like she was afraid he'd disappear if she moved too quickly.

He swallowed when she got close, then pushed the door wide so she could walk through first. But she stopped and tentatively reached up, as if to lay her hand on him, watching him for his reaction. When he didn't move away, she put her hand to his chest and they both breathed out heavily.

Elreth almost made a joke about giving them the room, but her heart was sparkling with hope and… something else. Contentment? Relief? She wasn't sure. She only knew that watching the two people she loved most in the world fall in love all over again was going to be beautiful.

And knowing them, probably a little sickening.


An hour later—and ten minutes after they'd last heard her father roar—Elreth's mother returned, swinging in the door, humming and smiling, just as Elreth had decided it was late enough that she had to begin dressing without her.

Elreth was relieved. As the Rite grew closer, her courage was beginning to fail.

What if the people revolted and wouldn't let her and Aaryn get to each other?

What if something happened to one of them in the fight and it was deemed an act of the Creator and they weren't to Take each other as mates?

What if she froze up after they left the Rite and Aaryn decided he didn't want her anymore?

"Breathe… just breathe," her mother whispered to her as she came to stand in front of her. "This is going to be the beginning of the rest of your life, and it's worth it, El. Whatever the fight, whatever the barrier you have to break through, you do it. It's worth it, okay?"

Elreth swallowed and nodded.

Huncer and Gwyn had picked the dress up from the furs, but her mother took it from them and told Gwyn to get a scarf over Elreth's hair so it wouldn't be messed up by the dress. Then she lifted it over her arms, motioning for Elreth to take off her tank top and raise her hands.

Elreth blushed at getting naked in front of the others, but at least they were all women. She closed her eyes and raised her arms, and her mother dropped the dress over her head.

There was a lot of fluffing and tugging, muttered words, and pulling bodices along the lace, but then finally her mother sighed happily and walked around to stand behind her and tie the laces. "Open your eyes, El," she said quietly, her voice sounding teary again.

Elreth did, and what she saw was a fierce woman—eyes shadowed with wings, and symbols all over her body—in a beautiful dress, her hair swept up with wisps drifting around her face. And a mother staring at her from behind her, her eyes shining with tears, beaming.

"You're beautiful, El," she whispered.

There was a sniff from one of the other women in the room, but Elreth ignored it. She took her mother's hand and squeezed. "Thank you," she said. "And I'm so happy for you, Mom."

"Me too, baby," her mother said. "Me too."

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