Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 276 - Going Silent - Part 5

Chapter 276 - Going Silent - Part 5


She was worse. Aaryn had been gone for half an hour—less!—but somehow when he got back to the house his mother was worse.

He panicked. He knew pushing her was wrong—shoving her into her instincts. She hadn't growled at him directly until he cornered her, but he didn't know what else to do. His mother had to see that he needed her! She had come back. She had to!

"Please, Mom," he said, his voice cracked and hoarse. "I'm here. I know it's been hard. But Elreth's family, they're… they're wonderful. But they aren't you. I need you.. Please…"

When he'd gotten angry, she'd started growling and pacing the two or three steps she could make at the base of the stairs. He knew it was wrong to pin her there, that she was only becoming more agitated. But his head wouldn't stop screaming. His heart wouldn't stop racing, panicking. He couldn't lose her, too. He'd be alone then. None of them left. Only him.

The others in the room faded to the background. He was vaguely aware of the wise women urging him to give her space, to let her calm, but he pushed their voices to the back of his mind.

His mother knew him. She had to see. She had to know what she was doing!

A cord of thick, hot rage twisted in his chest and he snarled at her. "You'd love me like this?! You'd leave me here alone? You said you stayed for me! Come back for me then! I'm right here, Mom! Come back for me!"

His entire world tunneled to his own pain, and the wolf in front of him. Everything else faded. Ceased to matter.

She couldn't leave him like this!

At some point she'd started avoiding him, no longer looking him in the eye, attempting to dominate and he'd stepped closer to her, raging, demanding that she acknowledge him.

Her eyes snapped to his then and her growls became a snarl.

As they faced each other down he became aware of movement behind him. But he didn't care. He didn't care who left, or who showed up. He was beginning to shake.

She had to see him. She had to listen.

She had to come back!

He lost touch with the world again, reaching for his mother's beast, pleading with her to hear him, to listen, to come back.

Her snarls became snaps and warnings that he found he almost hoped she'd follow through on. She was telling him that she'd met her limit, and her next move would harm him.

And he didn't care.

"Come back! Please!" he begged, his throat aching. "You can't leave me like this!"

Then, from nowhere, a scent hit the back of his throat—the best scent, the perfect scent. And a warm hand came to rest on his shoulder.

The beast's eyes slid to Elreth's face over his shoulder and her growl peaked.

Instinctively, Aaryn pushed an arm out to keep her back—he wouldn't put Elreth in her way when she was so close to attacking. But Elreth took his arm and tugged him back a step.josei

"No!" he fought her for a second, but then his mate was in front of him, her beautiful eyes wide and sad. Her hands gentle on his face, and her lips were making his name.

"…not going to make you leave her, I just need you to listen to me. You need to see me, Aaryn. I'm here. I'm here. Please, don't… just see me."

And her words were so close to his own, spoke a heart with the same pains, it snapped fingers in front of his face.

How long had she been there, talking to him?

Aaryn blinked and the world rushed in.

He was in his living room. Apart from his mother's beast, it was empty except for him and Elreth, who'd turned him and was standing, hip to hip, between his feet, her hands on his face, pleading with him to come back to her.

But he hadn't gone anywhere.

Had he?

He blinked again and his eyes focused and Elreth's breath caught.

"Can you hear me?" she asked quietly.

He nodded, his hands going to her waist. "I never went anywhere, I was just…"

"I know, I know," she said gently, like she was soothing him. "I just needed you to see me. Don't leave me, okay? I love you, Aaryn. I'm here. Even if she's gone, I'm here."

The meaning of those words hit him like a punch in the stomach and he grunted, losing his breath for a second.

Elreth searched his eyes while he tried to find air again. Then she whispered, "Tell me. What's happened. Tell me."

He felt his face crumple and swallowed back the tears that wanted to come—he was no pup anymore to weep like babe when he got hurt.

But Elreth's soothing hands, the love on her face, the gentle way she touched him… it all conspired to break through his walls and steal his ability to keep himself strong.

He stepped out of her arms, backing away.

Alarm lit on her face, but he shook his head. "Just… give me a minute," he said. Then looked at his mother's beast, crouched to his right, watching them both. But she hadn't run.

Aaryn swallowed and clawed a hand through his hair. He couldn't say it. He couldn't make the words.

He shoved a hand into his pocket, then handed Elreth the letter without looking away from his mother. "She's given up," he said hoarsely.

Elreth took it and read it quickly, one hand covering her mouth.

When she was done, she folded it carefully and handed it back to him. "Aaryn, I'm so sorry. I had no idea she was so bad. I'm so sorry."

"Neither did I," he said flatly. "But… but I'm going to convince her to come back. It's only been two days, Eadhye said. It's not too late."

Elreth's eyebrows pinched together over her nose. "Are you sure? I… I don't think that's how it works, Aaryn. If she gave over..." She turned and looked at his mother and her eyes, her cheeks, her mouth… it all dragged down in sadness. "Aaryn… I think she's gone. I'm so sorry."

Shocked, Aaryn stood there and let the pain wash over him as his mate read the letter and… accepted it?

He couldn't believe she accepted it.

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