Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 519 Too Late

Chapter 519 Too Late


Just minutes after her parents left Elreth was ready to crawl out of her own skin. She'd been pacing the living room, arguing with Gar, then with herself when her brother refused to engage anymore.

Rika had been very quiet, just watching and staying in the circle of Gar's arms. But Aaryn stood at the side so she paced back and forth in front of him, his eyes always following her.

She was worrying him, but she didn't know what else to do.

But she did know she couldn't stay there in that house. When her parents and Gahrye returned, this was going to launch. And at that point they were going to need more room because there would be a lot more people.

Echoes of that exchange with Gahrye kept floating through her head.

"…what happens to them when they do this? What side of the traverse do they end up on?"

"We don't know…"

Elreth bared her teeth. They were going to make sure they did know before they took whatever steps Gahrye was suggesting. When they learned exactly what was going on and how to do it, she was going to have to pull in Tarkyn and the elders, no doubt some of the Protectors…josei

"Let's go to the cave. There's more space," she said, walking towards the door, grateful when Aaryn followed immediately, and Gar sighed, but got up from his chair and offered a hand to Rika. She didn't have the patience to argue details like this today. She had shit to do—if only fucking Gahrye would—

No, she knew she had to focus on what she could do. The things she could control. Her father's advice to her over the years bounced around in her head, and she glanced at her brother. How was he so fucking calm? How could he just… sit?

He needed to be moving. She couldn't be the only one moving. She could send Gar to get some of the Protectors gathered—the best ones, in case they were needed right away. Yes.

And she could get healers and elders working on making sure there was space and resources for the Anima and their families who were going to come through from the human world. Gahrye had said forty, she thought. They would all need homes, and clothing and… who knew what else.

Elreth stepped out of her parent's tree house, her head spinning with all the little details they needed to cover and the people who would be needed—when she caught sight of a tall form emerging from the trees.

For a split second she thought it was Gahrye already on his way back, and her heart shot into her throat. What was he going to say? What was the answer?

But then he stepped out of the shadows in the same moment the breeze brought his scent, and she realized it was Reece—so tall and built exactly like his father, only their eyes were different. And Reece's hair wasn't going gray of course.

The temptation was there to ignore him and just get on with all the things that were needed, but Elreth sighed. Reece looked so defeated, so sad, walking with his head down and his shoulders rolled forward. So submissive. Yet he stank like an Alpha.

Didn't he know the language of the body?

Stifling a growl of irritation, Elreth waited on the trail to the cave for Reece to notice them and start to follow—reluctantly.

She was reminded of Gar's slowness getting out of his seat at the table. She cut her brother a glance, yes he was following, but slowly.

What was it with Alpha males and not wanting to be where she was today?

"We're going to the cave, there's more room there," she said as Reece approached. "We'll need it when the others start to arrive. You're welcome to come hang out with us."

She didn't want him to. She wanted to rant about Gahrye, and irritate her brother, and throw herself into Aaryn's arms, demanding reassurance. But she recognized the futility of it—and the immaturity. She was Queen. She was dominant. She should be comforting, not asking for comfort. So… Reece would be the reluctant recipient of her mercy. Lucky him.

"We don't bite," she joked.

Reece's eyes snapped up from the ground to her face. He didn't smile.

Well, then.

She turned and started walking alongside him.

"You know," she said gently, "things are a little different here. When you're walking around, even if you're sad, keep your eyes up. Chin low. Shoulder's back. Show them your Alpha even when you're feeling weak. Especially when you're feeling weak."

"Yeah," Reece responded, his voice dead, "My dad says that, too."

Elreth nodded. It was strange. Reece was the same age as her, only three or four months between them, but he seemed younger. As if he weren't fully mature. Perhaps the human food didn't give them everything they needed? Elreth had heard it was bad.

But Reece was full-sized. A tall male by Anima standards, still filling out, but almost as big as Aaryn. He wasn't hurting for nourishment, she decided. It had to be something else.

She signed to Aaryn who was watching the two of them, asking if he remembered Reece having any issues, physically or mentally. But she hadn't finished asking the question when galloping footsteps could be heard racing down the trail towards them.

Elreth braced as Reece whirled, his hands coming up to defend, at the same time Gar whipped Rika behind him and put himself between her and the unseen enemy, and Aaryn growled and stepped to Elreth's shoulder.

Everyone relaxed a moment later when Tarkyn's lion came running into view, followed by half a dozen horses. They all shifted just paces from Elreth and the others, sliding to a halt at her feet.

"Guards, surround the Queen!" Tarkyn bellowed and the equines spread out to circle Elreth and her companions.

Elreth frowned. "Tark, what's—"

But Tarkyn interrupted her, slapping his fist to his chest in a salute, his eyes wide and pained.

"They're here! The humans are here! They're already inside Anima!"

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