Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 554 Follow Me

Chapter 554 Follow Me


Gar gripped his hands to fists. "While Anima I admire have to fight ghosts and gods, I find myself preparing to step on hard earth, to put my hands on an enemy's throat. To sink my teeth into his flesh," he growled. All the predators snarled with him. "But make no mistake… Death is never beautiful. War will hurt everyone involved.

"I pray that the Creator goes before us and we meet this enemy with pride and strength, I pray we spill their blood and remove them from our world!" The warriors started to cheer and shout, but Gar shook his head and raised his voice more. "But more than that, more than victory, I want peace. I want to return to my… my family. My mate. I want to have a life to come back to. And I want that for you, as well." He swallowed the pinch in his throat and made his voice stronger to speak past it.

"So fight, my friends. Fight with your hearts as much as your bodies. Be smart. See no glory in death, see glory only in the next step to peace. Death is a necessary tool in war and we will use it, we will swing it like the weapon it is, and no one here will condemn you for doing it. But when all is said and done… it isn't death that will bring you solace at night. So fight, my friends. Fight because you are loved, and because you love. Fight because those stronger fought before you and we must honor the sacrifice they made—we cannot submit. But fight, too, for peace. Fight for the day we can stand here again, reunited, and safe. Fight to win life, not death."

As the cheer rose, buffeting the night, Gar swallowed and breathed, "And fight so that we can wake up in our own world tomorrow."

Rika's hand slid around his arm and he turned. He'd forgotten she was there. But she smiled and leaned into him.

When the warriors had settled, he cleared his throat for one last thought. "When we do return here—and we will—we don't know which of us will be lost to this conflict. We can't control the outcome, we are at the mercy of the Creator's plan," he glanced down at Rika, who squeezed his arm again. "But we can control how we respond to the challenges we are about to face.

"Protectors, you have not only friends and family to guard, but your own people. Carry your tribe with pride. Then return to me here, when we have stomped this enemy into the dirt. Come here and stand with me, and tell me the names of any who are no longer able to join us. We will remember them. And take heart… if you are lost to us, I pray you go to the embrace of the Creator. But know with certainty that you will not be forgotten. We will stand here when this war is won, and we will roar your name!"

​ The cheer was even louder, but Gar let himself slump, pulling Rika into his chest and holding her while the Protectors cheered and called, and the Guards applauded.

He barely heard Tarkyn address them and tell them to go, rest, and eat. They were to meet back here when the moon crested the mountain to the East. And as they assembled, the final teams and missions would be assigned.

"Go… say your goodbyes. Feed you bodies. And prepare your hearts. Tonight we walk—or fly—to war."

After a final cheer there was a lot of hugging and saluting, then the crowd began to disband, each of them walking to their families, or the trails back to the Tree City. Or wherever the most important Anima in their lives were.

Gar pulled Rika into his side, under his arm. "We're going to get some food and take it back to the tree," he said.

"I'm glad to hear that," she said, blowing out a breath. He could feel her trembling and cursed himself. Of course she was nervous standing in among all these massive Anima getting themselves prepared for war. He was such an idiot.

This was becoming real.

He looked down at her as they began to walk and his heart wavered.

Her heart beat double-time, though there was a small smile on her face. Gar swallowed. She was planning to leave the protection of his strength and go back to the people who had started this—a place she could never be safe.

He could smell her determination—and even joy. When she spoke of being able to help it brought her a true sense of satisfaction. But there was deep fear and uneasiness as well.

"Do you have everything you need?" he asked her quietly as they started down the trail.

"Yes, as much as I'm able. I just wish there was another set of hands that understood tech. Two of us could be so much more successful at not getting caught."

Gar knew she'd mentioned this before and he ached that he couldn't provide this simple help for her.

Please, he begged the Creator. Whatever she needs… please, make sure we have it.

They only had an hour and nothing knew that he could think of. So he prayed they already had whatever she needed.

He ached, knowing he had agreed to let her go. He didn't feel the strength of it. At all.

They stopped by the Market and took a sack of food, both for dinner, and for the trip. Then they hurried down the trails through the WildWood to the Royal Meadow. They had a little over an hour and Gar was eager to get her out from under the eyes of others and make the most of that time.josei

But before they stepped into the meadow proper they came across two males, facing each other, stinking of anger and grief.

Gahrye. And his son, Reece. Embracing and sobbing, and swearing.

Rika nudged Gar off the path so they could give the two a wide berth, but then Reece choked, "I can't just sit here and watch you go!"

Gar jerked Rika to a halt, his heart dropping in the same moment he understood.

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