Taming The Villainesses

Chapter 58.1

Chapter 58.1

(EP-58.1) Theo #7

058 – Silver Rookie Theo #7

━Cooo, Coooiing

The blue avian was perched, clasping my arms and flapping its wings.

Wouldn’t such a big bird be able to grab a child by the shoulders and fly away?

Even the flapping made nearby watchers back away in fear.

━That’s scary… Can you just let that kind of bird roam around like that? Shouldn’t you at least put a leash on it?

━Can you even put a leash on a bird?

━I don’t know! Anyway! Who is that person?

Their terrified gazes now turned to me. However, before any fuss and rumors could even spread, I had already left the scene with haste.

Making my way towards the research building, I looked for the location of the Professors’ research labs.

The reason being, naturally, to meet Stella Belhawk and hand over her pet, the Blue Eagle.

It was not yet 6 o’clock, so she was probably still busy and had not left her workplace. It was my first time going there, so finding the way wasn’t easy.

I said to Tweety who was perched on my shoulder.

“Guide me to Professor Stella’s lab.”


It then flew into the sky and soared in a direction. Meanwhile, I followed behind until a building full of vines eventually revealed itself.

The building looked just as old as the Truth Hall where I lived. Seeing the blue eagle circling in the sky above, this seemed to be the place.

This must be where the Young Lady of the Belhawk Family resided as a Professor.

At this time, I wondered what I should talk about with Professor Belhawk.josei

Would mentioning the fact that she was an Elf and I was a Half-Nymph give us common ground?

Or should I simply talk about having a pet?

Of course, I didn’t own a bird, or any pet in general. But I’d recently learned a bit about how to handle them, so this should work.

With that thought in mind, I entered the old-looking research building.

The hallway inside was full of dust and cobwebs. There were broken furniture, moldy papers and piled up scrolls laying all around, making this area feel like an abandoned building.

“… Is this really the right place?”

Stella Von Belhawk, like Aira, Elga and Mirna, was the daughter of a huge family.

In particular, the Belhawk family came from a big clan that united the nomadic tribes and wanderers of the Southern Plains.

It was even rumored that the Belhawk Family, who ran several businesses, exceeded the Lioness Family if it was simply in terms of wealth.

Thus, I found it hard to believe that such a noble woman was living in this dilapidated building…

“This place doesn’t feel populated…”


But Tweety had quietly perched on my shoulder.

So, this should be correct.

Going through the old furniture and dusty papers, I found Room 5 on the 2nd floor, which was labeled Bellhawk’s lab.

「Professor Stella Von Belhawk’s Lab」

‘It’s actually here.’

When I knocked on the door, some movements could be heard from the inside.

“Is Professor Stella here?”


“… Then who is answering inside? I have something to report.”


Having said so, I decided to twist the doorknob.

━Don’t open the door! You can’t open it!

There was an urgent noise from inside, followed by the sound of something falling over.

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In the end, I was unable to contain my curiosity. The sound of various shattering noises further spurred me into action.

The sight of dust rising up and down filled my vision. On the floor, bookshelves were lying irregularly, holding old books and all sorts of junk.

And in the center of this mess, I could see an elf with purple hair who was covered in dust. Said elf was patting a lump on her head.

“Aiyaa, that hurts. I told you not to open the door!”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know this would be the case. What happened?”

“I don’t know… Rather, why are you here? Don’t you know that you can’t enter the Professor’s Lab without permission?”

Only then did Stella show interest in her new visitor.

Two amber eyes quickly scanned me from top to bottom. Meanwhile, her long elf ears even fluttered up and down.

“Theo Gospel, what a rather unwelcome guest.”

“… Greetings, Lady Belhawk. I found your pet bird outside.”

The Blue Eagle sitting on my shoulder then flapped its wings and sat quietly on a horizontal perch hanging from the ceiling.

As Stella Belhawk watched the scene, her mouth widened in an “O” shape.

“Ah, you brought Tweety!? It’s usually petulant and doesn’t follow anyone. How did you catch it?”


It would make things a little more complicated if I mentioned the use of Angmar’s magic, so I thought it would be better to just answer in moderation.

“Well, we all need to have some tricks up our sleeves. More importantly, do you need my help cleaning?”

“As you should, you did open the door!”

In the end, I helped clean up the mess.

As the servant of Aira and Elga, I was used to dirty work, so it wasn’t too difficult of a job.

On the contrary, if I helped her with this kind of thing, wouldn’t Lady Belhawk’s favorability of me increase?

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