Taming The Villainesses

Chapter 91.1

Chapter 91.1

(EP-91.1) My Home #2

091 – My Warm Home #2

Marmar was overjoyed upon hearing that she would get the 10 million coins room.

“Is that really okay?”

She was like a child who received her Christmas present. Seeing her happy made me happy as well.


“But, Comrade. You don’t have that much money in your account. 10 million coins is the same as everything in Comrade’s balance. Can you do that?”

However, Marmar did not readily agree with my decision. She actually considered my own financial situation and hesitated.

Well, what Marmar said was correct.

Currently, I only possessed 12.5 million.

But, I also had my own dorm and there were plenty of ways to make more money.

I just needed to run tasks outside the city every weekend, which would help improve my magic skills as well. I could make a profit through that.

Furthermore, sooner or later, I would be promoted to Gold Rank and get more reward money.

“You don’t have to worry about me. Everything is for you, Marmar.”


Marmar trembled in surprise.

Seeing her orange eyes moistened, I thought she was about to shed tears. However, Marmar held them back. Rather, she swallowed her emotions and said courageously.

“Then, can I use those ten million coins?”

“Of course. But you have to work hard for me in the future. Think of it as advance payment. This is your money, okay?”

I then handed Marmar the thick bundle of banknotes.

However, Marmar did something unexpected.

“Mr. Agent-! I’ll sign the contract for this room here!”

… Marmar agreed to this room that had no window and bed. I almost shouted in surprise.

“What are you thinking, Marmar!?”

“It’s my money, and I’m using it how I want!”

I felt like I’d been scammed…

“Hehe-. This is now Miss Imp’s room, feel free to use it however you want. Just don’t burn the place.”


The agent handed over the key and quickly left, having finished his work. Watching him disappear in the distance, I asked Marmar.

“Marmar, what are you doing? Sign the contract with the room next door!”

But Marmar only shook her head.

“Trust me, Comrade. I have an idea! Now, we’ll start by furnishing the place first…!”

Marmar started walking somewhere, so I had no choice but to follow.

However, she wasn’t heading to a furniture store, but a studio selling paper and paint.

Marmar then bought paper, brushes and paint. Finally, she returned to the room and started painting something.

It was a window.

Marmar painted a picture of a garden with the rising sun, as if she was planning on using it as window wallpaper, and stuck it on the wall…

“What do you think? Is it good?”

“No, what is this…?”

Marmar scribbled a few more things such as ‘bed’, ‘lamp’ and ‘drawer’, then placed them in every corner of the room.

“Marmar, I don’t understand what you’re trying to do…”

“Comrade, I thought of a cheaper alternative! I will make and drill the window myself! If I did that, I think 1 million coins would be enough. The sink and plumbing will also be around 1 million coins-. Finally, the bed, furniture and other furnishings will be another million.”


“For only 8 million coins and 200,000 coins a month, I’ll be able to live in the same place as the next room, which is 10 million coins and 500,000 coins a month!”

“So you’re going to renovate the room yourself?”


‘I see.’

This was certainly a smarter and cheaper way.

“But, Marmar, is the cost calculation accurate?”josei

“Of course! I’ve looked at a lot of accommodations! The only problem is that it would take more than a month to build all this… Well, there’s plenty of time!”

Marmar was far braver and smarter than I thought. She definitely had the ability to adapt and survive different circumstances.

Were all Imps like this?

Such a thought suddenly made me curious about other Imps besides Marmar.

The Demon King Angmar created the Imps and even made them a member of his shadow corps. It seemed certain that they had a tough and strong side.

“Then can Comrade help me clean up? Let’s go to lunch after! I’ll treat you!”


* * *

Marmar and I went to the park near her lodging, “Fairy Paradise”. It felt pretty nice to have a park nearby where you could take walks.

Marmar asked while eating the sandwich she bought from a stall.

“So, Comrade, what did the book say?”


“The book with your and Saintess’ names written on it. I was curious. I just wasn’t able to ask because we got busy!”

“Ah, I also haven’t checked it yet.”

With most of the meal done, I took out the book I had brought yesterday from my bag.

「Adventure Club Class 5 Activity Report: Theo Gospel and Priga Nightfall.」

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