Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 205

Chapter 205: Was this a lucky pervert?

After dinner, they decided to return. It was already late, after all.

"I will see you later."

Fubuki's house was in a different direction, so they went their separate ways.

"Have a good night, Fubuki-sama."

"See you."

He waved his hand, watching Fubuki, who left while feeling lonely since she went home alone.

"Are you also going this way, Lily-senpai?"

"Ah, yes! I need to enter the station first, though." Lily nodded, feeling her heart beating so fast, but she asked shyly, "Is your house on the same way, Inugami-kun?"

"Yes." Tamazuki nodded. "Let's go back together then."


As they walked, they talked naturally.

She was nervous, but he was good at talking, so the mood quickly warmed up, and they talked happily to each other.

He asked her a few questions about herself, such as when did she join the Blizzard Group, why did she join, and others. Moreover, it was something she was proud of, so she also felt happy to answer his question. His question might be normal, but instead of thinking something weird or overthinking what kind of conversation to have, it was better to ask a question to know what kind of person Lily was.

He also wanted to know how Fubuki appeared in the eyes of her subordinates since his eyes; this woman was kind of let down.

There were many things they were talking about, but suddenly rain happened.

"Huh? Rain?"

Whether he or she didn't prepare an umbrella and they also didn't expect such a sudden rain, so they quickly went to the nearby building to take shelter from the rain.

"What bad luck."

He appeared helpless as he looked at the rain.

"Yes, why does it happen so suddenly?" Lily also frowned as the rain happened at night.

The distance from their location to the station was quite far. They might be able to run, but if they did that, their bodies would be drenched wet. Even worse, they might get sick.

"Well, let's wait for a while. The rain might stop soon."


The two continued to talk as they took shelter, but as they talked, the weather didn't get better. Instead, it was worse.


Suddenly, a cute sneezing sound sounded.

"Are you okay, Senpai?"

"Yes." However, Lily felt a little cold. "Huh?" Yet, she was surprised when she felt something on her body. She saw him put his blazer on her slender shoulders.

"Use that."

"Ah, um, thank you." She blushed and felt her body was hot. She felt a little warm, and more importantly, the scent of his blazer was good. She couldn't help but try to sniff it secretly.

Still, the blazer was just a blazer, after all. It just gave a little protection, and the rain made the temperature even colder.

She also worried he would get cold as he lent her his blazer. She looked around and noticed a building. When she saw it, her face flushed red. Hesitating, she gritted her teeth and tucked the hem of his shirt.

"What's wrong, Senpai?"

"Inugami-kun, how about we stay there?"

"What place?" He followed the direction of his finger and then stunned in a place. The words written at the entrance of the building were clear.

Love Hotel Heaven.


Was this the effect of [Jupiter]?

It was the effect of [Jupiter], right?

However, why not?

Still, he wondered why he didn't notice that place before.

"Are you alright with it?"

While she was why, she nodded when she heard his question. "...um."

"Then, come on."

He held her hand and led her to the hotel quickly.

However, Lily's head was so messy as she thought that possibility might happen if they stayed in that place. Her heart was beating so fast, and in the end, she hadn't regained consciousness until she entered the room.

"Senpai, we are inside the room."

"Eh, ah? Really?"

Lily was surprised, then looked around, realizing she was inside a hotel-like room. Frankly, it was her first time to come to this kind of place, but to her surprise, this hotel wasn't much different from any other hotel. Yet, it was hard to calm down since she knew what kind of place this place was.

Love hotel.

Those who were unfamiliar might get confused, but those who were familiar would understand that this was a place built for people to have sex.

She had thought that she wouldn't enter this kind of place, yet she didn't expect she would enter this place with her junior.

"Senpai, do you want to take a bath?"

"Ah, um, take a bath?"

"You don't?"

"Well..." Her body shivered because of the cold. "Okay." She felt quite nervous about taking a bath with the opposite gender, but well, she is so cold now.

"I will wait then. Take your time."

"No, I will be in a hurry since you are also cold, right?"

He only smiled and then said, "But are you still going to hold my hand? Do you want me to take a bath with you?"



Inside the bathroom, she let out a helpless sigh. As she lay in the bath, letting the warm water warm her body, she held her cheeks, feeling shy. Yet, at the same time, she wondered whether they would do something like that.

Before, she was like a delinquent and hardly had any friends. Those of the opposite gender also avoided her since who liked a like barbarian woman like her?

However, she changed because of Fubuki, and because of Fubuki, she became a hero.

As she wanted to become a hero, she also had never had an interest in the opposite gender.

Yet, his appearance changed everything.

The only problem was that he had an interest in her?

Still, she couldn't erase the thought that they might do something naughty here.

Her face flushed red before she splashed water on her face, trying to erase her embarrassment.


"Inugami-kun, I have taken a bath. You can take a bath now."


She watched him enter the bathroom, the place where she had just washed her body shyly. Frankly, she took her time, trying to clean up everything that might seem dirty, but she was also afraid to make him wait too long. Fortunately, as a hero, her physical ability was good, so everything could be done quickly.

Still, the only problem was that she didn't have her previous uniform and was wearing a bathrobe. She let out a helpless sigh and wondered how she could end up in this place with him. Yet, everything had been done, so she could regret nothing. More importantly, they didn't do anything wrong.

Trying to distance herself from thinking about naughty matters, she sat on the bed before she took a remote to turn on the television. She thought about watching something, thinking it could also erase the sound from the bathroom since it made her imagine what he was doing inside the bathroom now.

However, when she turned on the television...

"Ahn~! Ahn~! So deep~! Oh! I-I am cumming~!"

She was in a daze before she quickly reacted by turning off the television in panic. She hurriedly looked at the bathroom and could tell he was still bathing. She took a deep breath and sighed in relief that he didn't seem to notice, but even so, her heart was beating so fast.

She didn't expect that the television would play porn!

Even if she tried to calm herself, it was impossible to calm herself, but at the same time, she was also curious. She looked around once again before she muted the television and turned on the television.

Once again, an unknown scene appeared before her, yet she couldn't help but become attracted to it. She saw how happy the two of them were on the screen and thought that it might feel good.

She wasn't sure how long she kept watching, and her legs also started to squeeze, trying to hold something, but because of that, she didn't notice him, who was by her side.

"Do you like to watch this, Senpai?"


She was startled, and her heart almost stopped. However, she quickly realized her situation. "Ah, this, eh, ah, um..." She didn't know how to explain her situation!

"It's okay. It's normal to watch this."

"Um, really?" josei

"Well, I also watched them, though."


"Yes, but not so often." After all, he didn't need to watch one when he could do the real thing.

Still, the situation didn't seem less awkward as they were two opposite genders in the same room with porn playing on the television.

Nevertheless, he didn't feel uncomfortable and just stayed silent, yet it was different with Lily.

"Then, um... do you want to watch it together?"


What the hell am I saying?!

She wanted to crawl inside a hole, but...



As expected, he felt weirded out by her, yet this strange atmosphere was impossible to hide.

With him beside him, the volume of the porn wasn't muted, and the lewd voices of the actress echoed through the room.

Watching this scene, their bodies felt hot, and they happened to turn their heads at the same time. Their eyes met each other, locked, and feeling something arose from their bodies.

Tamazuki had never been someone who was indecisive.

The chance was right in front of him.

Instead of hesitating, asking, and being confused, it was better to take action first.

He moved slowly, gently toward her lips.

She was stunned, but she didn't move away. Closing her eyes, her lips were taken by him.


It was her first kiss.

It was her first time.

However, she understood how good it was.

Yet, it seemed he wasn't satisfied with only her lips, and soon, he got her body while she accepted everything, letting him do whatever with her body as she moaned like a lewd little animal.


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