Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 18 System Level

Chapter 18 System Level: 5

Nathan suddenly got up from his seat.

He said to Natalie, "I'll be going out for a bit, I forgot to buy something."

"Okay, be careful out there~" Natalie tiredly replied.

Leaving the house, Nathan went to a nearby park that doesn't have any people and sat down on a swing.josei

Then a light transparent screen that only he can see appeared in front of his eyes.

[Host: Nathaniel Fernandez

Level: LV 4+

Profit per Tap: 4 PHP (Philippine Peso)

Experience: 251,332 / 10,000

Shop: Locked]

Looking at that, Nathan can't help but become excited.

"I can now get the appraisal skill that I needed!"

Saying that, he remembered about the conversation he had with the system about the 2nd way of knowing the Soul Talent before awakening it.

[The second way is to have a skill that can peek into someone's information.]

As he heard that, Nathan, who was already down from not getting a feasible answer, just let out a sigh in disappointment.

"Hais… Where am I supposed to get a skill like that?"

But just after he said that, he suddenly paused.

He remembered something, there was a mission that is giving him a skill, right?

Nathan hurriedly bring out the mission panel and there he saw it.

[Mission: Reach level 5 by tomorrow.

Deadline: 24 hours

Reward: Shop Unlocked, Appraisal(Skill)]

When he confirmed that he did not see the rewards wrong, Nathan started becoming excited again.

With a trembling voice, he said, "System, will you please tell me some examples of skills that has that kind of ability?"

And the system's answer this time did not disappoint Nathan's expectation.

[Some examples of skills that has that ability are,

True Seeing Eye


Truth Seeker

Demon's Eye


The Wisdom of-]

After hearing the answer that he was looking for, Nathan hurriedly stopped the system from continuing,

"Stop, stop, stop! That's enough!"

[Understood, host.]

After that, the system became silent again.

But at this time, Nathan was full of excitement.

"Appraisal really can be use for that. My instincts did not fail me."

With that, Nathan became more excited for the next day to come.

Back to the present, Nathan looks at the plus sign behind his level and, without hesitation, pressed on it.

As he did so, a new system panel appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations! You have completed the mission.

Mission: Reach level 5 by tomorrow.

Deadline: 24 hours

Reward: Shop Unlocked, Appraisal(Skill)]

The next second, Nathan felt some kind of intangible power coursing through his body, before heading to his eyes.

Nathan involuntarily closed his eyes because of it.

After a while, the feeling disappeared and some information mysteriously entered Nathan's mind.

Digesting those information, he learned how to use the appraisal skill.

Nathan opened his eyes and immediately used the appraisal on himself by looking at his arm and muttering, "Appraisal!"

A new screen appeared in front of him, but this time, it is different from the system's screen.

This one feels like it's coming from his brain itself and is being projected on his eyes for him to see it.

[Name: Nathaniel Fernandez

Power Level: 2

Soul Talent: Omnipotent Farmer

Skills: Appraisal

Details: 19 Years Old, Male, Human, Orphan]

Looking at the appraisal result, the first thing that he noticed was his power level.

Through the information he digested before, Nathan knows that [1] is the average power level of adult humans.

And looking at the [2] on his power level, he can't but smile a little.

"Hehe, that Body Enhancement Pill that I took last time really was effective. My power level is now twice that of a normal adult human." He chuckled,

Then he turned his eyes to the Soul Talent section.

Seeing the word 'Omnipotent', Nathan immediately became happy.

But the next second, he was stunned,

"Why the hell is my talent a farmer!?" He said angrily,

Seeing the word 'Farmer' after the Omnipotent,

"What do you mean by omnipotent farmer!? Since when did farmers become omnipotent!?"

(AN: I'm not disrespecting farmers, if I were to do so, I don't think I can eat peacefully.)

Nathan was disappointed, he was expecting some kind of powerful Talent since he was even able to transmigrate and be bound to a system.

Nathan sighed, "Well, at least I did not get some dangerous talent. I can still safely awaken my talent although I don't think it's a good talent."

Nathan thought of a reason for him to stay positively or he might end up becoming depressed for a long time.

Getting rid of the negative thoughts, Nathan arrived on another question for himself,

"Should I use the awakener now or…"

Nathan doesn't know if there is a perfect time to use the awakener or can he just use it anytime he wants.

Detecting Nathan's question, the system answered it without being asked,

[The host doesn't have to worry about when to use the awakener. You can use the awakener whenever you want to.]

Nathan nodded in understanding,

"Okay, thanks for telling me!"

Nathan decided to use the awakener now, so that he can try it before letting Natalie use the other one some other time.

He took out the awakener that he had already put in his pocket beforehand and looked at it, still with some hesitation in his eyes.

But then his eyes became firm.

Bracing himself, he injected the green viscous liquid in his forearm!

Then he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he prepared himself for the pain that might come with the process of awakening.

But a few seconds passed and there was nothing.

Nathan slowly opened his eyes to take a look, then feeling nothing unnatural on his body, he relaxed.

"Heh, I thought it would be painful like that time I took the Body Enhancing Pill."

Concluding that there was nothing wrong, Nathan decided to go home now.

But then, just as he fully relaxed his body, unimaginable pain attacked him!


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