Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 184 Heading Back To The Surface!

Chapter 184 Heading Back To The Surface!

Dimensional Space.

Bungalow, Nathan's room.

The picture of Nathan sitting on top of the bed, sweating buckets, can be seen.

His clothes were drenched as if he was fished out of the water.

It's already been an hour since Nathan started with his breakthrough and finally, it was done!

Nathan is now a Transcendent stage man!

From now on, Mortals will be no match for him.

Nathan's eyes snapped open and he let out his breath.

Then, a joyful smile appeared on Nathan's face.

"I am now a Transcendent!"

Nathan clenched his fist and felt the strength inside him.

"From what I can feel, my strength seems to not have just gone up by at least 10 times but my energy has also gone through a qualitative leap!"

Nathan jumped out of the bed and did some light stretching.

Crack! Crack!

As he did, his bones started popping.

"Ah~ that's much better."

With a bright smile on his face, Nathan headed to the shower room and cleaned his body that was covered in sweat.

30 minutes later, Nathan went out of the house while feeling refreshed and overall better than before.


Taking a deep breath, Nathan felt his body relax as he took in the smell of nature which is everywhere inside this dimensional space of him.josei

"Ah~ What a comfort this is." He said.

Nathan walked towards the lake not far from the house.

He sat down on the edge of the water and looked at his own reflection.

"Hmm, is it just my illusion or did I become more good-looking?"

Nathan saw that his appearance is a lot better than before.

By his own standards, his appearance has come to the point where he can be one of the most handsome men on Earth.

"Ha~ Well, that's not important. I should just do the thing I'm supposed to do."

Saying that, Nathan called the system, "System, the rewards please."

[Understood, Host.]

[The rewards for the mission [Get the Spark!] is about to be redistributed.]

[You received physique +5 and spirit +5!]

After that, the notification did not stop like what Nathan expected.

A few more system messages appeared.

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the Transcendent stage!]

[System rewards are being distributed.]

[You have received Awakener ×10, Transcendent Manual ×1, Building Token ×1, Item Upgrade Card ×2.]

[As the host has become a Transcendent, the system detected that the current system has now become incompatible with the host.]

[To keep up with the host's ability, upgrading is necessary.]

[For the duration of the upgrade, the system will be inaccessible.]

[Upgrade initiating…]

[Time until upgrade complete: 167:59:58(7 days)]

Nathan smiled after seeing that after reaching the Transcendent stage, the system is generous enough to reward him with something.

But as he continued looking further down the notifications, his face suddenly froze.

7 freaking days!?

It's actually taking a whole week to upgrade this time!

That means, Nathan won't be able to access the system for that long.

Looking at the time ticking in front of him, Nathan was speechless.

"Why the hell is it taking such a long time to upgrade this time?"

In the end, Nathan can only sigh, knowing that he can't do anything with it.

After accepting that, Nathan stopped thinking about it and dismissed the system.

"Now that I have successfully reached the Transcendent stage, it is now time to go back to the surface."

A fierce light shone on Nathan's eyes at the thought of going back to the surface.

He hasn't forgotten, the reason why he is increasing his strength is so that he can fight back against the dangers around him.

Especially the Illuminati!

Although he still doesn't know much about that organization, Nathan knows that they are evil and is trying to attack him for some reason he doesn't know.

"Also Julia, I should pay her a visit soon and maybe I can learn some things from her."

With that in mind, Nathan immediately wants to get back up and proceed with his plans.


Nathan went to take a walk around the dimensional space to clear his head a little before he went out again.

He also visited the couple Mira and Arthur and talked with them about some things and Nathan learned a little bit about their love story.

But that's not important.

Anyway, Nathan went to relax a bit before he finally went out of the dimensional space.

Back into the center of the Earth.

Nathan saw that it was still the same as when he and Arthur left this place.

The stone debris that fell off Arthur's body was still on the ground, littering this throne room.

However, Nathan did not look around too much.

Because his attention immediately turned into one item in this room.

And that is, the Spark.

"I'm already a Transcendent so I don't need this anymore but, I should probably still take it." He said,

"With my help and with her own powers, Natalie should be able to reach the peak of the Energy Gathering stage soon. When that happens, she will need a Spark."

Nathan walked to the Spark but this time, there were no such events like the ground trembling or a statue moving anymore.

Standing in front of the Spark that is floating in between two pillars of stone, Nathan was able to feel some sort of barrier holding the Spark inside it.

It was shining with brilliant white light that lit up this whole throne room by itself.

And within that light, a powerful energy seems to be contained.

"This is what a Spark is like when they still haven't been picked." Nathan said,

Because the Spark that Nathan used was picked by Arthur from somewhere, Nathan did not know what it looked like when Arthur was just about to pick it.

But Nathan didn't care about it that much.

He stretched out his hand and touched the Spark.

The moment his hand made contact with the Spark, the Spark stopped shining and also fell into Nathan's hand.

Holding it with his hand, Nathan smiled,

"Now that I got a Spark for Natalie, she can now proceed with breaking through to the Transcendent stage the moment she reaches the peak of the Energy Gathering stage."

Satisfied, Nathan put the Spark inside his storage.

"Now that that's done, time for me to start my journey back to the surface!"

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