Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 221 Shy Natalie

Chapter 221 Shy Natalie

Nathan didn't care about the eyes and thoughts of those bystanders.

He lowered his head, looked inside the car through the window and said, "Why haven't you come out yet?"

Inside the car, Natalie is fidgeting, she said, "Brother, there's too many people outside, it's embarrassing."

Nathan raised his eyebrow, with a smirk, he teased, "Hmm? Are you feeling shy now? Where's the Natalie that I saw back at the anniversary party just the other week?"

Natalie's appearance right now is a stark contrast to the Natalie that calmly greeted those nobles back in her novel's world.

Natalie back then was like a proper lady who grew up in a rich household and studied etiquette from childhood.

Hearing Nathan's words, Natalie pitifully said, "This and that are different!"

For Natalie, she was able to act comfortably inside her 'own world' because in her mind, everything there is her creation, therefore, not real.

But in the real world, Natalie felt vulnerable.

Because in this world, she has encountered her own set of hardships while Nathan was suffering in the past, making her start writing to escape it.

That's why for her, this world and that world are different.

Nathan fell silent for a second. He also knows about Natalie's thoughts.

He also had thoughts of helping Natalie but in the end, Nathan decided against it.

'Natalie is already growing into an adult. I can't always be there to help her with everything.' Nathan thought silently,

Sighing, Nathan thought about it for a second and walked to the trunk.

Opening it, he grabbed an umbrella that he put before and gave it to Natalie.

"Here, use this to cover yourself. It's not much, but maybe it will help you."

After saying that, Nathan did not talk anymore and just silently waited beside the car.

A few seconds later, Natalie finally came out.

"Brother, let's go."

Without waiting for Nathan to respond, Natalie hurriedly left with haste under the cover of the umbrella.

Seeing her acting like that, Nathan can't help but find it a little funny.

Nathan accompanied Natalie until she arrived in her class before heading towards somewhere else.

Today, Nathan doesn't doesn't really have a class yet. College class will only start a month later than high school's.

The only reason he is here today is to send Natalie to school.

At the same time, Nathan also went to greet the student counselor and got to know him beforehand.

Mr. Ned, his counselor, was a young adult who has the aura of youth and maturity without a sense of incompatibility.

Since Ned's age doesn't differ much from Nathan's, they were able to talk comfortably to each other.

After talking for several minutes, Nathan said goodbye to Ned and left the room.

Walking around the school, Nathan felt comforted in his heart.

Too many things happened since he got the system and from then on, life started to become busier than ever before.

Now that he is walking around here, surrounded by the youthful atmosphere brought by the students, his heart involuntarily relaxed.

After walking for some time, Nathan suddenly stopped and stared in front of him.

Unknowingly, he has actually arrived in front of a 12 meter tall statue.

Nathan looked up at it and muttered, "This is… Saint Julius."

Saint Julius, a common priest from the old days who stood up for the masses under the oppression of a corrupt government.

He died for the sake of the common folks and was then titled as a Saint by the people he saved.

"At least that's what they say." Nathan said as he deeply stared at the statue.

After a few seconds, he turned away and started walking.

As for using appraisal on the statue, Nathan didn't even bother. He's not even curious.

After walking listlessly for a couple more seconds, Nathan arrived at the school garden.

Here you will find a lot of varieties of flowers, trees, herbs, etc.

All of it was planted during the long history of this school making it a very 'historical' place in the eyes of the people.

When Nathan stepped into the garden, his eyes caught a figure taking care of the flowers.

With a watering can in hand, she gently tilted her hand and slowly watered the plants.

As if she felt his gaze, the girl lifted her head and looked in the direction Nathan was standing.

When she saw Nathan, surprise showed on her face.

But immediately, she smiled and said, "Nathan, good morning."

"Good morning, Irish."

That's right, the girl watering the plants is none other than Irish.

Nathan walked towards her and stood beside her while looking at the plants.

With her eyes on him, Irish asked, "What are you doing here? College class won't start until next month."

"I just accompanied Natalie to school and also greeted the counselor by the way."

"How about you? What are you doing here? Where's Melody?"

This time, it's Nathan's turn to ask.

Irish seem to have finished watering all the plants.

She gently put the watering can on a stand nearby and replied, "I just decided to take a look at the school since class is about to start in a month."

Then Irish looked directly into Nathan's eyes and showed a beautiful smile.

"As for Melody, she's in my house. She's very well behaved and is full of wisdom even though she's still a child."

"That's the reason why I can leave the house without worrying that something will happen to her."

When Irish started talking about Melody, there was a certain glow that came out of her.

She's like a proud mother talking about her child who did well in school.

Nathan just listened to her for a while with a smile on his face.

Before Irish suddenly said, "By the way, Melody actually told me that she misses you and wants to see you again."

Nathan raised an eyebrow, "Is that so? I guess I should visit again one of these days."

Hearing that, Irish's face immediately lit up.

"You're really going to visit?!"josei

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