Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 52 Natura, The Tree Spirit

Chapter 52 Natura, The Tree Spirit

It took less than 5 seconds for the seed to be planted.

4 seeds of tree spirits flew out from Nathan's hand and buried themselves into the soil.

Even though there are many more seeds on Nathan, there are only 4 planting fields so he can't plant more even if he wants.

After the seeds were planted, a timer appeared above each field. Each one has a 10 minute timer countdown.

With nothing to do, Nathan decided to just sit down and relax as he waited for the countdown to finish.

"I'll go take a rest first." he muttered.

Saying so, Nathan took off all of his clothes.

It was because everything he's wearing was soaking wet after he went swimming in the pond.

Even though he acts like it's nothing on the way to the tower, Nathan has actually been feeling cold since a while ago.

Now that he is finally in a private place, he doesn't have to worry about being seen by anyone.

He entered the thatch house and there he hung all his clothes after he squeezed out all the water in it.

Feeling a little awkward standing naked like this, Nathan grabbed the bed cover from the bedroom and covered himself with it.

Closing his eyes, Nathan stopped thinking and let his mind take a rest since that's what the goal of this hiking trip to begin with.

Time passed by and soon 10 minutes had already gone by.

Nathan got up, picked up his clothes that had been dried for a while, and wore them before leaving the house.

Heading to the field, Nathan immediately saw 4 small trees about 12 inch tall in size each, which had now grown on the previously empty soil.

And on top of those trees is a small creature that has a human figure except that it has wings laying on a bed of leaves.

These are the Tree Spirits.

As Nathan approaches the fields, one by one, the tree spirits yawn as they get up from their bed of leaves.

Looking around, their eyes fell into Nathan's and they immediately became energetic and started flying towards him, circling around his head.


Nathan was taken aback, but after seeing that the tree spirits were just dancing around him, he let go of his guard and appreciated their movements.

"Ooh, so their skins have wood marks, huh." muttered Nathan.

At a closer range, Nathan is now able to see their appearance more clearly.

The tree spirits have green hair of different lengths, wings that look like leaves, and their body is covered by clothes made out of leaves.

Overall, they don't seem to be that different from humans except for their size and wings.

While Nathan was inspecting the tree spirits, the notification from the system sounded inside his head.


[Congratulations, you have completed the mission:

Plant and get tree spirits servants.

Reward: 10 gold points, Language Proficiency]

Without hesitation, Nathan claimed his rewards.


Nathan felt countless information entering his head, his face muscles continuously twitching until the information flood subsided.

"Ugh… my head feels bloated." said Nathan sluggishly.

He slowly sat down on the ground to rest himself first.

Several minutes later, Nathan felt better and stood up again.

But then, he heard voices talking out of nowhere.

"Let's have fun, let's have fun!"

"Dancin' la la la~ Dancin~"

"Happy~ Happy~"

Nathan snapped his head towards the direction those voices were coming from and only saw the tree spirits.

His eyes immediately widened.

"You guys… can talk?" he muttered while looking at the tree spirits.

Although his voice was low, it seems like they still heard it as they stopped moving and turned their eyes at him.

They looked at each other before one of them suddenly stepped forward.

Looking at surprised Nathan, it spoke, "Master, can you understand us?"

"Master? Me?"

Nathan was shocked by the way those spirits called him.

The tree spirit gave an affirmative response to his question,

"Yes, Master is our Master."

Nathan became silent for a while.

After recovering his bearings, Nathan's expression became calm.

Looking at the tree spirits, he said, "So, I am your master, right?"


"Do you have a name?"

"No we do not, Master. It is up to you to name us." said the tree spirit respectfully.

Nathan placed his hand on his chin as he thought of a suitable name.

The tree spirit just floated in front of him, waiting.

It acts calm but if you observe closely, you will see the hint of excitement on its face waiting in anticipation for the name it'll receive.

After thinking for a couple of seconds, Nathan thought of a name,

"How about Natura?"

"Natura? I like it, Master!" said the tree spirits with an excited smile.

Nathan can't help but be infected and a smile appears on his face.

"Really? That's good then, from now on, your name will be Natura!"josei

"Thank you, Master! My name is now Natura!" Natura said, puffing its chest.

Nathan nodded his head, "Then, Natura, I have something to ask you."

"Just ask, Master. I will answer it if it's within my capabilities!"

"Then, tell me what you are and what tree spirits can do."

"Understood, Master!"

Natura proceeds to speak about her race with a proud look on her face.

From what Nathan understood, the Tree Spirits are part of a race called Spirits.

There are different kinds of Spirits in the world. Water spirit, fire spirit, wind spirit, earth spirit, and many more.

Tree spirits are usually born from old plants that have gained a little bit of consciousness and take care of those trees.

But they can also be born through planting their own seeds, just like what Nathan did.

Tree spirits govern plants and so they have capabilities related to it.

For example, if they want, they can make the harvest be bountiful.

They can also control trees and so, they can make the trees move.

They also have a lot of information regarding planting, making them the best farmer.

And lastly, they can concoct herbal potions.

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