Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 136

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 136

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 136

136- They Should Know We Love Her

Thiago’s POV:

“I am ashamed of you all.” Mr. Tripper had taken us to the principal’s office with a guard to carry Jim with us.

Jim was almost unconscious on the chair, crying softly like a fucking coward. All this time, I couldn’t help but feel the scent of his flesh.

I wondered what it would taste like.

‘Stop!” | groaned at Theo, not liking where this was going.

Just one bite!’ Theo begged,

And where were you when they were all ganging up on my mate?” Maynard slammed the desk, not worried about the principal being there.

The principal advised Maynard, “I would encourage you don’t breach your limitations,” but Maynard merely grumbled and mocked in return.

“I will take notice to whatever happened with Enya,” Mr. Tripper stated but I didn’t believe that asshole. Didn’t he too try to take advantage of her?

And what about him and all the others who were caught in the video, planning something for her? How did that not make your blood boil?” Lazlo complained angrily. He was angry and rightfully so.

*They will be punished, but also, why are all you of so protective of her? I mean, I understand she is your friend’s mate but that much aggression?” Mr. Tripper had definitely caught onto it.

“Because we care for her,” Instead of letting the other two respond, I went straight to being honest. The principal and Mr. Tripper shared a look before watching me again.

“And if anybody. I repeat, anybody hurt her again, we will not stop at anything,” I didn’t care if Mr. Tripper takes it as a threat or the Principal does, I meant what I said.

“Okay!” they awkwardly bobbed their heads and said in unison. Mr. Tripper didn’t seem happy at all.

“Now if you excuse us, we have to go look for her,” Maynard told the principal and got on his feet to leave. Lazlo and I followed him after we have announced our departure too.

“I can’t believe she tolerated all this bullshit alone. She must be so sad and hurt,” Lazlo was yammering, but my head was still hurting.

*Thiago!” he stopped in his steps when his eyes landed on me, “Are you sure you are okay?” he asked and I faintly nodded my head to him.

“I will grab some jackets and then meet you near the parking lot,” i informed them before parting from them to head into the shower and calm down my muscles.

Once I entered the room, I took a quick 5 minutes shower. And once I left the room, I was surprised to see Christina in the room.

The person I didn’t want to come across because I believed she was a part of the crowd that insulted Enya.

“Thiago! I was looking everywhere for you,” she whispered, nuzzling her hands together.

“You shouldn’t,” I grunted, slamming the closet door open and grabbing a jacket. My body was getting colder with every passing minute.

“I want you to know I don’t have a hand in this,” she uttered, trying to clean her image for whatever evil reason. I closed my eyes and gave up, she wanted my attention, and she got it.

“You were there. They used you to quote that nasty statement against her. You stood there while they laughed at her. Christina!” I tightened my fist when imagining Enya being hurt, “get out of my sight.” I finished.

“No! I wouldn’t let you see me in the wrong light. She was getting all sexual and touchy with Lazlo and my brot-,” that’s when she crossed all the lines

My brain flipped and I grabbed her by her neck, “You will not look me in the eye and talk about her. You will not say her name and talk shit about her without any repercussion. I know what she is, I respect her and I will make sure you do too,” she was panicking when my hand tightened around her neck. I don’t even know what happened there but I lost my control.

**T—-hiago!” she whimpered and only then did I set her free. As I stepped back, I stared at my hand and then at her face. She was crying!

“Don’t speak to me and you won’t get hurt.” I warned her. If she thought I will be cleaning her eyes, she thought it wrong.

I didn’t plan to sympathize with anyone who had hurt Enya. I didn’t stick behind and left the room to join Lazlo and Maynard in search of


I walked closer and noticed how scared they looked.

| slowed down when my eyes caught up with Jessica walking towards Lazio.

“What? what do you want now?” Lazlo raised his voice, making her step back and not reach him. She had the nerve to come out of the academy just to talk to Lazlo.

“I know it seems like I was a part of it but trust me, this time I was only a part of the crowd. I didn’t practically do anything,” she stood feet away from us because we knew what we would do to her if she pissed us off.

“You ganged up on her, Jessica. You ganged up on the most harmless girl, you call yourself a she-wolf with morals?” Lazlo yelled while Maynard stepped away to inspect the weather.

“Why do you care so much about her?” when asking that question, Jessica’s eyes were filled with tears, “Is she the only damsel in distress?” she rubbed her palms together before hugging herself.

“If you are comparing yourself to her, let me tell you this. You are nothing but garbage and she is Enya!” the moment Lazlo uttered her name, a look of satisfaction covered his expression.

“Laz-lo!” she gasped, “please have mercy on me. I love you and you care about her only, have you ever thought how bad it hurts me?” she was just wasting our time. I shook my head and let a breath out, impatiently waiting for the drama queen to leave. Why did these girls not think of all these things before bullying her? did they seriously think they will hurt her and nobody will give a damn?

“I am in trouble, I need help,” Jessica whispered, her eyes moving as if she wanted to speak to us via her eyes.

*Please!” she almost mouthed, making no sense.

“I don’t care. Go ask your boyfriend for help.” Lazlo waved his hand in the air to dismiss her.

“No! you- please try to understand me. I am in trouble. He had mar—ked me and now I don’t know what t-o do,” her face started to turn blue, and her body shuddered visibly when saying the words that

confused me.

“Jessica! I don’t care.” Lazlo was stubborn and I understand why. She and the others had truly crossed their lines today.

“Go back into the school. We are leaving to look for Enya,” Lazlo dismissed her but she stayed put.

“Guys let’s go.” Lazlo nuzzled my elbow to get me going.

“Hel–p me.” just when we started walking, I heard a fading whisper echo through the air. I turned around but Jessica seemed to be standing silent

“What happened?” Lazlo inquired,

“Did you hear that?” I pointed in the air,


that whisper fell onto my ears once again. There was something awfully weird about it. It was bone- chilling.

“I don’t hear anything.” Lazlo shook his head whilst Maynard turned to look at me.

“Are you listening to Enya?” Maynard questioned, “Is she calling for us?” he looked anxious.

“No! it is just–” I didn’t know how to explain it to them. The whisper was filled with agony and pain. Someone was trapped somewhere and seeking out help, it seemed.

“If it is not from Enya, then we shouldn’t be worrying about it.” Maynard was not wrong but where were these whispers coming from?

Who was able to form a mind-link with me.

“Thiago! are you okay?” I was far gone in my thoughts when some guy with blue eyes and blond hair shook me awake.

“Eh?” I stared at his face in confusion. Who was he and how did he know my name?

“Thiago! now is that the time to doze off,” the other guy frowned, seriously scaring me.

I knew them from somewhere but I seemed to forget their names.

“Thiago! what’s happening? we need to go find ENYA!” the instant that guy said that name, my heartbeat went irregular and lights flashed before my eyes

I shook my head and stared at them again, I knew them. They were not strangers.

They were Maynard and Lazlo, but how did I forget them for a brief moment?



136- They Should Know We Love Her

“I am fi-ne, let’s go. I didn’t want to spook them up so I pretended to be fine.

“Are you kidding me? did she seriously think I will care for her after what she did to Enya?” Lazlo commented as he left her far behind. Thankfully, he was back to focusing on her instead of me.

*There is so much happening at once that my brain is now going around in circles,” Maynard commented for the first time in minutes.

“What do you mean?” Lazlo was briskly walking behind me to catch up with us.

“I mean, look around and see the weather.” Maynard pointed out the obvious.

“The sudden weather change is due to Enya?” Maynard asked me and I bobbed my head to him.

“Her screams can lead to that change,” I said, walking ahead of them.

Why do I not know about her powers and you know so much?” Maynard complained whilst chasing after me.

*Ask yourself,” I suggested, speeding up to the woods. We heard a guard tell us she ran towards the woods. The fact that nobody came after she made me angrier. How can they let Enya deal with pain alone?

Anyway, we were losing our shits thinking about what condition we might find her in.

“This is so unfair,” Lazlo commented, “why do they mess with such a sweet and fragile soul?” i knew he cared immensely for her just like the rest of us.

I can’t believe Enya came into our lives and made a way into our hearts. There have been she-wolves before with more than one mate, usually two but they would instantly get hated on by one of the mates.

It was different in the case of Enya!

She was just too likable and dear to us.

The wind was howling like crazy, even if she was crying somewhere we couldn’t hear her. Until we saw smoke coming out from the trees.

“That’s not good.” Maynard anxiously ran towards the area where the smoke was leaving up for the sky. I joined Lazlo and we were met with fire all over the area with Enya passed out in the middle of it.

136- They Should Know We Love Her

Thiago’s POV:

“I am ashamed of you all.” Mr. Tripper had taken us to the principal’s office with a guard to carry Jim with us.

Jim was almost unconscious on the chair, crying softly like a fucking coward. All this time, I couldn’t help but feel the scent of his flesh.

I wondered what it would taste like.

‘Stop!” | groaned at Theo, not liking where this was going.

Just one bite!’ Theo begged,

And where were you when they were all ganging up on my mate?” Maynard slammed the desk, not worried about the principal being there.

The principal advised Maynard, “I would encourage you don’t breach your limitations,” but Maynard merely grumbled and mocked in return.

“I will take notice to whatever happened with Enya,” Mr. Tripper stated but I didn’t believe that asshole. Didn’t he too try to take advantage of her?

And what about him and all the others who were caught in the video, planning something for her? How did that not make your blood boil?” Lazlo complained angrily. He was angry and rightfully so.

*They will be punished, but also, why are all you of so protective of her? I mean, I understand she is your friend’s mate but that much aggression?” Mr. Tripper had definitely caught onto it.

“Because we care for her,” Instead of letting the other two respond, I went straight to being honest. The principal and Mr. Tripper shared a look before watching me again.

“And if anybody. I repeat, anybody hurt her again, we will not stop at anything,” I didn’t care if Mr. Tripper takes it as a threat or the Principal does, I meant what I said.

“Okay!” they awkwardly bobbed their heads and said in unison. Mr. Tripper didn’t seem happy at all.

“Now if you excuse us, we have to go look for her,” Maynard told the principal and got on his feet to leave. Lazlo and I followed him after we have announced our departure too.

“I can’t believe she tolerated all this bullshit alone. She must be so sad and hurt,” Lazlo was yammering, but my head was still hurting.

*Thiago!” he stopped in his steps when his eyes landed on me, “Are you sure you are okay?” he asked and I faintly nodded my head to him.

“I will grab some jackets and then meet you near the parking lot,” i informed them before parting from them to head into the shower and calm down my muscles.

Once I entered the room, I took a quick 5 minutes shower. And once I left the room, I was surprised to see Christina in the room.

The person I didn’t want to come across because I believed she was a part of the crowd that insulted Enya.

“Thiago! I was looking everywhere for you,” she whispered, nuzzling her hands together.

“You shouldn’t,” I grunted, slamming the closet door open and grabbing a jacket. My body was getting colder with every passing minute.

“I want you to know I don’t have a hand in this,” she uttered, trying to clean her image for whatever evil reason. I closed my eyes and gave up, she wanted my attention, and she got it.

“You were there. They used you to quote that nasty statement against her. You stood there while they laughed at her. Christina!” I tightened my fist when imagining Enya being hurt, “get out of my sight.” I finished.

“No! I wouldn’t let you see me in the wrong light. She was getting all sexual and touchy with Lazlo and my brot-,” that’s when she crossed all the lines

My brain flipped and I grabbed her by her neck, “You will not look me in the eye and talk about her. You will not say her name and talk shit about her without any repercussion. I know what she is, I respect her and I will make sure you do too,” she was panicking when my hand tightened around her neck. I don’t even know what happened there but I lost my control.

**T—-hiago!” she whimpered and only then did I set her free. As I stepped back, I stared at my hand and then at her face. She was crying!

“Don’t speak to me and you won’t get hurt.” I warned her. If she thought I will be cleaning her eyes, she thought it wrong.

I didn’t plan to sympathize with anyone who had hurt Enya. I didn’t stick behind and left the room to join Lazlo and Maynard in search of


I walked closer and noticed how scared they looked.

| slowed down when my eyes caught up with Jessica walking towards Lazio.

“What? what do you want now?” Lazlo raised his voice, making her step back and not reach him. She had the nerve to come out of the academy just to talk to Lazlo.

“I know it seems like I was a part of it but trust me, this time I was only a part of the crowd. I didn’t practically do anything,” she stood feet away from us because we knew what we would do to her if she pissed us off.

“You ganged up on her, Jessica. You ganged up on the most harmless girl, you call yourself a she-wolf with morals?” Lazlo yelled while Maynard stepped away to inspect the weather.

“Why do you care so much about her?” when asking that question, Jessica’s eyes were filled with tears, “Is she the only damsel in distress?” she rubbed her palms together before hugging herself.

“If you are comparing yourself to her, let me tell you this. You are nothing but garbage and she is Enya!” the moment Lazlo uttered her name, a look of satisfaction covered his expression.

“Laz-lo!” she gasped, “please have mercy on me. I love you and you care about her only, have you ever thought how bad it hurts me?” she was just wasting our time. I shook my head and let a breath out, impatiently waiting for the drama queen to leave. Why did these girls not think of all these things before bullying her? did they seriously think they will hurt her and nobody will give a damn?

“I am in trouble, I need help,” Jessica whispered, her eyes moving as if she wanted to speak to us via her eyes.

*Please!” she almost mouthed, making no sense.

“I don’t care. Go ask your boyfriend for help.” Lazlo waved his hand in the air to dismiss her.

“No! you- please try to understand me. I am in trouble. He had mar—ked me and now I don’t know what t-o do,” her face started to turn blue, and her body shuddered visibly when saying the words that confused me.

“Jessica! I don’t care.” Lazlo was stubborn and I understand why. She and the others had truly crossed their lines today.

“Go back into the school. We are leaving to look for Enya,” Lazlo dismissed her but she stayed put.

“Guys let’s go.” Lazlo nuzzled my elbow to get me going.

“Hel–p me.” just when we started walking, I heard a fading whisper echo through the air. I turned around but Jessica seemed to be standing silent

“What happened?” Lazlo inquired,

“Did you hear that?” I pointed in the air,


that whisper fell onto my ears once again. There was something awfully weird about it. It was bone- chilling.

“I don’t hear anything.” Lazlo shook his head whilst Maynard turned to look at me.

“Are you listening to Enya?” Maynard questioned, “Is she calling for us?” he looked anxious.

“No! it is just–” I didn’t know how to explain it to them. The whisper was filled with agony and pain. Someone was trapped somewhere and seeking out help, it seemed.

“If it is not from Enya, then we shouldn’t be worrying about it.” Maynard was not wrong but where were these whispers coming from?

Who was able to form a mind-link with me.

“Thiago! are you okay?” I was far gone in my thoughts when some guy with blue eyes and blond hair shook me awake.

“Eh?” I stared at his face in confusion. Who was he and how did he know my name?

“Thiago! now is that the time to doze off,” the other guy frowned, seriously scaring me.

I knew them from somewhere but I seemed to forget their names.

“Thiago! what’s happening? we need to go find ENYA!” the instant that guy said that name, my heartbeat went irregular and lights flashed before my eyes

I shook my head and stared at them again, I knew them. They were not strangers.

They were Maynard and Lazlo, but how did I forget them for a brief moment?



136- They Should Know We Love Her

“I am fi-ne, let’s go. I didn’t want to spook them up so I pretended to be fine.

“Are you kidding me? did she seriously think I will care for her after what she did to Enya?” Lazlo commented as he left her far behind. Thankfully, he was back to focusing on her instead of me.

*There is so much happening at once that my brain is now going around in circles,” Maynard commented for the first time in minutes.

“What do you mean?” Lazlo was briskly walking behind me to catch up with us.

“I mean, look around and see the weather.” Maynard pointed out the obvious.

“The sudden weather change is due to Enya?” Maynard asked me and I bobbed my head to him.

“Her screams can lead to that change,” I said, walking ahead of them.

Why do I not know about her powers and you know so much?” Maynard complained whilst chasing after me.

*Ask yourself,” I suggested, speeding up to the woods. We heard a guard tell us she ran towards the woods. The fact that nobody came after she made me angrier. How can they let Enya deal with pain alone?

Anyway, we were losing our shits thinking about what condition we might find her in.

“This is so unfair,” Lazlo commented, “why do they mess with such a sweet and fragile soul?” i knew he cared immensely for her just like the rest of us.

I can’t believe Enya came into our lives and made a way into our hearts. There have been she-wolves before with more than one mate, usually two but they would instantly get hated on by one of the mates. novelbin

It was different in the case of Enya!

She was just too likable and dear to us.

The wind was howling like crazy, even if she was crying somewhere we couldn’t hear her. Until we saw smoke coming out from the trees.

“That’s not good.” Maynard anxiously ran towards the area where the smoke was leaving up for the sky. I joined Lazlo and we were met with fire all over the area with Enya passed out in the middle of it.

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