Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 243

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 243

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 243

243-The Unwanted Child Author's POV: Years Ago: "Ahh! My sweet little angel," Hazel was sitting by the crib, watching her little angel sleep peacefully.

She had longed long enough to have a child of her own, and her wish came true when her daughter was born. "Hey Baby!" her eyes landed on her mate getting ready to leave and she couldn't help but call for him. "Yes, honey?" Alaric walked into the baby's room and sat in the chair to take a good look at his precious little daughter. "Where are you headed?" Hazel asked, gently carrying her daughter out of the crib to give her to Alaric, who wanted to hold her before he left. "I have to go check up on Oswin," he mumbled, stealing eyes from Hazel because he knew she didn't like him talking about'Oswin. "Why?" Hazel asked in a bitter tone. "Mom called. She said he wasn't doing well." Alaric didn't know how to tell his mate that he had to take responsibility for Oswin, too, as he was his first mate's son. "So? Can't she take him to the hospital?" Hazel was not at all happy to hear Oswin's name being said in the house. She thought this kid would grow up to demand attention and time from Alaric. "Babe! Just like little Enya over here, Oswin is also my son. I left his mother pregnant when I fell for you. She gave birth to him all alone and then died the moment he was born. He had lived with my mother, deprived of my love and affection. Now that my mother is also sick, somebody needs to be there to take care of Oswin. He is just a one-year-old boy" Alaric didn't want to upset Hazel, but he couldn't turn his back on his son, and that's exactly what bothered Hazel. "That's ridiculous." She snatched Enya out of his hands and stood far away from him. "I cannot let this happen. Just because his mother died doesn't mean he will demand the time that my daughter deserves. So, Alaric, you need to make a decision today. Either you stay with us or with your son" Hazel has grown pretty cold-hearted with time. The only thing she cared about was her wishes. She had placed Alaric in a spot where he couldn't help but stare at her face. "He is my little omega boy. If I leave his side, this world will eat him alive." Alaric almost sounded offended that Hazel even suggested something so disgusting. "And what about Enya? She is our special little girl. She needs your protection more than that boy," Hazel was shaking in anger when yelling at Alaric, not caring if she had woken up Enya from her sleep. Enya was only a month old, and the parents had already gone crazy. "That's why let me bring him here. The two can be siblings, and

Oswin will take good care of her." Alaric smiled at the thought of his little boy growing up in front of his eyes, but that irked Hazel even more. "Wait a minute! Have you been planning to bring him here all this time?" she gasped as she realized Alaric tricked her into thinking he would never go against her wishes. "There is no plan here. He is my son, and I am worried about him." Alaric was now talking in whimpers. His heart was aching for his poor little son, who didn't have anyone to take care of him. The grandmother had developed Alzheimer's; there was no way she could take care of Oswin anymore. "You don't need to worry about him. The little boys who grow up on their own are any way capable of taking care of themselves. They adapt to the betterment and grow up strong." Hazel was ready to do anything to prevent Alaric from bringing Oswin here. "Bu–," Alaric tried opening his mouth again, but it angered Hazel into hugging Enya so tight that little screams escaped her lips. That was a warning for Alaric to not go against her. "What are you doing?" Alaric yelled at her, watching his daughter cry helplessly. "If you don't choose us, we will have no one to protect us. Then it is better that we both just die." Hazel made deep eye contact with Alaric and he understood what she meant. "Of course, I am not leaving you." He had made a choice. No matter how evil Hazel was, he was still in love with her. He chose Enya over Oswin. "See! Daddy chose you" Haze giggled while giving Enya back in her father's arms. "You stay with her. I will go attend the door." Hazel let Alaric stay with Enya and went to open the door. It was midnight, and she had no idea who had arrived at this time. "He--" as soon as she opened the door, Mrs. Gray barged in and slapped her hard across her face. "You told me you could save my boy, and it is taking you months to do anything now?" she started screaming the instant she stepped inside her home. Hazel was tolerating her attitude because she wanted to get paid. "I gave birth to another boy like you had asked me to do, and now what?" Mrs. Gray was worried about her son, Geralt, who would turn 5 soon and die. "We have to feed your baby Maynard's blood." The moment Hazel said those words, Mrs. Gray's eyes jumped out of their sockets, "What are you talking about? Maynard is only turning 1. How can I feed his blood to Gerald?" A mother never knew she would hear someone tell her to sacrifice her one child for the other. "It is your decision. You have to pick one of them," Hazel explained what needed to be done, and now Mrs. Gray has to make a decision. As for little Oswin, life turned out pretty hard for him when his grandmother forgot to lock the door and he

crawled out one night and lost his way. He grew up in orphanages and then got adopted by a random family of drug addicts. He went from living with one family to getting adopted by another. But what Hazel said was indeed true. He grew up strong and learned to defend and protect himself. But deep down inside, he was still a broken person who waited and waited for his father to find him and take him home. A/N: How do you feel about this chapter? What do you think about Enya's mother and Oswin's situation?

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