Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 249

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 249

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 249

249-Looking For A New Mate

“Lazlo! what is wrong with you?” I left the room after him to have a word with him. He acted as if he caught me cheating on him.

Thiago saw us walking toward the academy‘s exit, so he followed us in silence. It must be hard for him to see me chasing after Lazlo and giving him a priority. It was just that at that moment, Lazlo needed to hear me out before he manages to think something gross and later regrets it.

“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you?” Lazlo finally stopped getting away from me when we were out on the road. He turned to give me a very quizzical glare.

“What did I do now?” I asked out of frustration.

“How would you feel if you saw me hugging some girl?” he asked, pointing a finger at his chest aggressively.

“You need to calm down first,” I said, as I felt annoyed at him judging me on the basis of one hug

“How can I calm down? His mate died just a few days ago, and he is already finding comfort in you. Oh! And let‘s not forget, your wolf is desperate to help others.” He was yammering and hurting me with his mentality. Lazlo had a habit of talking nonsense when he got angry. It is almost as if he purposely tries to hurt others after they hurt him.

“That‘s not going to happen because he is–” I was about to talk when Lazlo continued to interrupt me.

“Please be honest with me. Did you feel a mate bond with him too?” He questioned, but before doing so, he took a step back from me to show me if it would be very bad if I did.

“She cannot control the mate bond,” Thiago spoke up from behind me. Lazlo glared at him and then looked at me again.

“Maybe it will be better if we get to talk alone without your bodyguard mate threatening me with his eyes.” Lazlo‘s change in attitude towards Thiago was not only surprising but alarming, too. How did he go from wanting to be his brother to not standing in his sight?

Was it that easy for him to change his mood and opinion towards someone?

“Do you want me to leave?” Thiago asked me instead of listening to Lazlo. I glared at

Lazlo for a moment and then faintly nodded my head to Thiago. He bobbed his head, not looking upset that I asked him to give us some privacy, and walked away.

It was nice to see someone respect my decision without making me feel like I was asking for their kidney by demanding sometimes.

“Do you have any idea what kind of bullshit you are spewing out of your mouth?” || started hard on him. There was something weird going on with him. He was acting as if Thiago had come later in the picture. novelbin

“I am talking about what I saw. Listen, Enya! Thiago might not take you seriously, but I do. I will not make the mistakes he made and lost you,” the aggression Lazlo showed surprised me. He basically touched this subject insensitively.

“So, he made mistakes by letting me do whatever I wished to do? Weren‘t you the one who asked me to not worry about it because it wasn‘t my fault? Do you say all those things just for the purpose of ending the conversation at the moment, or do you ever mean anything you say?” I raised my voice as frustration began to eat me alive.

“Wait! I am not done yet.” Just when I saw him opening his mouth to argue with me, I interrupted him.

“You say something to me and then go around and say something completely different to someone else. Your opinions change with situations and with your mood swings. At this point, I really don‘t know what you think of me.” I was shaking angrily when looking him in the eye and blabbering my heart out.

“I love you, is that not enough? I love despi––,” He shut his mouth while leaving me confused.

“Despite what?” I inquired.

“I saw you with Oswin.” He whispered under his breath this time.

“Lazlo! he had been there for me when none of you were. He lost his mate and I want to be there for him. I want to be there for my alleged brother,” as soon as I said that, he frowned and narrowed his eyes at me.

“Poppy told me he was my brother,” I finished, and Lazlo stretched his head back and sighed in embarrassment.

“Why didn‘t you tell me that?” Being ashamed and guilty of his outburst, he clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“You didn‘t give me time. I was talking to Thiago, and I brought it up. He convinced me to do the right thing so,” just when I thought we could just be grownups and stop this argument, he caught another word of mine.

“He knew before me?” The scoff he left out on his lips made me uncomfortable.

“I have no idea what I should do or say now.” I gave up. He was acting completely ignorantly and stupidly.

“Maybe you should try being honest with me once,” Lazlo said, finishing the conversation and walking past me to the academy. It was frustrating that he didn‘t even let me respond to him again.

He was so much better when he was a friend. Now I can‘t find a single way to keep him happy. I returned to the academy, and the first thing I noticed was a crowd standing on the ground. The environment was so tense that my body started feeling heat erupting through my skin.

“Hey,” I heard Thiago approach me first. Lazlo was quick enough to stand on my right, and within a few seconds, Zander too stood behind me. It was as if they were protecting me

“That‘s unfortunate.” Mr. Tripper‘s voice fell into my eardrums. “May her soul rest in peace.” My muscles stiffened at the word choice.

“What is going on?” | asked, trying to peep through the shoulders. It was pretty obvious somebody died, but who and how?

“Jessica is gone!” Lazlo uttered, making me cover my mouth and let out a gasp of shock


Jessica is gone, and the monster is looking for a new mate. What do you think Enya and her mates need to do?

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