Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 257

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 257

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 257

257- The Hybrid Ruined Me Maynard's POV: After that night, they treated me like a scumbag. I haven’t done anything yet. They accused me of many things.

Sometimes I wonder what it feels like to be a favorite son.

What can I possibly do to become my mother's favorite child? Dad was barely around.

Things were good between him and Mom, but it was almost as if Mom was the one doing the most in the relationship.

She even promised her dad she would prepare Geralt as the best Alpha ever.

She never talked about me.

My dad once mentioned he would have to send me away for training, but the idea was dropped immediately when he noticed how weak and timid I was.

Mom told Dad to not send me anywhere.

She expressed her fear of others bullying me for being too weak to be an Alpha.

"Don't come out of your room," Mom warned me before she walked out of the room to have dinner with Olivia and Geralt.

The three were always hanging out and having fun.

It was just a bit hard for me to understand how a mother could completely ignore her other son.

That night, when they went to bed, I sneaked out of my room to grab something quick to eat.

Mom has starved me the whole day because she only wanted to feed me whenever Geralt was supposed to drink my blood.

I didn't know what kind of monster my brother was, but he was surely not a werewolf anymore.

He was stronger than I was, or a normal werewolf would be.

I had kind of learned a few things about him.

And the first thing I noticed was that my mother had ordered the guards to burn down all the vervain from the pack.

It could only point to one thing: my brother was a hybrid now.

But how? I shook all the thoughts of grabbing something to eat first.

A brief commotion in the distance made me wary of something going on in the basement.

I knew there were weapons in there.

Why, and who could be in the basement? "What is going on?” It scared me to go look into the basement, but the cries were getting louder and louder.

I convinced myself to man up and check up on whoever was screaming for help.

Once I was near the staircase, I could easily tell it was Olivia’s voice.

My steps receded once I recalled how manipulative she could be.

"What if she is making it all up to lure me to the basement?” || asked myself in confusion.

"STOP!" as she let out another cry, I couldn't help but take the stairs to check on her.

My heart couldn't allow me to leave anyone in pain.

Once I managed to reach the basement, I found a sight so horrifying that my body froze for a minute.

Geralt was forcing himself on her while she was fighting him off.

There were a lot of missing pieces in this situation.

Why the heck were they in the basement, and why was there a bag full of weapons? “Maynard! Help me,” it was then she saw me standing afar and shaking in my skin.

Geralt turned around to look at me and then let out a chuckle.

“What is he going to do?” he taunted.

"You need to let her go." I tried to get a word in edgewise, but Geralt only let out a scoff in response.

“This bitch was stealing weapons from us.

And I know she was the one who tried to hit on you.

We have damn cameras in the house.

Did she really think I would not find out the truth? I gave this bitch respect and even thought about making her my Luna, but some sluts are just good for the streets." His demeaning words shook my entire body.

No matter what she had done to me or what she was stealing from us, this punishment was not justice.

It was his ego that made him commit a crime.

that tug of war, she snatched the pendant off my neck.

The universe seemed to have gone silent at that very moment.

My body felt a burst of energy as I heard a voice from inside me.

‘I am here.’

It was my wolf.

I understood what had happened.

That fucking pendant kept me from getting my wolf.

My own mother did all this to me.

Now that I had my wolf, I no longer felt weak.

I pushed him back, and he hit the ground in shock.

"What are you doing?" The injection had already started its work.

So Geralt couldn’t stand on his feet anymore.

"I am doing what I should have done way earlier." I grabbed the gun from the bag and pointed it at him.

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