Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 263

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 263

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 263

263-19 Might Get Steamy Ever since Maynard told me he found an unknown scent on Christina, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

It must have happened recently for her to still have the scent on her.

I remember when she walked into the room, her top was all messed up.

Could it be that she was someone else while we thought she was in Mr.

Tripper's office? "You have been so silent this entire time," Christina whispered, smiling at the others at the same time.

We finally attended the dinner she had planned with her brother for Maynard.

They actually set everything up in the cabin itself.

"Are you and Lazlo having trouble?" she asked, trying to connect with me.

"No! it is just a bit uncomfortable coming back here," I didn’t lie.

I was uncomfortable with so many things occupying my head.

As for Lazlo, he hadn’t been very talkative.

I guess he finally understood his tongue got him in a lot of trouble.

"Hey!" Zander brought attention to himself when he raised a glass.

“We all know why we are here tonight.

It is to honor my sister and her mate." He pointed at Maynard, who gave him a forced smile.

Obviously, he was still thinking about Christina and what he had felt earlier with her.

"When I first heard she wanted him as her chosen mate, I wasn’t on board with the plan.

I thought she was rushing and not looking around for other options.

I mean, I knew who could be a better mate for my sister than an Alpha, but he had cheated on his mate around that time.

So I wasn't sure if I could trust him with my sister.

However, in the past few months, he had proven himself to be a better person and a better choice for my sister.

Tonight is a night where I accept their relationship and wish them the best of luck,” he cheered with us, making us enjoy the wine.

I noticed Thiago scanning and observing Zander's body language a lot.

Every time Zander would talk, Thiago would only smirk and roll his eyes.

It was almost like he knew something, but not at the same time.

"Can I have an announcement, too?" Christina instantly got on her feet to add something.

I noticed the quizzical stares from Maynard when she smiled at everyone.

"We two have marked each other," she finished, and applause hit the air.

I believe it was after that night when she found me with Maynard.

Maynard must have marked her to prove he was not planning on leaving her ever.

“Wait! Don’t rub it in our faces.

Very soon, I will also mark my mate," Zander joked, but Christina’s smile washed away.

She stared at her brother in silence and then looked my way.

It was almost like she was judging me.

This is exactly what I was talking about.

She acts up really quickly whenever she hears her brother say my name.


“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

You missed your chance." I took it upon myself to ease the tension.

The way his sister was watching us made me feel like we had cheated on her.

"What happened? What did I miss?" Christina had a very forged smile on her face when trying to learn more from us.

"We all decided to mark Enya in the woods a few nights ago.

While we were able to mark her, Zander couldn't," Thiago said as he leaned back in his chair and shook his leg.

It was awkward watching him examine Christina’s reaction.

"Why? I mean, why was I not made aware of it?” She was trying to act normal, but her face was giving it away.

“Because you were busy with your mate.

I thought I would also inform you once I mark my mate,” Zander defended himself before she accused him of keeping things from her.

"I get it, but why weren't you able to mark her?” It was weird the way she was bombarding him with questions.

"He said her blood tasted like poison to him," Thiago answered, making us all frown at him.

Zander never said that.

"Hey! don't make me look bad by adding this comment.

I never said that, I said her blood is bitter because she hates me and is not ready to accept me as her mate," Zander had a frown on his face when responding to Thiago, who causally mouthed sorry for using a wrong phrase and sipped through his wine.

"Hm! And you are planning a date night with her?" Christina’s questions turned every one to her.

"I am sorry, but I don't see why my brother has to chase after her nonstop.

Why don't you see she is running from you? She wants to accept everyone but you.

Shouldn't that be a hint to you?" her sudden outburst left her amazed.

It was as if every time she would hear her brother trying to be with his mate, she would flip out.

"Christian! My dear! I am your brother, not your mate.

You don't need to be jealous of my mate." Zander let out an uncomfortable comment that caught Maynard’s attention.

The look he passed through Zander gave me chills down my spine.

What was he thinking? He then broke the stare from their faces and made deep eye contact with me.

Wait! Was he suggesting that the scent was Zander? "Let's not argue.” Lazlo tried to clear the air, but the tension was too strong for us to look away from.

"In fact, I would like to leave the dinner early and take my mate out on a walk for my midnight date with her.” The way Zander slammed the napkin on the table was just too aggressive.

He was pretending to be fine, but the clenching of his jaw was prominent.

"May 1?" He stretched his neck around and then pulled his hand out for me.

Everybody was now watching me for a reaction.

I did want to know what was going on between the siblings because both my and Maynard’s lives were connected to them.

“Sure!” I answered, and accepted his hand.

Probably upsetting many in the process.

"You can back down now because, I am telling you beforehand, things might get steamy between us,” Zander whispered in my ear as he helped me out of the chair.

I didn’t back down.

I would love to see how he could impress me.

And the others should also see that they shouldn't take me for granted.

So I was on board for this after-midnight date.

************************ Do you think the scent is of Zander's? What do you expect from this date? Let me tell you this, Enya won't stop him if he starts something.

I will update more chapters in the next few hours.

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