Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 266

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 266

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 266

266 The Wolf Without Canines "Thiago?" I called for him, running out of the cabin with the others. We started looking for both the missing boys right away.

"I don't know what is going on," Lazlo commented while matching pace with mine.

“I’m so scared for Thiago.

What if the monster took him away, too?" I screamed in fear.

Thiago being missing from the cabin didn't seem like something we could ignore.

Zander went missing from the open area, but the cabin? That was supposed to be our sanctuary.

"What about Zander? My brother took you out on a date, and all you have on your mind is Thiago.” Christina suddenly hit a pause and turned to us.

Her eyes glared at me when she yelled at me.

I wasn't really responding to her because I understood her feelings.

“Maynard! Keep her under check.

If she yelled at Enya for one more time--," Lazlo pulled me behind him and warned Maynard, who had been supporting and comforting his mate like a good Alpha mate.

Our argument met an end when a loud, ear-splitting scream deafened us.

The entire air went silent for a moment as agonizing cries filled the silence.

"What was that?" Maynard asked, his eyes growing in horror.

I could feel goosebumps on Lazlo's arm while holding him.

"That's Zander!" Christina gasped, looking around with big tears in her eyes.

“Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!” Another scream filled the air.

It was clear Zander was in agonizing pain.

My heart sank in my chest at the worst thoughts.

"Oh My God!" Christina cried, sprinting in the direction of the voice.

I followed her along with the others.

It was all my fault; 1 should have asked him to return when we first heard the monstrous growls.

It was on the other side of the woods where we spotted someone hunched over and crying.

It was Zander.

The closer we got, the more horrifying his sight turned.

His mouth was filled with blood while his body was covered in scratch marks.

"What the fuck?" Lazlo exclaimed in fright, stopping next to him.

"What happened?" Christina dropped to her knees to make her brother raise his face.

"Ughhhhuuhhhhhh!" Zander let out another cry, sitting on his fours and grunting.

"Hey! Spit out whatever you have in your mouth." I reached him and gently placed my hand on his back.

He was in pain and the only person who could comfort him was me, his mate.

"Back off." Christina slapped my hand and tried to push me when Lazlo jumped between us and helped me get on my feet.

Zander spat out whatever was causing him to bleed, and our eyes grew in size.

"Those are his canines!" Lazlo announced, stepping away from me.

"Fucking hell!" Maynard was shocked, just like the rest of us.

“We need to carry him inside.

The monster could still be around.

It's not safe to be out here." I was the first one to break the trance and see Lazlo and Maynard carry Zander back to the cabin.

They did as I had asked them to and soon we reached the cabin again.

The moment we stepped inside, we saw Thiago walking downstairs while rubbing his eyes.

"Thiago! Where were you?" I ran towards the staircase whilst Zander was getting adjusted on the couch.

"I couldn't sleep on the mattress, so I took the bed upstairs.

What's going on? What happened to him?" Thiago said, not making eye contact with me.

He even rushed past me to check on Zander.

"What happened to him?" Thiago crouched down to get a good look at Zander’s face, who had moved past the moment of pain and was now just grunting angrily.

I was stuttering when remembered what happened.

"We are --- near the waterfall when the monster attacked him.

"And instead of trying to help him, she ran back," Christina, who obviously had an issue with her brother dating me, shouted as she pointed at me.

I understand she was in pain, but now she was being unreasonable.

She seemed to want to prove me at fault for the entirety of it.

"Because I couldn't trace him down with my magic." | raised my voice at her once, and her brief outbursts angered me.

“That’s so weird.

You are all powerful when you have to save Thiago in the field, but as soon as my brother's life is in danger, you are all miserable." Christina questioned my morals, objecting to my behavior and calling me biased.

"That's the question we should ask Zander," and Thiago's statement turned our attention to him.

Everybody looked at Thiago to judge him for darting eyes at the victim.

Zander turned his head to Thiago and glared at him.

"Why couldn't she trace you?" Thiago then hunched down and placed his hands on his knees to stare at Zander one more time.

"How would he know? That's her magic, she should know.

Or probably it's because she hates him," Christina interrupted him and scoffed.

That was not true.

I didn’t hate him.

"No! The only reason she cannot locate him is that he doesn’t want to be located.

But why?" Thiago repeated himself, making me baffled by what was going on in his head.

"Do you not see what state my brother is in? He got his canines pulled off.” Being a twin, Christina felt like she needed to defend and protect her brother.

"I don't understand why the monster would do so." Maynard sat down with Zander, scanning his face.

“So that Zander cannot mark her,” Lazlo said.

“That’s it.

We were supposed to mark her to protect her.

The monster attacked Zander so that he could not mark her,” he explained further, and all of us shared a stare.

"But he will get his canines back, right?" For the first time, Christina didn’t pass comment on me and asked Thiago.

"It's complicated," Thiago answered, not looking very satisfied with the situation.

"Once the canines are pulled out, they take some time to grow back,” Thiago then informed her that it was not going to be that easy for her brother to get his canines back so soon.

The look on Zander’s face was filled with horror.

I genuinely felt bad for him.

All he wanted was for me to just let him mark me, and he paid the price.

"I will fucking destroy whoever did this to me," Zander groaned, glaring at each of us as if accusing us of his condition.

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