Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 269

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 269

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 269

269–The Lost Siblings

Enya‘s POV:

“I don‘t want to talk about it here.” I eyed Lazlo for choosing the wrong time and place to discuss it.

“I was not going to talk about it but I was—” Lazlo turned his face to the other side sadly.

“I cannot deal with this. Christina needs me. I need to be there for her.” Maynard was shocked when Lazlo found out about that one minor mistake.

“I think we have far bigger issues in our hands than talking about something that isn‘t even our business to discuss,” Thiago returned to acting causally. One would think I should be happy that he trusts me, or maybe he doesn‘t even care anymore. But it just upsets me. It was as if Thiago didn‘t care who I ended up with anymore.

Nobody spoke about it again. Zander slept upstairs, Maynard and Christina shared a mattress, while others slept on their own mattresses. I slept on the couch. This weekend away from trouble didn‘t go as we planned.

We returned to the academy after Zander expressed his wish to leave the cabin. He kept accusing us of everything because we suggested the cabin.

He hadn‘t made any snarky jokes or flirtatious remarks to me either. I assumed he believed we did it so that he could never talk about ever marking me again.

“Why is it that every time we want to have some fun we end up in trouble?” Lazlo jumped into his bed and complained, but Thiago ignored him.

“Are you alright, babe?” Maynard grabbed Christina‘s bag and helped her unpack. She gave him the faintest nod and then sat down in his bed.

“He doesn‘t even want to talk to me. What did I do?” She was complaining to Maynard about her brother not wanting to speak to anyone, not even her.

“A werewolf‘s canines are just like a man‘s dick. They hold a lot of importance. Anyway, he will come around sometime. It will take him a month or two to grow them back.” Maynard was helping her with her stuff and comforting her simultaneously. I had been getting messages from Oswin asking me to meet him in the hallway.

It was just going to be awkward because I had planned to tell him about Poppy‘s comment. He deserves to know.

“I will be back in a minute.” I don‘t know who I announced it to because Lazlo was busy on his phone and Thiago was in the bathroom.

Once I was in the hallway, I found Lazlo walking after me.

“I thought you were busy on your phone.” I stopped in my tracks and looked at him.

“I don‘t know what to think about this whole accepting all my mates‘ shit, but it was not supposed to turn you heartless.” His comment was more like a sad cry for help than a taunt.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked, knowing very well what he was talking about but trying to sway the argument for now.

“You were with Maynard that night, and you didn‘t even care about telling any of us? You do know Christina and Maynard are serious about each other, right?” His eyes held questions. He was judging me, for sure.

“Laz—,” he cut me off before I could finish.

“So, what is going on now? Are you two back together?” The hurt in his voice told me he was upset about something else and wasn‘t able to express his emotions correctly.

I have been noticing how messy he got after I accepted him. It‘s one thing after another.

“Lazlo! That‘s not the case. We are not together. He hugged me one last time before he moved on into a relationship with

Christina. My hair got stuck in his chain and he just— but it was nothing, it meant nothing.” Instead of being dismissive of him, I explained things better to him.

“Okay!” he replied, not finding excuses anymore.

“You talked about impregnating me because you felt Maynard‘s

scent on me? You didn’t want to do it with me so you made yourself sound like an asshole so that I could push you away and we didn‘t have to do it,” I stated everything in one breath and found his jaw hitting the floor.

“Lazlo! It is okay to express your feelings. You don‘t have to look for excuses to express your emotions. Just be direct with me.” || noticed how shocked he looked. It occurred to me back when he talked about the scent of Maynard on me in that cabin.

“I will be in the room.” He was obviously still not ready to talk about anything. He left me in the hallway, and soon Oswin appeared.

“Hey!” he awkwardly waved his hand at me.

“You look better,” I said, giving him a side hug.

“Well, I have lost a lot in my life. I eventually got over it.” That awkward smile broke my heart. “But I want to know the entire truth about Poppy from you. What did she do?” being the genuinely understanding person he was, he wanted to know

everything from me.

“For starters, she planned your attack, my abduction, and the ––––“I paused, feeling the pain surge through my body once


“I knew you were there. But what did she do?” Oswin asked again.

“She killed my unborn inside my womb,” I said quietly, covering my face with my hands.

“What? Enya! Why didn‘t you tell me you were pregnant?” He instantly grabbed my hand and pulled me into a comforting hug.

“I found out when they had abducted me. I couldn‘t even get a chance to tell the father of the baby. But it is all fine now.” | broke the hug to give him a smile. Our conversation was supposed to move forward without any interruption.

“The father of the baby? Let me guess, Thiago Shepard?” He frowned but then smiled weakly. “He is a good dude. He took care of you every time you were in trouble, didn‘t he?” Finally, he understood why we had to kill Poppy. She was just evil.

“And you! You have always been there for me. I used to wonder why, but now I see it. Maybe the blood relation does that to you.” My words formed a frown on his face. “Oswin! Poppy said we are lost siblings.” As soon as those words were spoken, he

stepped away from me with a judgmental look on his face.

“No! you can‘t be her daughter,” the way he said that and anger filled his eyes, I reckoned he didn‘t like hearing that.

“I can‘t be whose daughter?” I asked, panicking at his reaction.

“The one who ruined my childhood.” The tears in his eyes made me gasp.


Oswin doesn‘t want to be Enya‘s half–brother. Your thoughts on it?

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