Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 286

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 286

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 286

286 The Devil Wants To Claim Her Corbin's POV: I had been sitting around, waiting for my father to come and tell me what was going on.

He had been gone for hours after he told me to not leave home.

"When is Dad coming over?" I asked the guard, shuddering my feet.

I was not sure what was so imprinted, but I heard somebody talk about the academy, and my mind went straight to Enya.

"He will be here in a few minutes." The guard informed me, standing at the door as if he could stop me from leaving if I wanted to.

Then Dad appeared, his face contorted with annoyance.

He was in his suit, so he must have run out of the office when this situation occurred.

"What's up?" I asked, folding my leg over the other and leaning back even more comfortably.

He sat down and cleaned the sweat from his temples, then passed me a judgmental glance.

"Leather jacket and black pants? Why aren't you dressed up for the meeting?” I knew he would start complaining the instant we were together in a room.

"Is that what all this emergency talk is about?" I rolled my eyes.

I didn’t plan to visit his office anytime soon.

And I have a responsibility to study and get extra lessons for the Alpha King title.

The last thing I want is to take part in his business as well.

“Corbin! You need to mend your ways.

Look what happened when you acted out of your mind on her 18th birthday.” It was weird that Dad brought that incident up once again.

"Why are you blaming me for it? You were the one who told me to persuade her into letting me take her virginity and impregnate her," | almost raised my voice out of frustration when trying to tell my father if he hadn't pressurized me into doing something so stupid, she would still be with me.

"I told you to make her sleep with you, not with that filthy sister of hers.” Every time he would talk about this incident, his dad had the same excuse.

"That was the only way to make her feel pressured.

I thought she would understand if she wasn't going to give me her pussy, somebody else would.

I didn't know it would be so easy for her to ditch me and the Luna Queen title,” I grunted when recalling her face when she refused to be with me.

"You should have known she is not your typical girl.

You were supposed to mate with her and impregnate her.

Do you have any idea how strong your kid would have been?” Dad reminded me of her powers that I didn't care about.

He made me give her some pills to keep those powers under check, but it all went down the drain once she was sentenced to stay in the academy.

“Corbin! We are messy.

Our anger issues get us into trouble.

Things have been piling up against us behind closed doors.

I am afraid the counselors and the other pack alphas will soon start objecting to our royalty.

We need a powerful hybrid baby who can guarantee us this title of Alpha King and the power for our next generations." Dad cared too much about his status.

I did, too.

But that wasn’t why I was attracted to Enya.

I liked her.

It was just that she was not too obedient and would run her tongue wild without thinking about who she was talking to.

But I guess that she can learn once she gets here.

There are many ways to teach someone manners and obedience.

"So, what is the point of having this discussion now? I told you.

I will have her the moment she leaves the academy," I reassured my father Enya was mine.

There was no way I would let her slip.

I made a mistake and rejected her out of anger, but she hasn’t accepted my rejection yet.

I made sure we didn't come face to face again, and the next time we did come face to face, I was going to accept her back.

“Things have turned dirty this time.

Somebody killed Mr.

Tripper in the academy.

The cops have taken Enya into their custody.

She exposed herself as a hybrid.

You know what that means, right?" The moment dad reminded me what exactly was the trouble here, my heart slipped down my chest.

"They have my mate?" I let out an uncomfortable chuckle.

"They took Enya away and nobody told me?" I was staring at my father dead in the eye.

"Listen! She is ---- she is going to be sent to the lab to get some experiments performed on her---," From the look on my face, Dad knew that whatever he was saying wasn't being received well by me.

"Dad! They are not going to send my mate anywhere.

As for the lab, they can go fuck each other and the monsters, but not my mate.” I couldn’t believe my wolf was exploding with anger.

Although Enya made me look bad in front of everyone, I still loved her.

It would be fun to have a mate around who messes up, and then I punish her till night comes around and we make up in our bed.

I’d love to school her.

“Well, you should have taken care of her.

Now that she is out in the world, she is running around doing magic and trying to save her mates.” Hearing that word from my dad's lips made me angry.

He knew how much I hated the idea of anybody talking about Enya and her Alpha mates.

"One rejected her, didn't he? I will take care of the others myself.

As for her, the cops are not going to take her away from me, dad.” | warned my father when I got up on my feet.

"Even if it means | have to give her the title of the Luna Queen this very instant,” I said as I prepared to leave.

"Where are you headed to now?" Dad questioned with a concerned look on his face.

“To sharpen my canines.

I have a mate to mark." I fixed my jacket before exiting the living room.

"I am coming to claim you, my mate," I muttered under my breath when rolling into my car.

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