Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 289

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 289

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 289

289 After So Long

After I told Corbin I was ready to accept him as my mate, he told the cops that he needed time alone with me. Being in a car with him after so long and not fighting was so awkward.

“I know it is not easy for you to be in the same car as me, but I promise to make new memories with you.” Corbin seemed pretty relieved. He had been smiling and making promises left and right when I had made it clear to him that accepting him didn‘t mean I was going to give him a chance. He wanted to win me over. He can try, but that doesn‘t mean I will fall for him again.

“I will be fine here,” I said while getting out of the car and staring at my home. Not exactly my home, but somewhere I lived and thought they were my family

“I will walk you in,” he suggested, and even though I shook my head to dismiss his idea, he walked out of the car to accompany me. I was the one who rang the bell. I could have gone with him to his mansion as he suggested, but I would rather be here than with him in his mansion. It is not like I accepted him out of my free will.

“Will you ever pay attention to the door? I cannot do everything myself,” I heard Vinona complain as she opened the door. She had to blink her eyes just to make sure she was seeing me there.

“What in the world are you doing here again?” Not even a welcome. That is how much she disliked me.

“Unfortunately, it is still my home.” I rolled my eyes at her, shocking her with my attitude.

“Look at you. I thought you would learn something from your time at the academy. It seems like they only made you worse.” She forced her body weight onto her one leg and crossed her arms over her chest to scan me.

“Well, nobody can mend what‘s not broken.” I shrugged my shoulders, trying to walk past her when she blocked my way.

“Why are you here? Do you need your old clothes or something else?” She freed her hands and rested them on the door frame, completely blocking my vision from looking behind her.

“I am here to stay for a few days.” I didn‘t want to tell her I had a case filed against me for hiding my identity.

“Why? Who gave you permission?” The way she was asking me all those questions, it was pretty evident that she wouldn‘t let me in.

“Tsk tsk tsk,” Corbin, who had been leaning behind the wall and staring into space for a while, finally showed up in the frame, and her eyes seemed to have jumped out of their sockets.

“Alpha King Corbin.” She heaved a yelp of shock and bowed down in respect to him.

“I cannot believe you are holding us at the door.” Corbin shook his head in disappointment, making Vinona step aside instantly with a fake smile covering her lips.

“Of course not. She didn‘t tell me you were here.” It sounded more like a question as to why he was here with me. “Please come inside.” She was nervously rubbing her hands together when she let us in.

“I will go wash my hands in your bedroom.” Corbin was way too confident in the way he casually walked upstairs, as if it was his home. Maybe it was because he used to come here back when we were friends.

“Is it Dad? Did he bring me a new phone? Mine is acting u––” before Vinona could question anything, Elaine‘s high–pitched voice spoiled the atmosphere. She stopped in her mouth when her eyes picked up my sight.

“What the fuck is she doing here?” The anger and aggression were from the time Thiago played her just to expose the truth and my innocence.

“Elaine! It is inappropriate to mistreat the guests,” Vinona chewed every

word while eyeing her to not raise her voice at me.

“I am not a guest here, though. This is my home.” I knew I was pissing them off by saying all these things, but it has been so long that I wanted to tell them they were fucked up pieces of crap that ruined a little orphan‘s


“Mom! Why are you not saying anything?” Elaine was holding the TV remote when she yelled at her mom and complained about me.

“The Alpha king is upstairs,” not wanting to explain the complete story,

Vinona mentioned what they thought was the most important information.

“What?” Elaine‘s face turned pale. “Corbin is here?” The broken smile and then the realization there was no hope for them was all too visible on her face.

“Yes, he came with her,” Vinona said, and the two fell silent for a moment.

“Why? Why is he here with you? What are you two doing together? Do you not remember how he played you, hurt you, and made you look in front of everyone?” Elaine sounded desperate when trying to give me reasons as to why I shouldn‘t even be walking around with Corbin so comfortably.

“Everybody makes mistakes. What matters is if they come around, apologize, and beg you to accept them.” I stood face–to–face with her and smiled, looking too confident for her liking.

“He begged you to acc–ept him?” Elaine was in shock, and why not? Everybody knew Corbin. He would rather die than accept that he had made a mistake.

“Well, he did. I don’t know what it is about me but these Alphas—– they just cannot stop chasing after me.” I was being petty, but the anger was rooted in all the painful childhood memories. She had been a horrible

person to me behind closed doors. I always thought my escape would be marrying Corbin, but I was wrong.

“So you have other mates too, and he is okay with it?” Elaine was constantly trying to look for reasons to break us apart.

“I don‘t mind who she accepts as long as she accepts me. I am ready to give up my ego and preferences for her.” Corbin walked downstairs with a smile on his lips.

That was it. He was able to poison them with his statement.

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