Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 292

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 292

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 292

Chapter 292

He bent down on my neck and breathed on my skin, preparing to mark me. My gaze was fixed on his phone; I‘m not sure what my mates will think about me staying with my ex. novelbin

Corbin‘s sharp teeth were able to bring me back to reality and feel the pain of marking. It was surprising because I didn‘t feel it with Thiago and Lazlo. Well, I was getting marked by my third and unwanted mate.

Corbin‘s teeth pierced through my skin whilst he grabbed my back and pushed me over his chest. I knew he had informed me it was a night where I wouldn‘t be able to control my urges if we marked each other. Or even if one of us marked the other.

I felt his hand running up and down whilst he took his teeth out and then rested his lips on my neck.

‘Nia, what is going on? Why are we unable to pull away from him?‘ I asked in confusion.

‘It is not easy. He is our mate now. We have accepted each other.’ She replied, ‘And the full–moon, I don‘t know how to control myself when I want to mate with my mate.‘ She sounded sad that she was not able to help me in this matter.

‘I am sorry for making you go through this mess. I had to avert his focus from Thiago. Him and the officers will try to get their hands on Thiago,‘ I answered, and was brought back to reality when I felt Corbin kissing my neck and holding me in his arms.

I was beginning to melt reluctantly. It was the freaking full–moon. He

was playing with my butt, his hands squeezing my body and feeling it on his.

As I opened my eyes, I saw Lazlo‘s broken image behind him. He was yelling at me and asking me why he was always the last one?

*Why not me? Why am I always the last one in everything?*

My heart broke when I saw him this sad. I cannot do this to him. He deserves to have me first before Corbin does.

I steadily placed my hands on Corbin‘s chest and tried to push him away, but he was completely gone by his emotions.

“Oh! I forgot you have to mark me back,” he finally lifted his face from my neck and said while shaking his head. One could tell he seemed drunk, even when he hadn‘t had a drink.

I watched him gulp and constantly shake his head. Maybe he was mesmerized and sort of sedated by the touch.

“I am sorry! I am losing myself,” he said. It was how I felt just a few moments ago before I pushed him away. If I hadn‘t controlled myself, I would have lost it completely and ended up in bed with him. But it wasn‘t over yet.

I have to mark him now, and the Goddess knows what will happen when I do so. He was not in his control because he had marked me, so I can expect the same for myself.

“Don‘t you think we should wait and I should mark you tomorrow? I can already see how bad this is. I don‘t want to—,” I couldn‘t even finish when he hugged me tightly and buried his face in my neck.

“I love you, Enya. Please don‘t leave me again,” he whispered on my skin. “I don‘t want anyone else as my mate, please!” he begged. I remained still whilst he kissed my neck and licked my skin till my earlobe, and then pushed him away a little.

“Mark me,” he said, his eyes red and showing emotions, “I will give you the files, just mark me,” he claimed as he reminded me of his promise.

So there was no other way

I couldn‘t use my magic because back when they arrested me, they injected a mixture of herbs into my body to prevent me from using too much magic. The only thing I could do was to make fog clouds.

“Please,” he begged once again, “I can even save your other mate, Thiago. You know, if they say he is special, they will try to get to him one way or another, just not on record.” His statement got me to thinking about the way Pierce reacted when Wiz asked him if they should run some tests on Thiago.

Maybe they didn‘t want it to be done publicly?

It was crazy how I was able to resist the pull even on the full–moon, but the moment Corbin mentioned Thiago, I lost all control over myself and gave up

I closed my eyes and reached for him, defeatedly. I couldn‘t even reach him until he bent over me and hugged me, resting his face on my neck.

I was now breathing on his neck and frowning in agony. This is not how I wanted my life to go. It was sad that I had to mark this mate who tried to rape me.

How was he any better than Tripper? The only difference was that he couldn‘t succeed and Mr. Tripper succeeded in ruining many girls‘ lives.

Shoving all the thoughts aside and, ready to do anything necessary to keep my mate safe, I opened my mouth and pierced my teeth through his skin.

It was the first ever time that I had marked my mate. His blood entered my mouth, and I almost wanted to drink more.

His grip tightened over my body while I perfected the mark on his neck. Now that we were marked mates, I was feeling a little intoxicated, too. He raised his face from my neck and smiled at me.

Cupping my face in his hands, he bent over my face and crashed our lips together. My mind was all over the place. All I could see were my mates standing behind him.

I didn‘t even feel like I was in Corbin‘s arms. I was standing at the door, watching my mates for the first time.

Maynard had just come out of the bathroom after taking a shower. His

hair used to be long back then. Thiago was playing with a gun, and Lazlo was making out with Jessica.

“No!” And then I woke up. “I am not mating with you.” There was no intoxication left in my body anymore. I was fully awake.






Enya Stopped herself, do you think she can stay focused before the night comes to an end? Btw, check out Christina‘s Visual on FB my Alexisdeeee

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