Tasting All My Mates

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 300

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 300

Tasting All My Mates By Alexis Dee Chapter 300

300-Dragged Around Naked.

Author’s POV:

Years Ago:

Emelia had fallen asleep while Hazel had gathered her coven to get the truth about Emelia out.

“I don’t think she would do such a thing. Emelia is the best candidate to be our future mother witch.” The mother witch couldn’t believe she was being told Emelia had run out to make out with a werewolf.

“If you don’t believe me, go check her quarters. You will not find her there because she is currently sleeping in Alpha King’s bed.” Hazel watched everyone gasp and pull their nose up in disgust at Emelia, and it gave her a weird pleasure.

“Send someone to her quarters,” Jolline yelled, shaking a little but trying to compose her posture at the same time. Mother Jolline had taken them all under her wings and promised the ancestors to keep magic alive.

“I am sure they will not find her there. But here is something you should know. She might be having an intimate session with Alpha King right now.” Hazel tried to sound upset, but deep down inside, she was very pleased with Emelia’s being a fool.

“Mother Jolline! I’m afraid to say this, but Hazel is right. Emelia is not in her quarters. I tried looking for her everywhere but she is not here,” a witch informed Jolline, making her stare at Hazel in shock.

“Fine. Then take me to the mansion,” Mother Witch demanded as she found her trust breaking.

“Mother Jolline! You cannot go outside this sacred place. What if somebody finds out about you?” Another witch stepped forward to stop

Jolline from leaving the forest, but she was more adamant about seeing Emelia with her own eyes than believing Hazel’s words.

“I will be fine. Get me the scentmill,” Jolline told the others, and they brought a scentmill to disguise their scent. Soon she drank some and gave some to Hazel. She had no idea Hazel had already hidden her scent. The two left the forest to catch Emelia.

Hazel knew it was over for Emelia. If Jolline finds her near the mansion, she will kill Emelia. She couldn’t wait for that to happen. Hazel can obtain all of the necessary magic and become the future mother witch. But for that, she has to reassure Jolline that she is a perfect choice.

“I can tell him you are Emelia’s mother.” Hazel was making up excuses to convince Alpha King why they were visiting the mansion. However, she was now panicking at Shaun’s telling Jolline that not only had Emelia visited him, but Hazel was also there.

“I don’t want to speak to any werewolves. We will wait for him to leave or her to come out. That will be enough for my eyes,” Jolline said, following Hazel into the woods near the mansion.

“Then this place is the right one for it,” Hazel suggested, mentally thanking Jolline for not wanting to speak to Shaun. They stayed there, and soon they saw Shaun coming out of the mansion and getting into his car to leave

They didn’t get to see Emelia. It only meant one thing: she must still be inside.

“We can sneak in now.” Hazel suggested, and Jolline did a double take on her face.

“How do you know so much about this place?” She glared into Hazel’s face, who looked pale for a moment before a perfect plan popped into her head.

“I ran after her here. I wanted to stop her. She had an argument with me, so I reckoned there was no way I would be able to prevent all this from happening. Hence why I ran back to the forest to collect you and bring you here.” Hazel showed no guilt, looking confident when lying like always.

“You did the right thing.” Jolline appreciated Hazel’s concern, but her heart was not ready to find her favorite student going behind her back and having a relationship with a creature who hates their existence.

The two walked out of the woods and marched towards the entrance. Hazel knew Shaun didn’t like having guards when he wasn’t around, so it didn’t take much time for them to walk into the mansion.

“Huh! Look what they got for themselves. So many luxuries and beautiful décor while we rot in the forest. I will never forgive Emelia if I find her here,” Jolline stated with tears in her eyes.

“Well, I am sure she doesn’t care about your forgiveness, or she wouldn’t have done that.” Hazel gestured at Jolline to follow her. Leading her to the bedroom where she opened the door to reveal Emelia sleeping in Shaun’s bed, naked.

“AHH!” Jolline gasped. Even when she was specifically brought here, she kept praying it was not true. But now she couldn’t look away from the truth.

“I told you, I don’t lie.” Hazel stepped aside so that Jolline could take the lead. With her hands trembling, Jolline reached over the bed and slapped Emelia into waking up.

Her slap rang through the mansion, making Emelia panic. Hazel stood behind with a smile of satisfaction on her lips.

“Mother Jolline!” Emelia gulped, holding the sheet over her chest in embarrassment.

“So you are now ashamed of us but you weren’t shameful when you stripped naked and showed your body and gave yourself to that Alpha king?” Jolline yelled as she grasped a fistful of Emelia’s hair and dragged her out of bed.

“Mother Jolline! I am sorry! Please forgive me,” she started apologizing right away.

“We are taking her back,” Jolline told Hazel, who nodded in agreement.

“My clothes.” Emelia tried to reach for her clothes, but Hazel stepped ahead and kicked them away. Emelia was surprised when she saw Hazel smile at her with confidence. It was almost impossible for Emelia to believe her friend did this to her. There was no way she could have ever imagined Hazel would stoop so low.

“No! You are not wearing any clothes now or ever,” Jolline was kind and polite, but the moment somebody defied her, she would unleash the evil inside her.

And so they dragged Emelia into the woods and into the forest while she cried and begged for mercy.

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