Tavern in Another Dimension:Getting the Elf Queen Drunk at the Start

Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: The Wisdom of the Princess

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Deep in the forest, there was a brief silence because of Yupanki’s answer.

Stanton knew that his brain was not enough for politics, so he would never give his highness advice in this regard. From the moment she asked the question just now, he had not made any sound, but now, his shocked gaze swept over Yupanki and the princess.

Olivia temporarily ignored Stanton’s gaze. “Very good, smart people can indeed communicate.”

Then, the princess’ little maid timely handed a small scroll to the princess.

Olivia opened the scroll and signed her name on it. A faint golden light flashed and disappeared in an instant. She handed the scroll back to Yupanki. “Sign this magic contract with me, and I’ll let you live.”

Yupanki took the scroll and glanced at it briefly. He was surprised to find that it was not a master-servant contract. Without any hesitation, he signed his name.

After signing his name, he handed the scroll back to Olivia.

Olivia ordered the maids to treat Yupanki’s injuries. While she was thinking about how to deal with him, she suddenly thought of the young man in the tavern.

The tavern was a special place to begin with, and a lot of news spread from the tavern.

Yupanki’s current physical condition was not suitable to bring him to the Elf clan. After careful consideration, she decided to let Yupanki return to Rock City first, and then pick him up when she returned.

“Yupanki, after you rest here, go straight back to Rock City and find a tavern run by a young man in the city. With your intelligence and wisdom, I think you will find it.”

After thinking for a long time, Olivia realized that there was no name at the entrance of Alan’s tavern other than a plaque with a strange drawing. She really did not know how to describe it, so she could only give a perfunctory reply and let him find it himself.

“That tavern will have a way for you to breakthrough quickly.” After thinking for a while, she added this sentence.

Olivia did not want Yupanki to go to the governor’s manor alone. She was not sure who Kramer belonged to, or whether he was a neutral faction. Under the uncertain situation of the Empire’s internal affairs, Alan’s tavern was the safest.

Yupanki initially thought that the princess was just giving him a perfunctory reply. However, the last sentence that she added ignited a new hope in him. It seemed that his old enemy was able to breakthrough at the last minute because of this tavern.

“Yes, Your Highness. I will think of a way to breakthrough before you return to the city.” After a simple treatment, Yupanki stood up and bowed to the princess.

After the attack, the number of people in the convoy was reduced by half. The other knights also needed to help with the carriage. Fortunately, the goods that they brought with them were not damaged or lost.

Under Stanton’s suggestion, everyone quickly packed their luggage and walked towards the depths of the Forest of Elves.

Yupanki took a short rest after they left and dragged his injured body towards Rock City.

Ever since Olivia and Yupanki signed the contract, Stanton’s expression had not been very good. It was the middle of the night after they had traveled for a whole day, they were already exhausted.

When they reached the Elf River, they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After crossing the river, they would reach the core area of the Elf clan. There would be no more danger unless the danger came from the Elf tribe.

“Your Highness, let’s set up camp here tonight.”Stanton surveyed the surroundings and found a flat area.

It was already late at night. Other than big trees, there were all kinds of small animals in the Forest of Elves. There was no one around. Olivia always felt terrified when she saw the shadows of the trees.

Sitting by the bonfire, waiting for the little maid to prepare dinner, Olivia looked at the sparkling river and started talking to herself. But Stanton knew that she was talking to him.

“At first, I thought my stupid brothers and sisters at home would have a bottom line no matter what, but I never thought that they would dare to betray their country!”

“Although I won’t lose even without outside help, why should I not use it if I can save some effort? Moreover, I can control the knight who no longer has a person to be loyal to.”

“I never thought of competing with them before, but those few are too brainless. I don’t want to see the country that I love turn into a mess, so I have to participate in it, and I will do my best to fight for it.”

“Although that man is not very powerful, since he was my Chief Knight’s nemesis for so many years, he can’t be that bad.”

“Besides, that man is smart. As long as I can use him well, the situation in the empire will stabilize very soon. Father won’t be able to hold on for long. Otherwise, I would not have to come to the Elf clan to ask for an alliance at this moment. Sigh...”

Stanton stood behind Olivia like a javelin. After hearing the princess’ complaint, he lowered his head silently and felt ashamed for himself. As the Chief Knight, it was a shame that he could not share the burden of his master.

The silence continued to spread. The remaining 10 knights and two attendants finished counting all the goods and the camp started to take shape.

The little maid handed food to Olivia. The silence in the air was finally broken.

“Stanton, sit down and eat. I still need you to keep watch at night.” Olivia did not turn her head. Stanton walked stiffly and sat down on the rock beside her.

Olivia seemed as if she never said anything. The proud expression on her face deeply stung Stanton.

She was only a 16-year-old girl, but because she was born in the royal family, she had to fight for her life. The pride on her face was just a protective color.

“Oh right, Stanton how do you feel about your breakthrough today?”

“Your Highness, I have to admit that the young man is definitely a genius.” Olivia heard his praise and looked at him.

Stanton paused for a moment and continued, “High-level magic Lafite is indeed very effective. Using it for the breakthrough of a high-level mage is a waste of the wine’s power. Perhaps the mid-level one that the young man mentioned is enough for me.”

“Is the effect really that good? Are there any side effects? Have you felt anything wrong so far?” Olivia was really shocked. She felt that the effect was very good, but she did not expect that the effect would be better when the drinker said it.

“Your Highness, there is no need to worry. There are no side effects at all. Moreover, there is a certain healing effect. It has a certain restraining effect on the cold air in my body. Today, I did not control the amount that I drank very well. Not only did I breakthrough, but I also increased by one level. But now, other than being unable to adapt to the sudden increase in strength, there is nothing bad about it. On the contrary, it is even better.”

Stanton described his feelings in detail. The more he said, the more Olivia felt that her 5,000 gold coins were well spent. She even wanted to gather the money as soon as possible after returning to the Imperial City. She wanted to research it as soon as possible, to make it successful, and to benefit from it as soon as possible.

.. josei

In the forest, the male lead that Olivia and Stanton were discussing in high spirits in the middle of the night, at this moment, was sleeping soundly.


In a daze, he sneezed.. Alan rubbed his nose and mumbled, “Who misses me in the middle of the night?” Then, he turned over and went back to sleep.

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