Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 286

Chapter 286: The Software Empire of the Han and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 286 The Software Empire of the Han and Tang Dynasties

Worried about being discovered all day long, living like a hamster, and will have to go to jail after being discovered in the future.

I knew why it was necessary to be greedy in the first place. This Professor He is really smart all his life, but his life was ruined because of his greed for a while. "

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Chen He nodded approvingly, and he was even more vigilant in his heart that he must never follow such an old path.

You can't ruin your future for a lifetime just because of temporary greed!

As Lin Xuan's secretary, he can be said to be under one person and above ten thousand within the Han and Tang systems.

Although he has only a few subordinate secretaries who assist him in his work, his position is very important.

The opinions put forward by    may also reverse the trend of Han and Tang science and technology, which can be called the position closest to the emperor's eunuch.

In the entire Hantang Technology, there are only general managers of major companies, such as Professor He, the general manager of Hantang Semiconductor, and Xu Bo, the general manager of Hantang Technology.

So at this time, Chen He cherishes his current status and treatment even more.

"What should the boss do now? Now that Professor He has been bragging about some unfavorable public opinion in the media.

If this continues and the slander continues, I am afraid that when our computer is released, we will definitely face a big explosion. "

Chen He, who had awakened himself, slowly expressed his worries.

Hearing Chen He's words, Lin Xuan slowly lowered his head and fell into deep thought.

If you continue to let Professor Chen continue to rave, it will definitely not work, and even if Lin Xuan takes action to solve Professor He, sending him to prison will not reverse the unfavorable situation he has caused.

"As for Professor He, it doesn't matter that the people in our company can't find any minor problems.

Next, I will call Secretary He to let the higher-ups take action. I believe that Secretary He will solve this matter for me. "

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Chen He nodded slightly.

With the help of Secretary He in the capital, Chen He believed that all the ghosts and monsters would definitely show their true colors when Da Xia became serious.

Professor He didn't show any tricks now, but it was just a joke after Daxia became serious.

So Hantang Technology doesn’t need to worry about how to solve Professor He’s affairs, just leave these matters to the higher-ups. Anyway, there is only one ending waiting for Professor He, and that is to squat!

But one problem was solved, but the next bigger problem was not so easy to solve, so Chen He asked Lin Xuan:josei

“What about the unfavorable public opinion that has already been caused? How can we reverse these unfavorable public opinions?

Now many people in Daxia are completely disappointed with our computers. Even if we can launch our processors immediately, I am afraid they will not buy our processors. "

However, when Chen He asked the question he was worried about, Lin Xuan shook his head slightly and said with a smile:

"Originally, I didn't plan to announce it so soon, but since that's the case, let's announce it in advance, and it's not something that must be kept secret.

Anyway, we have already completed the preparations, and the next step-by-step rapid research and development will be enough. Even if Intel and Weiruan know our strategy, they will not be able to stop our strategy! "


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Chen He hesitated slightly.

Announced their chip R&D plan and Hantang operating system R&D plan in advance, although it is not impossible to announce their strategy to break the game.

But after this, Intel and Weiruan knew Hantang Technology's strategy to break the game.

They may come up with other ways to attack in a targeted manner, and Hantang Technology may face other difficulties at that time.

But if it is not announced now, the situation will be even worse.

After all, with the publication of Professor He's unfavorable remarks, and unknown forces pushing Professor He's remarks to spread to Daxia.

Many people in Daxia are now disappointed and pessimistic about the processor Hantang Technology is developing and the Hantang computer operating system. When the product is launched, the market will definitely be cold and die.

So comparing the two, it is more beneficial to announce Hantang Technology's game-breaking strategy in advance.

Because this can enhance the confidence and expectations of the people of Daxia in Hantang Technology processors and operating systems.

"But other than that, we can't sit still. You should focus on investing in online game and stand-alone game companies, as well as software companies.

Report any difficulties and unfavorable situations to me immediately. Besides, I will also play a big move.

Our scientific research strength is insufficient, it is time to launch a wave of advertisements. "

"I see."

Chen He nodded slightly, but in an instant he asked the question he had been holding back for a long time, and he asked in confusion:

"Boss, why do we invest in so many game companies and software companies?

Boss, you have established several large-scale game development studios before, specializing in the development of large-scale online games designed by you.

I have seen the six major games you designed: "Sword Spirit", "Cross Fire", "League of Legends", "PUBG Mobile", "Yuan Shen" and "My World".

Each of these six major games is very attractive just by looking at the setting, gameplay and script.

Once these games are actually developed, they will definitely be able to crush all the games currently on the market.

It is estimated that there are only one or two online games that can compete with our six major games.

In China, it is estimated that there is only one Fantasy Eastward Journey that can compete with us, and the game abroad is only World of Warcraft.

In this case, it is not worth the loss for us to spend a lot of money to invest in those game and software companies.

And don't we have X86 small cores? At this time, as long as we have a huge installed capacity of users, we don't have to pay such a big price at all. "

Hearing Chen He express his opinion, Lin Xuan smiled and shook his head.

Does Chen He know what the market value of these game and software companies will be in the future?

Take Penguin Company as an example. Their current total market value is only more than 10 billion NIA, but within ten years, their market value will expand to trillions or even trillions of NIA.

If Hantang Technology owns their shares, Lin Xuan will not only be able to obtain considerable dividends in the future.

You can also use shares as collateral for loans, and finally use the money for other purposes in the form of money to generate money, and earn other money.

As a future traveler, Lin Xuan wants to invest in companies that are well-known in later generations.

Each of these software and game companies is a success that has been eliminated by the market. They may not have been No. 1 in the industry in their previous lives, but at least they were among the top five in the industry, so this business cannot be lost.

Of course, apart from wanting to make some money and take a stake in them, I want them to develop games or software specifically for the Hantang operating system version.

In fact, Lin Xuan has another purpose, so he slowly stated his purpose:

"The competition with the X86 system will not happen in a short period of time, nor will it be completed within a few months or even a year or two.

It will take a long process to completely defeat the X86 system and knock them out of the top market share. "

When Chen He heard Lin Xuan's words, he nodded slightly.

Indeed, I want to kick the X86 system computer from the number one market share throne for a while.

This is really not something that can be done in a short while, but a long task.

It will take several years or even more than ten years of victorious crushing to complete this task, because last year in 2004, a total of 178 million computers were sold worldwide!

After more than 10 years, when did the global annual computer sales fall below 70 million units?

Over the past ten years, the annual global computer sales have been around 100 million, and it is still rising gradually. For example, the total computer sales in 2004 increased by 14% compared with 2003!

And the computer is not only used for one, two or even 34 years.

As long as you want to use this thing, in fact, it will be no problem to use it for ten or twenty years.

Of course, in actual usage, people actually change their computers every 3 or 5 years on average because consumers will dislike the performance of old computers.

But no matter which one, it is the consensus of people that computers are very durable.

So it is really difficult to let consumers who already own X86 system computers abandon their old computers and buy a new Hantang computer directly.

Wanting to complete this replacement task is really not something that can be solved in a short while.

If everything goes well, it will take several years or even ten years to complete. This is a gradual replacement process.

"So we can use various means to make the current game and software companies serve us.

But in the future, maybe Meidiguo will announce that it is illegal for us to run X86 system software games through small cores, and then directly engage us.

At that time, we may no longer be able to use their software. After all, we will have to rely on our own two legs, and it will be unreliable to rely on others.

In this case, if we have a binding relationship of common interests with those software and game companies, coupled with our huge number of computers, then we will be as stable as Mount Tai.

There is no need to worry about Wall Street’s small tricks to make those game and software companies that follow the wind completely deviate from us. "

"I see."

Hearing Lin Xuan's plan, Chen He nodded slightly.

The fact is true. Hantang Technology can not only consider the present, but also consider the long-term future.

If Meidiguo really comes up with something, then as a private company, Hantang Technology is really helpless.

Binding those companies in advance is also a more secure anti-risk behavior.

After the two parties reach a binding interest, it is not only beneficial now, but also beneficial in the future...

When Chen He nodded, Lin then said something that made Chen He slightly stunned:

"However, the money we invested in is afraid that we won't be able to get it back in the short term."


Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Chen He was slightly taken aback, not knowing why Lin Xuan said that.

“In addition to attracting these large software and game companies, we also need to attract some small and medium-sized excellent software and game companies in the future.

Give them a certain amount of sponsorship for their development of software and games for our Hantang computer operating system, reducing their concerns about developing the Hantang computer operating system.

With this sponsorship, I plan to invest all the dividend income earned from the company I have invested in within ten years into rewarding small and medium-sized software for the future! "

(end of this chapter)

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