Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 348

Chapter 348: Motorola's shocking change

Chapter 348 Motorola's Shocking Change

(Chapter 355 and 345 were mistaken this morning, this time I added 2000 words as compensation!

This chapter is 4000+ words, let the brothers read it at once! )

So even if you want to use OIS optical image stabilization technology on Motorola mobile phones, you can’t use it!

They only have one EIS electronic anti-shake technology in the anti-shake technology of mobile phone photography, and the worst is the EIS electronic anti-shake technology.

Because they also could not purchase the EIS electronic anti-shake technology of Hantang Technology, so they could only develop EIS electronic anti-shake software by themselves, but the effect was not good!

It can’t take advantage of OIS optical image stabilization and EIS electronic image stabilization, and now even the pixels can’t surpass Hantang Technology. It can be said that Motorola has completely failed in mobile phone photography!

"Damn it!"

Edward cursed with an ugly face.

However, when Edward looked ugly, and on the Internet at this time, there were tens of millions of people in Daxia who were watching this product launch in real time.

After seeing how powerful the photos taken by the Hantang S2 mobile phone are, they were already moved!

Although the performance of the mobile phone processor of the Hantang S2 mobile phone is not as good as that of the Moto S1 mobile phone processor, this is a flaw.

But other aspects of the Hantang S2 mobile phone completely crushed the Motorola 911 mobile phone!

Motorola's unique operation method of directly inputting text through the screen was defeated by Hantang Technology's Hantang voice input method and mobile phone housekeeper Xiaomeng.

In terms of mobile phone processors, although Hantang Technology was defeated, but not much, because the third-generation mobile phone processor of Hanfeng is still the second in the world!

And the gap of nearly 13,000 running points, if you don’t run large-scale games, you will definitely not feel this performance gap in normal use.

So although the mobile phone processor can’t beat the Moto S1 mobile phone, this is just a small flaw, and it does not affect their purchase and use of the Hantang S2 mobile phone!

After all, there were several selling points that people couldn’t refuse before, and now there are 8 million pixels, the ultra-high resolution and OIS optical image stabilization lens, which are the world’s leading ones. The Hantang S2 mobile phone has become even more fragrant!

On the other hand, Lin Xuan did not stop his introduction because of the exclamation of Edward and the audience guests.

After spending a few minutes introducing the world-leading camera effect of the Hantang S2 mobile phone, Lin Xuan changed the topic to the next topic, which is the mobile virtual machine!

"Next, let's introduce the mobile virtual machine."

When tens of thousands of guests and thousands of reporters heard Lin Xuan's words, thoughtful eyes flashed in their eyes.

I don’t know what the mobile phone virtual machine Lin Xuan is talking about, and I don’t know if it is what they imagined.

If this is true, then the Hantang S2 mobile phone that Hantang Technology will release this time will definitely shock the world, making countless people around the world exclaim that this is unscientific!

Just like that, under the eyes of people curious and expecting, Lin Xuan said slowly:

“When I mentioned the virtual machine, it is estimated that many people may have already guessed what the upcoming release is.

The virtual machine on our Hantang S2 mobile phone does not simulate the games and software on other systems, but the games and software on the Hantang computer operating system! "

"Virtual machines can virtualize the games and software of the computer operating system of the Han and Tang Dynasties?"

Motorola's president Edward's expression changed, with a trace of panic in his eyes.

Because if the facts are as Lin Xuan said, then the Han Tang S2 mobile phone will no longer be just a mobile phone, it will truly become a computer!

Although so far there are not many games developed specifically for the Hantang computer operating system, many game companies and software companies around the world are currently developing games and software for the Hantang computer system operation.

At this time, the Hantang S2 mobile phone can run the games and software of the Hantang computer system in the form of a virtual machine.

That means that as long as you buy a keyboard and mouse for Han and Tang mobile phones, it is equivalent to a computer!

If you add a monitor to this, then this is no different from a computer!

So this mobile phone virtual machine has undoubtedly greatly increased the temptation of the Hantang S2 mobile phone, making people look forward to the Hantang S2 mobile phone even more!

At this time, Lin Xuan on the stage then slowly said:

"I think everyone knows that our Hantang mobile phone processor and Hantang computer instruction set actually have many things in common.

After all, both the mobile phone instruction set and the computer instruction set are naturally derived from the original Han and Tang instruction sets, and the same is true for the Han and Tang operating systems.

Whether it is the Hantang computer operating system or the Hantang mobile phone operating system, they are essentially derived systems based on the Hantang system kernel!

So when the virtual machine of our Hantang S2 mobile phone runs games and software on the Hantang computer operating system, it can greatly reduce the loss of the virtual machine!

Although it is not as good as a computer virtual machine running x86 ecological software, which only loses performance between 1% and 6%, the virtual machine of our mobile phone also controls the loss of 2% to 8%! "

"Papa papa papa papa papa..."

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, there was warm applause at the scene. People looked at Lin Xuan excitedly, with unconcealable excitement in their eyes!

Powerful, really too powerful!

The Hantang S2 mobile phone is so powerful that it can run games and software on the Hantang computer operating system in the form of a virtual machine.

Doesn't this mean that their mobile phone will become a computer? It's so exciting to think about it!

Moreover, the performance of games and software on the Hantang computer operating system only loses an average of 2% to 8%, which is completely affordable.

I have to say that with Lin Xuan announcing the news about the virtual machine of the Hantang mobile phone, there is another reason why the Hantang S2 mobile phone is sought after by people!

First, the Han and Tang voice input method with ultra-high response speed and ultra-high recognition accuracy, and then add the irresistible mobile phone smart housekeeper Xiaomeng and 2GB large running memory.

Afterwards, there are powerful Hanfeng third-generation chips, 8 million-pixel OIS optical image stabilization rear lens and 2 million-pixel OIS optical image stabilization front lens.

Finally, the Hantang S2 mobile phone can also directly run the games and software under the Hantang computer system in the form of a virtual machine...

These selling points are all gathered together, and all of them have become the selling points of the Hantang S2 mobile phone, which is irresistible!

All these selling points are summed up, and people suddenly find that this Hantang S2 mobile phone is not as good as the Motorola 911 processor except for the mobile phone processor.

In other respects, the Motorola 911 smartphone has been completely defeated!

Facing so many selling points of the Hantang S2 mobile phone, they suddenly felt that the Motorola 911 smartphone was no longer popular.

If you ask them which mobile phone they want to buy at this time, they will undoubtedly answer the Hantang S2 mobile phone!

At this time, the Internet is watching the video conference in real time, or the Internet group friends who are watching the live broadcast of graphics and texts also have golden lights in their eyes.

There is no doubt that the Hantang S2 mobile phone is a success!

Although the processor of this mobile phone seems to be unable to beat Motorola's Moto S1 mobile phone processor, this does not prevent it from being successful!

Time continues to pass, and the technologies released by Lin Xuan after that are all the technologies of old mobile phones, so there is no need to talk about these aspects in detail.

About the technology of the old mobile phone, one sentence can describe the technology of the old mobile phone Han Tang S2, which is perfectly inherited, so there is no need to go into details later.

In this way, the Hantang S2 mobile phone conference was successfully held.

The next day, January 21, 2006, Hantang Technology announced their first-day sales.

"300,000 units were sold on the first day, and orders received reached 3.2 million units?!"

Edward, the president of Motorola, saw the first-day sales and orders of Hantang S2 mobile phone of Hantang Technology yesterday, and he only felt dizzy.

The 300,000 units among them are scary, but they only exceed the 100,000 sold on the first day of Motorola, so the most terrifying thing is the number of orders that Hantang Technology has received so far.

These orders are not something you can place an order casually. He needs to pay a certain price. If you want to place an order, you need to pay a deposit of 500 yuan!

So it can be seen from this that these 3.2 million people really want to buy those Hantang S2 mobile phones. After all, no one will spend 500 yuan to play!

"Damn Lin Xuan!"

Cursing Lin Xuan in a low voice, Edward only felt dizzy before his eyes, and felt infinite regret in his heart.

He is regretting why he provoked Hantang Technology in the first place, and why he and Hantang Technology got into the current state of mortal enemy with Hantang Technology.

If the relationship between Motorola and Hantang Technology hadn't been so bad, Motorola wouldn't be facing such a desperate situation now.josei

Because they have a very bad relationship with Hantang Technology, Motorola cannot purchase Hantang Technology's 8-megapixel OIS optical image stabilization lens.

It is impossible to purchase and use Hantang Technology's EIS electronic image stabilization technology, and it is impossible to use super tempered glass.

At this time, counting down the series of consequences caused by the bad relationship between Hantang Technology and Motorola, Edward only felt deeply regretful.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door of the president's office. Seeing this, Edward slowly raised his head to look outside, and said with a calm face:

"come in!"

Following Edward's words, more than a dozen people came in outside, and all of them looked angry.

"How did you come here? Now is not the time to hold a shareholder meeting."

Seeing those people, Edward's face changed, and he asked a little uneasy.

"Edward, don't you know what you did, heh, do you still need to wait for the shareholders meeting?"

"That's right, Edward, look at the stupid things you've done since you took over Motorola.

Look at the crisis our Motorola company is facing because of your actions, do you know this? "

"Yes, Edward, you are the stupidest president I have ever seen!"

"Stupid indeed, unattainably stupid!"

Facing Edward's question just now, all the shareholder representatives at the scene made no secret of their malice. At this moment, they all stared at Edward angrily and contemptuously.

Completely forgot that ten days ago, they praised Edward as the most powerful president of Motorola.

As a result, only ten days later, Edward, the greatest and most powerful president ever, turned into the stupidest president.

I have to say that the fate of life is really ridiculous, so at this time, feeling the poor treatment before and after, Edward was stunned in place as if he was stupid.


Edward, who was stunned for a long time, opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

At this time, a young shareholder representative looked at Edward with a sneer and said:

"Edward, you can pack up and leave!

Look at your stupid actions, let me Motorola face such a big crisis, because of you, the relationship between our Motorola and Hantang Technology is so bad.

It prevents us from purchasing the tempered glass of Hantang Technology, which makes our mobile phone screen and lens not scratch-resistant and drop-resistant at all, and has been complained by consumers.

Because of you, our Motorola mobile phone cannot purchase the OIS optical image stabilization lens of Hantang Technology, which makes us questioned because of the lack of OIS optical image stabilization function in high-end mobile phones!

Because of your stupidity and incompetence, Motorola has suffered from the impact of the low-end mobile phones in the low-end and mid-range mobile phones, and our position in the global market is shaky.

Now there are low-end Daxia and Gospel mobile phones impacting our global market, and high-end mobile phones, the most profitable field, are still facing the impact of Hantang Technology.

In this case I want to ask you what the **** this guy is doing, you! Definitely the stupidest and most incompetent president of Motorola ever! "




Edward wanted to open his mouth three times after being shocked by the sharp words, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

Finally, after saying "I" for the third time, the short-tempered Edward had a brain hemorrhage and passed out suddenly.


Seeing Edward fainted from anger, the shareholders at the scene sneered, and then walked out slowly.

Next, they will hold a general meeting of shareholders. The purpose of this general meeting of shareholders is undoubtedly to remove Edward and re-appoint a capable leader!

This time they want to reverse the unfavorable crisis of Motorola, and let Motorola go back to greatness!

As for Edward fainting and unable to attend the shareholders meeting, it doesn't matter, because it doesn't affect their dismissal of Edward!

But Edward didn't know this at this time. He passed out because of the congestion in his brain because of his shortness of breath.

Regarding this point, the female secretary who has been with him for so long still has a little affection for him.

So after Edward fainted from anger, she honestly called an ambulance for Edward.

Lin Xuan didn't know about this, he didn't know that he had successfully sent the third competitor to the hospital!

Speaking of which, among the two previous competitors who were stunned because of Lin Xuan, they were Xu Hua from Bodao Mobile and Cai Jie from Lianfuke.

At this time, another person was added to Lin Xuan's great achievements, and this person was Edward, the president of Motorola!

I believe that tomorrow's news media will report this matter honestly. In the news of this matter, those news media will definitely not give Edward a good report.

They will only use the perspective of a clown to report that Edward was so angry that he fainted and went to the hospital after knowing the sales of Hantang Technology!

So Edward is estimated to become the laughing stock of the world after this incident. People think of Edward and feel that his psychological quality is so bad.

In the eyes of the world, this Edward can create such a bad performance, and then he wants to find a new company to continue to take the position of the number one leader, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

Motorola's president position may be the highest peak in his life!

If Edward, who was fainting at this time, knew this, he would definitely deeply regret why he provoked Hantang Technology in the first place and why he did such a stupid thing!

(end of this chapter)

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