Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 355

Chapter 355: Shocking scene!

Chapter 355 Shocking scene!

Because when Weiruan’s new system was released, they spent a real 100 million US dollars to advertise, and finally attracted 100 million to 200 million people around the world to watch and pay attention at the same time.

But looking at the current moves of Pingguo Company and the number of people who are going to watch the press conference, it is estimated that their advertising funds will definitely not exceed 100 million US dollars.

Bill Gaici can only feel that Weiruan is not as good as Pingguo in terms of advertising and marketing!

In this way, the time slowly came to April 1st.

On this April Fool's Day, Pingguo Company's product launch conference was officially held.

The smart phone that successfully "redefined the smart phone" in the previous life has officially entered the stage of history!

At this time, tens of thousands of spectators gathered at the press conference, while Mr. Jobs slowly walked onto the stage in casual clothes.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed stunned expressions.

Because of such a grand product launch, the hosts usually wear suits.

As a result, Jobs, the host of the press conference, actually came up to release the product directly wearing only ordinary casual clothes, which is indeed a bit shocking.

Those who don’t know, thought that Jobs was just an ordinary person who came to attend the press conference. How could he have imagined that he was the host of this conference!

Regarding this, Lin Xuan, who was watching the press conference far away in Daxia, showed a clear expression.

It has charm!

Because a series of great products of Pingguo Company were released in such a small situation, Jobs released the iPhone.e4S that changed the world in such a slovenly way!

"I am very glad that everyone came to this press conference, because you will witness the birth of a miracle!"

As soon as Jobs opened his mouth, he directly set the tone of this press conference very high.

claims that those watching this product launch event are experiencing a miracle, a miracle that they will be able to show off to others for the rest of their lives!

I have to say that Jobs succeeded. His words not only did not arouse people's disgust, but aroused people's curiosity.

The more arrogant Jobs is, the more curious people are about the upcoming smart phone, so people pay more attention to this conference.

Many people who skipped the TV program occasionally, but people who heard Jobs' words stopped their actions one after another.

They were going to see what the product was being advertised all over the place. Why was Jobs so confident?

"This is a smartphone that redefines the smartphone, from the release of this smartphone, all previous smartphones are just a joke!

Among them is Motorola's so-called 911 smartphone! "

The corner of Jobs' mouth curled into a faint smile, his face was calm and unhurried.

It's a pity that Hantang Technology and the others didn't call their mobile phone number a smartphone, otherwise he would have one more person to slap his face!

"First of all, let me introduce why our mobile phone dares to claim that it is enough to end all smartphones and redefine smartphones!"

While talking, Jobs took out a small and exquisite mobile phone from his trouser pocket under the curious eyes of people!


The super-large screen and silver-white body deeply attracted the attention of people on the scene including the Internet who were watching the product launch in real time.

"This phone looks great!"

"Oh, mygod, this is the best looking phone I've ever seen!"

"That's right, doesn't he have a button on this phone? Why is there only one big button?"

"This phone is so cool!"

There was a heated discussion at the scene. People looked at the silver-white mobile phone with a large projection screen behind Jobs, and they were not stingy with their praise.

Because the mobile phone that Jobs took out now is exactly the shape of the later iPhone4S mobile phone.

It goes without saying how stunning and classic the appearance of the iPhon.e4S mobile phone is.

So the people at the scene fell in love with this mobile phone just by looking at its appearance, and they were not stingy with their praise.

However, there is only one button on the iPhone.e4S mobile phone, but it has successfully aroused people's curiosity.

Because look at the aluminum alloy structure of this mobile phone, and then look at the appearance of the mobile phone without any gaps.

It should not be a side keyboard like the Motorola 911, nor a keyboard that slides up and down like the Hantang S2 mobile phone.

Then how should he control this phone?

Does it depend on the key that doesn't know what the key is? Can conquer the world with one button?josei

On the press conference stage, Jobs looked at the curious eyes of those people and confidently introduced:

“Our mobile phone is called iPhone.e, and it is made of aviation aluminum alloy as a whole, with a 3.5-inch large screen!

The most important thing is that its operation method is completely different from other mobile phones. Our iPhone.e has completely swept the backward things like the keyboard into the history heap! "

While Jobs was speaking, a demonstration animation of using this mobile phone to type was played synchronously on the projection screen behind him.

When people see that the presenter taps the text sending window on the screen, a virtual button layout pops up at the bottom of the screen.

After that person's finger tapped the screen lightly, and when the pinyin appeared in that window simultaneously, people showed expressions of sudden enlightenment.

I understand why the iPhone.e phone doesn’t need buttons.

Because the buttons can be simulated directly through the screen, why add another button?

And in this situation, the button is no longer a fixed thing, it can be adjusted freely!

As shown above, there are Jiugongge button layout, 26-letter button layout, and digital input layout!

After witnessing the screen input method of the iPhone.e mobile phone, people looked at each other with excited eyes.

"Oh, mygod! This phone is amazing!"

"That's right, the keyboard can be simulated directly on the screen. With this kind of technology, there is really no need for a keyboard. This thing can be solved with only one screen!"

"By the way, have you noticed that the mobile phone does not seem to be controlled by fingernails, but directly with fingers. Isn't this a bit too amazing?"

There was a burst of heated discussions at the scene. People were discussing this phone with each other, their eyes full of excitement and shock.

In this regard, the corner of Jobs's mouth evoked a faint smile, and he smiled and said:

"In addition to virtual buttons, we have also made revolutionary innovations in mobile phone operations. Siri, please open the photo album."

Following Mr. Jobs' words, the projection screen behind him instantly turned into the interface of the mobile phone.

In this regard, people showed curious eyes.

But curious, although curious, there is no shock, because the Hantang S2 mobile phone is the pioneer of this scene!

So their eyes are only curious, not shocked or stunned.

I don’t know which artificial intelligence named Siri is stronger than Hantang Technology’s artificial intelligence Xiaomeng?

People showed curious eyes.

(end of this chapter)

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