Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 363

Chapter 363: The Pingguo Company caught in the whirlpool!

Chapter 363 The Pingguo Company in the whirlpool!

So at this time throughout the summer, whether it is a small black Internet cafe or a regular Internet cafe, their computers are all Han and Tang computers!

Of course, the phenomenon that Daxia’s national Internet cafes are all Han and Tang computers not only appeared in Daxia, but actually appeared simultaneously in various countries around the world at this time.

If there are big summer tourists traveling to island countries, cold countries, medi countries, Europe and other countries, and find their local Internet cafes, they will find that the computers in those Internet cafes are all Hantang computers!

But it is a pity that foreign people are usually richer, so most of their Internet users are individual users, which also means that they have their own personal computers.

So Internet cafes are not popular in foreign countries, and it is not as grand as the grand occasion where every street in Daxia has a small Internet cafe!

So most of the Hantang computers sold abroad are individual users, and Internet cafe operators account for less than 40% of the sales.

If this situation continues, it will be just around the corner for Hantang Technology to replace the X86 system.

But it is a pity that as time approaches April 15th, Hantang Computer is about to face a huge impact!

Because Hantang Technology is about to usher in Intel's second-generation Core processor, a strong enemy!

However, let’s not mention the computer aspect. During this period of time, except that Hantang Technology has increased the output of Hantang computers.

During this period, there was a news that became popular all over the world and was discussed by people all over the world.

This news is about the greedy Pingguo iPhone.e mobile phone, which charges 30% of the platform fee.

In these news reports, Pingguo Company has naturally become the object of condemnation.

Many "experts" around the world have criticized Pingguo mobile phone for being too greedy, accusing iPhone.e of taking 30% of the platform fee for all games and software, which is too greedy.

However, in the face of criticism from major "experts" around the world, Pingguo Company is also full of combat effectiveness. Facing the criticism of global experts, they also refute them one by one.

In the end, they used various "evidence reasons" to say that the 30% platform fee they charged was not too greedy, but for the benefit of all iPhone.e mobile phone users around the world.

The reason for charging 30% of the platform fee is to hire a large number of people to maintain and operate the IOS system and software game ecosystem, and to have sufficient funds to develop the next generation of iPhone.e mobile phones...

One of the core remarks of Pingguo’s many rebuttals is "the purpose of collecting money is to better serve users!"

However, people all over the world have disputes about this statement, and no one can convince anyone.

Some people think that it is normal and reasonable for Pingguo to charge a 30% platform fee, and they think this is a good thing for iPhone.e mobile phone users.

They believe that after taking 30% of the platform fee, Pingguo can hire more manpower to serve the iPhone.e mobile phone and the software game ecosystem for the IOS system, and ultimately bring people a better experience.

But more people think that Pingguo Company is too greedy.

All games and software have to charge a 30% platform fee as long as they make a profit. This is too much!

The so-called wool comes from the sheep, and those people who oppose it firmly believe that Pingguo’s 30% platform fee is actually collecting 30% of the platform fee from consumers!

After all, the wool must come from the sheep. Of the 30% platform fee, those game and software companies will definitely not bear it themselves!

According to the previous business rules, the 30% of the platform fee will eventually be borne by these consumers, in the form of an increase in the price of "commodities"!

This kind of behavior is equivalent to changing a product that was originally priced at 1 yuan to 1 yuan 3, and the extra 0.3 yuan is naturally taken away by Pingguo Company!

They all said that Pingguo Company is too greedy, and the level of greed is incomparable even Ren Tiantang, who is known as greedy and domineering!

In this situation, although there are many supporters, there are even more opponents, so Pingguo Company has fallen into a storm of negative public opinion!

Among them, although Pingguo Company is deeply involved in negative public opinion, the amazing thing is that they still grit their teeth and refuse to bow their heads, and refuse to lower their 30% platform commission fee!

No way, this kind of behavior of continuing to collect money after selling the mobile phone is really delicious, and Pingguo Company can't refuse it at all!

Because all games and software will be charged 30% of the profit, which is equivalent to Pingguo Company selling mobile phones and making a lot of money. Who can refuse this kind of behavior?

I can't refuse it at all!josei

This point can be seen from the behavior of Hantang Technology's set-top boxes that are completely sold at cost prices to occupy the terminal market, and we can see how delicious this behavior that can make money in the future is.

And the most important thing at the moment is that the current iPhone.e mobile phone has no enemy to fight!

The iPhon.e mobile phone became popular all over the world once it was launched. There is no mobile phone in the world that can compete with the iPhone.e mobile phone, not even the Hantang S2.

In this situation, there is no external pressure, how can it be possible to make Pingguo Company bow its head just by relying on some negative public opinion? !

So although Pingguo Company was caught in a whirlpool of negative public opinion, they still gritted their teeth and did not bow their heads.

Just keep arguing that they collect money for the benefit of consumers, and for the good of the entire iPhone.e software and hardware ecosystem!

Of course, the overbearing attitude of Pingguo Company, which is stubborn and unwilling to bow, is not without other adverse consequences.

Because their greedy behavior has aroused the resentment of major game software companies around the world!

This dislike caused many companies that are developing iPhone.e games and software to stop their development after the negative public opinion turmoil gradually arose, because this is a good opportunity!

Because major game and software companies around the world want to take advantage of the iPhone.

Through the "result of joint development stop" to put pressure on Pingguo Company to force Pingguo Company to reduce the platform commission fee of iPhone.e mobile phone!

Of course, the result is naturally the same as the previous result.

From the first wave of public opinion caused by Hantang Technology, to the world's major game and software companies taking action to make experts from all walks of life condemn Pingguo Company.

The negative public opinion for more than ten consecutive days and the pressure of major software and game companies to "stop development" still cannot let Pinguo Company let go!

But no matter what, Hantang Technology's plan to stop the iPhone.e mobile application game software ecosystem has succeeded, during these ten days.

The development progress of the Pingguo software game ecosystem is close to stagnation, because the major game companies jointly exert pressure to let Pingguo company reduce the iPhone.e mobile phone platform fee.

So during this period of time, the progress of those games and software development was very slow and almost stopped.

As for those well-known game software companies that have not yet developed iPhone.e version games and software.

They put pressure on Pingguo Company in the form of "wait and see", and jointly forced Pingguo Company to agree to reduce the platform fee!

So Hantang Technology's conspiracy to block the development of the iPhone.e mobile game software ecosystem has succeeded, which will free up a strategic advantage for the Hantang S3 mobile phone to sweep the world after its birth!

(end of this chapter)

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