Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 593

Chapter 593: Terrifying optical quantum computer!

Chapter 593 Terrifying optical quantum computer!

And this third-generation Core processor uses the ultra-creative Skynet architecture. If this Skynet architecture is supported by the motherboard, it can connect multiple CPUs in high-speed series to form a small supercomputer!

So the third-generation Core processor is very strong, even far stronger than the Hantang flagship processor that Hantang Technology is still selling, but will this third-generation Core processor have any impact on the Hantang computer?


Because no matter how powerful their processors are, they cannot be applied to Hantang computers. Consumers still have to honestly buy Hantang computer processors.

The reason for all this is that the third-generation Core processor is very expensive, and the main reason is that the Hantang computer system has many popular games and big productions.

No matter how powerful your processor is, why would anyone buy your computer without games and software? Moreover, people can also use cloud computing technology to obtain more computing power

So your product is very strong, but you are only leading the product for a while, with the strength of Hantang Technology.

Hantang Technology will soon be able to develop a stronger processor, but in the end spend a huge amount of money but buy something?

People will think in their hearts that Intel’s third-generation Core processor is very powerful, but it has no effect on Hantang Technology. People should buy or continue to buy Hantang computers.josei

So what Lin Xuan wants to play now is to jump out of this fence and build a brand new system just like when he developed the Hantang computer!

From then on, I will no longer play any non-routine product upgrades with Silicon Valley. If I want to play, I will directly play the competition of the overall system!

Of course, this system competition is easy to say, but it is not easy to achieve in reality, just like the difficulties in the beginning of computer research and development in the Han and Tang Dynasties.

This is easy to say but very difficult to do in practice, and even if the research and development is successful, making it popular is the most difficult of difficulties.

Although Lin Xuan felt pressured by this, he would not give up, because only by giving up simple product upgrades and going directly to system replacement development can he get rid of this endless competition, which made Mei Diguo completely scared!

As for how to do it, it actually mainly depends on two technologies, cloud computing technology and optical quantum computer technology!

At present, due to the birth of ultra-long-distance wireless optical communication technology, the Internet bandwidth per capita in the world is unprecedentedly large.

In the past, if it cost $100 to build a backbone network, it may only cost about $10 now.

In this case, you only need to pay a small part of the original money to easily build an efficient backbone network.

Of course, the official servers of each country will definitely not only spend a small part of the money, but at least half of the funds will be used to build the backbone network, so even if it is only half, the actual bandwidth per capita is several times the original!

In this case, the bandwidth capacity of the current global Internet is very high, and every Internet user can enjoy ample bandwidth resources.

That's why the lowest-end 200M broadband can only be achieved now. In fact, most households are served by 400M or even 600M broadband.

This is the drastic change that ultra-long-distance wireless optical communication technology has brought to the world!

And this drastic change coupled with 5G mobile communication technology and quantum computing technology, when these three are combined, can create a black technology that can only exist in the concept!

What is this black technology?

It is also very simple to say, that is, from now on, all devices within the signal range will truly have unlimited computing power resources.

Of course it’s just that the technology of the Han and Tang Dynasties is not enough to build their own empire.

After all, the combination of 5G mobile communication and wireless optical communication technology can only create a super wireless communication empire.

This is not safe for Hantang Technology. Hantang Technology may still be subverted. Countries around the world really want to subvert Hantang Technology.

It only needs one sentence and one policy to win the fruits of Hantang Technology's hard work, so what Hantang Technology needs to do next is to have irreplaceable core technological advantages.

This core technical advantage is the optical quantum computer, in short, it is the artificial intelligence technology based on the quantum computer and the computing power of the optical quantum computer!

When Hantang Technology's mobile phone has cloud computing with almost unlimited computing power and super smart artificial intelligence services, finally add the special computing power possessed by optical quantum computers.

Then Hantang Technology will be able to completely monopolize cloud computing technology, and will also be able to completely establish a super wireless terminal empire.

From then on, before others have the same technology, others don't have to think about defeating Hantang Technology.

Because the optical quantum computer is a super core technology product, its status is no less than two bombs and one star.

If the optical quantum computer is really successfully developed and put into practical use, it will definitely not be sold to the United States and other countries in the future, nor will it be sold in the market.

In the future, at most, it will only allow other countries to use the computing services of the optical quantum computer. The optical quantum computer entity will definitely only be kept in Daxia and will not be sold to the outside world.

So once the optical quantum computer is successfully developed, as long as Hantang Technology does a good job of keeping it secret, foreign countries will not be able to copy it even if they want to.

After all, there is no optical quantum computer entity, and the relevant technology patents and even the research and development ideas are not published, so how can you copy the product.

If Hantang Technology can do a good job of keeping secrets, it will resolutely guard the core secrets of optical quantum computers.

Then there is no need to think that the optical quantum computer can be conquered in foreign countries for more than ten or twenty years. After all, even in 2022, Daxia's Jiuzhang No. 2 optical quantum computer can only play a role in specific fields after all.

Among them, Hantang Technology will not disclose the relevant patents of this optical quantum computer, nor will it register patents.

Of course that is the case, registration will definitely be registered, but only those marginal patents that do not reveal the research and development ideas and crack ideas will be registered.

Because the best protection of intellectual property rights in the world is not patents, but the non-disclosure of corresponding knowledge and even principle technologies.

Like Coca-Cola, they have not registered a patent, but because they have kept the formula secret, their Coca-Cola has been sold for hundreds of years.

If Hantang Technology registers all the patents for optical quantum computers, then Hantang Technology can only enjoy patent protection for more than ten years, and in the end this patent will still be shared globally.

This is also the reason why many well-known companies around the world will not register their core technologies for patents. There is no way. Registering a patent means that your technical principles and even your R&D ideas must be made public.

Although others won’t be able to produce and use the corresponding products in the short term and cannot compete with you, they will still be able to produce and sell the corresponding products openly after the patent expires in more than ten or twenty years.

Optical quantum computers are even more important. If Hantang Technology registers the core patents, then the whole world will know Hantang Technology's quantum computer research and development ideas.

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(end of this chapter)

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