Tempered Immortal

Chapter 53 - Refining Herbs

Chapter 53 - Refining Herbs

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Lin Xuan held the Red Silk Grass in his hands and focused his Spiritual Sense on it. this was his first time attempting to refine medicinal herbs, so he was extra careful.josei

This was a new kind of experiment!

After entering the latter layers of the Spirit Condensation Stage, Lin Xuan’s Spiritual Sense had strengthened further. His use of the blue lights had also become more skillful. Up to now, he had already purified thousands of pills.

But completed pills and fresh herbs were definitely different and Lin Xuan could only slowly feel it out.

He gathered the blue stars and slowly circulated them along his meridians until they finally emerged from his palm.

Before, when Lin Xuan had just started purifying pills when the blue lights exited his body, he could not control them at all and could only allow them to drift about. Some would disperse into the air and only a small portion would enter into the pill. Therefore, a large portion of it was completely wasted.

But he couldn’t do anything about it. Back then, Lin Xuan did not have enough power. It was too difficult for him to control the shapeless spots of light through the air. But now, he has entered into the latter layers of the Spirit Condensation stage and his Spiritual Sense has increased greatly. Although he had not yet learned the Spiritual Control technique, but his telekinesis was already top-notch.

Using the telekinesis technique, Lin Xuan attached his Spiritual Sense to the blue star sea. Just like this, even though the lights were floating in the air, they would not disperse and would do what Lin Xuan willed.

He slowly carried the lights into the herb. At the same time, he split off some of his Spiritual Sense and carefully observed the changes that were happening on the inside of the Red Silk Grass. Under the observation of the Spiritual Sense, the scene on the inside of the Red Silk Grass continuously magnified.

He saw that there was a red and a cyan substance on the inside. They were intertwined in an inseparably close manner. One of these should be the impurity.

However, immediately after, Lin Xuan ran into another question. Of the red substance and the cyan substance, which was the essence, which was the impurity? Before when he was purifying pills, the stars would be able to automatically differentiate between them. If he met the essence, it would move through it, if it met the impurity, it would push it out. However, at the current moment, it could be seen that pills and herbs were very different. No matter if it was the red substance or the cyan substance, the stars would push them either way.

It looks like he would have to figure out which one of the two was the impurity himself!

Lin Xuan hesitated for a bit, then directed the lights to avoid the cyan substance and started to push out the red substance.

Then, judging by the situation, Lin Xuan carefully controlled the lights to speed up the process.

In the blink of an eye, two hours had passed.

Lin Xuan looked at the herb in his hand. It had produced a red powder. He was silent for a while.

He had made the correct decision. This red powder was emitting a stinky odour and was definitely the impurity. But it did not look like this sprig of Red Silk Grass. had changed at all after he had purified it. Lin Xuan followed the method described in the book to evaluate the herb and carefully observed the colour, luster, and fragrance. He even plucked off a leaf and tasted it for its medicinal properties. But the grade did not increase at all, it was still a sprig of low-grade Red Silk grass.

How can this be? Could it be that the blue lights could only purify pills and had no effect on fresh medicinal herbs?

Lin Xuan was silent for a while but was not disheartened. He once again reached into the wicker basket for another sprig. This time, he did the opposite and did not eliminate the impurities. Instead, he pushed out the cyan substance, the substance that was the essence of the herb.

Two hours later.

The Red Silk grass in his hand had withered. A green liquid had appeared in his hand. It was emitting a very refreshing fragrance.

Lin Xuan discarded the withered herb. He then reached into his bosom and retrieved an empty jade bottle and stored the liquid into it.

The liquid was the essence of the Red Silk Grass. Only, he did not know if it had the medicinal properties of the high-grade Red Silk grass since it was refined from a low-grade sprig.

After all, this was his first attempt at refining herbs and there were still a lot of things he did not know. He would need to feel his way around and advance step by step. Lin Xuan hesitated a little and then took a small sip of that green liquid.

This was not a reckless action by Lin Xuan. When he was at the library, he had already carefully read through the materials on the Red Silk Grass. It was very clear. Because it was an important component of pills, it had a nourishing effect on cultivation. The green liquid was the essence of that ingredient. Even if it did not have the effect that Lin Xuan was looking for, it would at least not have any harmful effects.

Of course, to be safe, he only took a small sip.

Afterwards, he sat down cross-legged and used the inner view technique to check the internal condition of his body. In an instant, the essence started taking effect.

After that green liquid was ingested, it turned into a gas and entered his Dantian. Lin Xuan was somewhat nervous. The Dantian was the place that stored the spiritual power. It was the root of one’s cultivation. There can be no mishaps.

He circulated his spiritual power, getting ready to meet it. If anything was wrong with it, he would immediately expel it from his body.

Fortunately, nothing unexpected happened. After the gas entered his dantian, it expanded into a transparent globe and just stayed suspended there.

This was an unexpected situation. Lin Xuan concentrated his Spiritual Sense on his Dantian and quietly observed it for a while. Then he gathered his spiritual power and lightly touched the globe. Who would have guessed that the globe would suddenly suck in and wrap around his spiritual power?

Lin Xuan did not panic. Seeing a new problem, if one wants beneficial results, one must calmly reflect on it.

He discovered that although his spiritual power had entered into the globe, it was still connected to his Spiritual Sense, there was no obstruction at all. He could still easily control it.

After discovering this, Lin Xuan immediately relaxed and continued to experiment.

In the blink of an eye, night fell. Lin Xuan got up off the ground. He had a face full of happiness. Success! Although he did not know how high-grade Red Silk grass hid one’s cultivation, since the books did not describe it and only glossed over it, but Lin Xuan was sure that this green liquid was even more effective than it.

It was a very simple process. After drinking the liquid, it would change into a gas and enter the Dantian. Then he could pour his spiritual power into that globe that was formed by the gas.

The globe would not sever the control that the Spiritual Sense had on the spiritual power. In other words, his spiritual power could freely enter or exit the globe, it would not affect his ability to use techniques at all. But after wrapping around his spiritual power, it would cut off other cultivators probings. That is to say, this share of spiritual power was not discoverable by other people.

As everyone knows, the power of a cultivator was based on their spiritual power. Since he was able to hide his spiritual power and cut off other’s probings, he had achieved the goal of hiding his true power.

Translated by: James1kd2

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