Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1034 - Resorting to Desperate Measures in Desperate Times

Chapter 1034 - Resorting to Desperate Measures in Desperate Times

Chapter 1034: Resorting to Desperate Measures in Desperate Times

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“The time was not right, hence only Grandpa Mobo is hanging on in the family,” Piglet said sadly.

It was probably because they had already started chatting, hence Piglet had nothing to hide anymore. The three powers were almost the same, and the best thing about having three pillars of power was balance. The three parties also maintained their distance from the Milky Way Alliance and the underworld. Until recently, this balance was broken. The Bill family had taken the lead in attacking. It was obviously a powerful person from the underworld. In just one night, all the immediate members of the Julian family, except for Piglet, were assassinated. This assassination skill was simply shocking.

Piglet was just right outside. When he came back, everything had already changed drastically. Fortunately, this little guy was clever and did not go back; otherwise, he would also be dead.

“Do you think that Grandpa Mobo is dependable? “Wang Zheng asked suddenly.

“In the past, he was dependable, but now I’m not sure.” Piglet was a little sad. He also could not judge whether he was dependable or not. “But indeed, it was he who told me about the situation and said that I had to think of ways myself to live on. Now I can’t go back and he is also unable to send people to protect me.”

Wang Zheng frowned. “Then those killers chasing after you...”

“The Bill family is now looking for me everywhere. The people from the bottom ranks are even more fearless. If I’m just a homeless child, they will just kill me for the reward.” Piglet was a little sad.

Wang Zheng pursed his lips. While he did not want to be a hero, no one would be able to resist caring about this matter.

“Piglet, we have to tidy our thoughts. Let’s say your Grandpa Mobo is questionable. If true, then you would most likely be a corpse already. It is more likely that he does not have the power to protect you now. We should find a way to contact him first before thinking about the next step,” Wang Zheng said.

Piglet nodded. Wang Zheng thought for a while. “I need a Skylink that can contact the outside world. Also, we have to get this thing down.”

They had tidied their thoughts and were not afraid of hard work; they were only afraid of not knowing how to start.

No matter whether the people were from Milky Way Alliance or the underworld, they should be doing things secretly. People from the underworld had arrived, so there should not be a lack of people from the Milky Way Alliance either. Logically speaking, the Julian family had long been incapable of blocking the big disaster that fell on them. While there were political undercurrents now, the situation was still stable. It had to be because people from the Milky Way Alliance had gotten involved in this.

Thinking about that, it made sense. The Milky Way Alliance was sure to have a specific person in charge for such a case, and the Elite Academy had sent him here this time – that should be a variable factor. They did not expect him to complete the mission but rather hoped that he could cause some effect.

Except the unexpected thing was that the core person involved in this matter was beside him.

“Why did you look for me in the first place? Is it just a coincidence or...?” Wang Zheng asked curiously.

Piglet laughed. “That’s... a secret.” josei

Wang Zheng felt a little faint. A kid was a kid, why did he like to do these useless things? But he also did not need to know more. The most important thing at the moment was to prepare for a good battle!

It was, of course, better if they could take action for this matter soon, but they could not be careless. They still needed Piglet to contact his butler first. If not, any actions would likely still be useless. That Grandpa Mobo was still thinking of Piglet’s safety. However, once the Julian family fell, there was no way to discuss a way to protect Piglet. This was simple logic. Besides, he also did not think that Mobo had the ability to block the assassins.

Most likely, if not for the fact that the Bill family had some considerations, or that the time was not ripe yet, they would have directly erased the powers of the Julian family long ago.

Granny’s leg, these people from the Milky Way Alliance had to buck up and be of some help.

Originally, Wang Zheng wanted to accompany Piglet. After all, this was just a cover, but Piglet wanted to go on his own. It looked like his personal experiences during this period of time resulted in his growth. The most important thing was that this kid was smart enough and he was not the average child. Besides... he was also an Ability X user.

Piglet ran away with a gust. Zuckerberg would definitely be too lazy to care. It was fine as long as Wang Zheng was not running away.

Outside of Maklou, it was not as calm at the Milky Way Alliance. Actually, the Milky Way Alliance Council was very worried about the situation at Maklou.

Of course, the key point that caused the senator much worry was not on Maklou itself but the powers behind the problem of Maklou.

The powers of the underworld had grown too quickly. The Milky Way Alliance was having a headache. Unfortunately, being in the Milky Way Alliance did not mean that they could commandeer the whole universe. Powers were limited and there were boundaries. This was also the root cause of the speedy development of the dark powers. It rose especially quickly in the recent five to six years.

In the past, these powers still followed the rules. However, in recent years, they were carrying out activities around the Milky Way Alliance more frequently. Special agents of the Milky Way Alliance were also moving around. Other than the troubles caused by some small powers, the most important thing was the awakening of a huge power in the underworld. It was as though they had seen the head of the demonic dragon but not seen its tail. Many excellent special agents had already been sacrificed in the process.

The importance of Maklou was not in its mines. To the huge Milky Way Alliance, this type of thing was just a profit, and profits were not the main point under many circumstances. The reason Maklou could not be out of their control was because this planet was like a huge energy source bomb. It could provide energy, but if it were controlled by the wrong powers, then it could become a bomb.

The purpose of the existence of the Milky Way Alliance was peace. The destruction of a star meant nothing, but as the senator of the Milky Way Alliance, he was worried that this matter would just be the spark. It would lead to a series of chain reactions in the Milky Way Alliance. The unsteady dark powers, the rampage of the pirates, and even the ambitions of big empires like Arbiter and Aslan.

Hence, they had to think of all ways to suppress the unrest.

This was definitely a test by the other party. If the Milky Way Alliance had no reaction at all this time, then these powers would cause trouble everywhere in similar spaces, as well as to increase their control. This was the first battle. The Milky Way Alliance definitely could not withdraw.

The Julian family was more closely related to the Milky Way Alliance. The reason they were not totally annihilated was because of the protection of the Milky Way Alliance’s special agent. But the problem was that the dark powers seemed to have been planning this for a long time, and were well prepared. Their sudden move caught the Milky Way Alliance unprepared. And now, when they wanted to provide emergency assistance, they were delayed by the Bill family. Any powerful individual would be useless wearing that bracelet. Once exposed, there would only be death. The sacrifices made during this period were very heavy.

In a peaceful era, to need such a sacrifice was too much. This had also caused the Milky Way Alliance a headache. If they could not resolve this issue, the head of the council could retire already.

Elite Academy X...

To be honest, the Milky Way Alliance had invested quite a lot in Elite Academy X, regardless of whether it was the passing of knowledge or development. But all along, the participation of Elite Academy X in such matters was minimized. This time, they were also just resorting to desperate measures in desperate times

But honestly, he did not think that these few students were capable of doing anything shocking. He still needed the council to come out with some ideas.

A certain Wang Zheng was sent there? He really did not know what to say about this rascal’s luck. However, this name just flashed past in the Senator’s mind. There were too many things that he needed to settle, and Maklou was just one of the many issues on his plate.

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