Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1077 - Drumming Morale

Chapter 1077 - Drumming Morale

Chapter 1077: Drumming Morale

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The last two days had been adjustment. More than 300 countries, and 500 teams. There was not much point training at this time. More important was collecting information on their opponents. The core members were often ordered to ease up. Even those who still wanted to train were limited to moderate amounts.

The two Solar System teams left the other C-ranked nations red-eyed with envy. But on second look, it felt even. The Solar System was not playing any tricks this time around. Both teams were filled with real military students. Of course, there were two or three 30-year-olds who claimed to be research students, but compared to other countries, this was considered rather conservative.

It was not that the Solar System did not want to play tricks, but considered that those who had come out of the auditions might not necessarily achieve ideal results. Rather, why not give the youngsters a chance to toughen themselves? Sometimes, facing one’s problems was better than covering it up.

The Solar System was adopting a healthy approach to this SIG. Reputation should be defended in moderation. If they fell behind, that was all right as well. What was important was to nurture the newcomers and next generation. Today, they were reserves. In a few years, perhaps more surprises like Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan would emerge. They had also first tasted sweetness at IG.

The two teams that the Solar System had sent were called Dragon War and Battling Tiger. The metaphorical meaning was deep. Warring Dragon, Battling Tiger. They hoped they could fight in the style of the Solar System, but their draw was quite unlucky. The Warring Dragon battle team was against Mia Empire battle team. They were officially C-rank, but privately, everyone regarded the Mia Empire battle team as a crane in a flock of chickens within the C-rank teams. They were formidable.

The Battling Tiger battle team was even worse off. They were directly matched up against one of the leaders in the B-rank, the Ghana Star battle team...

The two leaders in charge of drawing the lot were banging their heads against the wall. Cursed hands! They wanted to cut them off and feed them to the dogs. They had destroyed everyone’s hopes. After all, facing a weaker opponent would give them a boost of hope. Since they had come, no one wanted to be eliminated in the first round.

Wang Zheng received Xiao Fei’s message. Xiao Fei would definitely come for such an event, but she was more busy than in the past. As the principal, she could not possibly come to Aslan just for SIG. She had to secure even more resources and opportunities for Ares College. She had to be relentless.

In front of Wang Zheng, Xiao Fei hid nothing and used her witch skills. She skipped all the superficial niceties and went straight to extract what remaining usefulness Student Wang had. “Here’s our recent project in the laboratory. Take a look and see if there’s anything to add...”

“Teacher Xiao Fei, what little skill I have has long been eclipsed by you. Besides, Teacher, there are only two more days until the competition, won’t you let me off?” Wang Zheng was immediately put off by the formatting. He could still say something about simple physics theories, but for such a large project with thousands of lab trials, looking through the data would take tens of hours. In truth, the more his physical strength waxed, the more his interest in this field waned.

“I knew you would need a break. That’s why I gave you these to relax you.” Xiao Fei’s lips were plump and alluring as she faced Wang Zheng, her repertoire polished.

“I’ll look at it...” Wang Zheng also knew Xiao Fei’s intention. Smiling, he accepted the folder, and told himself he would.

“That’s right. The two Solar System teams are made up of your cute juniors. If you have time, you can take some time to go watch. Give them some pointers and encouragement. In a while, their captain will contact you. There are only two days to the competition, so no need for anything formal. Have a meal and a chat. That will be fine.” Xiao Fei’s call came with a note of command. Even before fighting, these two teams’ morale was extinguished. The training effect was completely gone.

One could lose, but not with their head bowed. In a competition, one fought until that last breath. It was fine to lag behind, but more importantly, if one lost the vigor, then one’s entire life would be wasted.

After the Greatest King Competition, Wang Zheng, Zhang Shan, Achilles, Lie Xin, Lear, Luo Fei, and the rest had already become legitimate symbols of power within the Solar System military schools, and they were promoted as role models. Their experiences were used to galvanize students. The Solar System was not short on ability, but there had been no figure of leadership to utilize their potential. And in their generation, they were very fortunate. Many years of accumulation would come to bear in their generation!

The teams’ mood was down. If their source of motivation, people like Wang Zheng and the rest, could appear and give them a pep talk about their Greatest King experience, and Wang Zheng could talk about the unique experience of being an Earth-rank pro, then such seeds could be motivated effectively.

Wang Zheng had heard about Warring Dragon and Battling Tiger’s lots from Achilles. Even if Xiao Fei had not made that call, they would have thought of a way to contact them, and found an excuse to go watch them. And now that Mighty Xiao Fei had said it, things were even more straightforward.

“You might as well not go. If you go, you have to be serious. Ares College treats your name like gold now. If you lead them wrong, do you know...”

“I swear I will fulfil the mission properly!” Wang Zheng had no choice; he could only be the guarantee for Xiao Fei. He was resentful. Why was it that everytime he faced Xiao Fei, he was always the one suffering? A witch was a witch. Next time, maybe he should try turning the tables?

After hanging up with Xiao Fei, he found Zhang Shan, Achilles, and Lie Xin. Of course, no one would reject the alma mater’s call. Vincent and Snow Li had been called to similar meetups as well.

When they contacted the two Solar System team captains, the other person was extremely moved. They had set the time at 7 PM, and the venue was Aslan’s Food Street, at an eatery called Delicacies from the Sky.

The only one in the team without an appointment was Mu Zhen, so he would come along as well. Wang Zheng, Zhang Shan, Lie Xin, and Achilles came to the appointed place. From afar, they could see the two Solar System teams.

The teams stood neatly at the entrance of the food street. It was too ostentatious.

But in a flash, the formation scattered. They had seen Wang Zheng and the rest!

Too bad. A blockhead like Mu Zhen could not avoid attention!

“Autographs and pictures!”

In a rush, their discipline crumbled after seeing their elite idols, and they crowded over.

Before they came, they had not thought much about seeing their juniors. Perhaps just a chat, and they would impart some small experience about battling. But in this instant, seeing the members mob him, Wang Zheng was moved.

At Elite Academy X, no matter how many people hollered, he did not feel much. But now, only tens of juniors were present, but he felt emotional. Especially after seeing a few in the school uniform of Ares College, his own blood was fired.

The Aslan people passing by and other tourists let them by with a smile. No one would say anything about this scene.

Of course, this was just noisy on impression. Everyone was still disciplined. It was squeezy, but on the whole, they kept themselves orderly on the street.

Seven people had come from Ares College, and they surrounded Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan. They had already discussed this. They would introduce themselves one by one, and then get their autographs and pictures one by one. Very orderly.

And those from Mars went to find Lie Xin. No discussion needed, line up in order of ability. They spoke to Lie Xin one by one.

Achilles smiled and nodded to his juniors from Moonlight College. After mentioning a few of the teachers there, the distance closed quickly. In an instant, they felt that Achilles was not as aloof as in the rumors, and had a normal side to him.

Student Mu Zhen... surrounded by tourists and Aslan people. Titatitan Star person? So tall! Could they get a picture?

Although he did not like being corralled, Mu Zhen generously agreed. He was understanding the humans better each day. They had their warlike side, but also a peaceable side.

“Woah, you speak the common language so well!”

Hegel had gotten Lie Xin and Wang Zheng’s autographs, then stood at the side. As a Martian, he had no interest in Achilles from the Moon. The Martians idolized the strong, but there had to be an alignment of interests. Wang Zheng was worthy of their attention.

Warring Dragon leader Long Ya was just about to head to the restaurant to confirm their place. After all, an extra Mu Zhen had come along. Although the doorframe of the place was big enough, there might not be enough space to accommodate the giant inside. He had to go and greet the shop owner first.

But in a flash, he saw Hegel standing with a satisfied expression. Long Ya smiled. “Got all your autographs?”


“Perfect. Help me go to the restaurant to confirm the seats.” Long Ya wanted autographs as well, but as a leader, he could not be the first to rush up.

Hegel nodded and turned to run off, when his vision turned black. PAM! josei

He had collided with someone! At the same time, he stumbled, and stepped on the other person’s leg, and not lightly.

“You blind!?”

Hegel was about to back off when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He had been violently pushed off balance by the person he ran into.

No normal person!

Long Ya felt a chill in his heart. He moved forward to catch Hegel. He felt the brunt of the impact and absorbed the power. The opponent had dealt a nasty blow.

Hegel took a breath and lifted his head to see a two-meter-tall giant, staring at him full of fury.

As he fell to the ground, Hegel’s temper was rising as well. His collision had not been serious, but the other guy had pushed him down very heavily. “Friend, it’s true that I ran into you. But wasn’t your blow just a little overboard?”

“You’re talking back to me?”

Forgan was very angry. Beside him were two Aslan girls, laughing prettily. He had just managed to successfully talk them out, and was boasting to the Aslan beauties that he was the main shield of the Ghana Star SIG team. He had been in full flow when the little shrimp had broken in.

Of course, there was an underlying reason. The Ghana people had come here first, and wanted to eat at the Delicacies from the Sky Aslan eatery, but they had said they were full, and the Solar System guys had already booked the place. They had just walked over and seen those Solar System bums. That was fine, but now he had been hit!

Then he was not going to hold back! Since they had made the first move, he could not be blamed for retaliating, right?

Forgan’s blow had been calculated to escalate the situation.

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