Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 608 - A Different Gaze

Chapter 608 - A Different Gaze

Chapter 608: A Different Gaze

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

“Student Wang Zheng, can’t you be more generous? You kidnapped our Snow Li the moment you reached here!” Ai Xiaolu came up and immediately started joking about Wang Zheng.

“Wang Zheng didn’t kidnap her, she came here own her own.” Oli was trying to make an explanation for Wang Zheng very seriously.

Both Ai Xiaolu and De Fulei were stunned. They felt that this girl was really trying to explain to them very seriously, and they did not know whether to laugh or cry.

“Oli, they are just joking.”

Oli felt a little embarrassed and lowered her head. It seemed like it would be more suitable for her to just sit at a corner quietly.

“I couldn’t tell that you have a pretty good body.” Ai Xiaolu was sizing Wang Zheng up and down, as her eyes moved back and forth.

How could Wang Zheng be stifled by a young girl? His eyes were very condescending and were looking at her from the top till all the way down. It couldn’t be helped but to say that they were penetrative. Not many people’s eyes could compare with Wang Zheng’s, and Ai Xiaolu felt as if she was getting stripped.

“Your figure is also pretty good. That I can see.”

Ai Xiaolu proudly raised her chin, it was obvious that she was also very satisfied with herself. “Wang Zheng, are you very close to Ling Luoyu?”

“I only met her once, I just here for the fun.”

To be precise, student Wang was very close to her grandpa, but it seemed like there was no need to answer that.

De Fulei’s figure was truly sexy. This was really something rarely seen amongst the girls of her age, and it was really fabulous.

Wang Zheng’s side really became a beautiful sight due to this. Zhang Shan and Yan Ge’s progression was also really fast... The two of them actually started hugging and kissing each other as though there were nobody else present. It caused numerous people around them to raise their eyebrows, but there was also nobody who really minded.

While Wang Zheng felt that it was pretty admirable, that guy really kept his promise.

Yan Ge also did not expect for Zhang Shan to be so daring. But as it happened, she was quite fond of people with such a personality. Hence, she decided to just let the other people to be envious, jealous or hateful of them.

There were are few people from Class Huang-1 who were here, and Yan Ge definitely also belonged to the beautiful ladies grade. Yet there she was, being won over by someone from Class Huang-7, and this made some of the guys feel resentful. However, student Zhang did not care about that at all. She was already immersed in his own little world, and only real man would dare to confront those provocative eyes.

Wang Zheng laughed faintly as he watched, the springtime of the Mountain Maiden had arrived.

“Are you envious?”

Suddenly, Wang Zheng felt a passionate gaze on his face coming from the side. Snow Li was looking at him with suggestive eyes and it was indescribably moving. Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders. “Not envious, but happy.”

Ai Xiaolu was blinking her eyes as she looked at Snow Li, and then looked at Wang Zheng again. To her surprise, she discovered that even though Wang Zheng admired Snow Li. But many times, it was Snow Li who was greatly interested in Wang Zheng.

This made her even more curious about Wang Zheng. Ai Xiaolu knew of Snow Li’s requirements of a man. But, no matter how she looked, Wang Zheng did not looked like he would meet those requirements.

Oli was drinking her fruit juice. She secretly took a glance at Snow Li, and lowered her head again. Looking at her own little humps, she was inevitably a little bothered. Thinking about it, she decisively threw away her most favourite fruit juice in her hand, and exchanged it for a cup of pure milk.

Mo Ling’s eyes were in quite a daze. Snow Li was her biggest competitor and they were both in Class Huang-1. Actually, it was also a good thing as only with competition then there would be pressure. And when a person was under pressure, more often than not it was also when they would improved the most quickly.

However, when she saw that Snow Li was hovering around a person from Class Huang-7, Mo Ling suddenly felt a little disturbed. What was Snow Li’s trying to do? Was she trying to divert attention?

Ling Luoyu was very happy, she had received a lot of well wishes. Even though there was the euphoric naked guy event that had happened in between, but overall, the birthday party was still a success. And everyone had fun.

She also managed to share some intimate stuff with her close friend and convulsed with laughter. However, when she turned her head and wanted to share about it with Mo Ling, she saw that Mo Ling’s gaze was on Wang Zheng who was sitting in the distance.

She could not help but to feel a little stumped for words, as she thought to herself, why was she looking at him?

However, when she herself gazed over, her gaze also became a little different. There were many people over there, and it was obvious that they were gathered together because of Wang Zheng. Perhaps Wang Zheng was the leader of that group of people, but it was obvious that all of them really valued the opinion of Wang Zheng.

Initially, this would also not be worthy of her attention as who did not have their own circle of friends? In any case, this was also a person whom her grandpa admired, he should at least have this bit of talent. However, among that circle, it was different because Snow Li was there. In the Azure Dragon Region, Hail Cloud Alliance had always been one of those who possessed the most influential power.

If Wang Zheng could be close with Snow Li, it would also meant that he had obtained the support of the Hail Cloud Alliance. However, the problem was that with Snow Li’s temperament, it did not mean that if you had a little bit of talent you would be able to get close to her. In the Elite Academy, there were many geniuses who were being eliminated and swept out like garbage by Snow Li.

Even though she had interacted with Snow Li a few times and could even be counted as her friend, but she was also only a friend and nothing more than that. They were definitely not considered close. josei

But the thing that made Ling Luoyu even more curious was that other than Snow Li, among the rest of the people, there were also many beautiful ladies, such as Ai Xiaolu, De Fulei, and also a bespectacled young, cute girl. This Wang Zheng, could it be that he was the nemesis of women, the number one public enemy of women?

“I need to go over there to get to know him.”

Ling Luoyu blinked her eyes, and walked over while pulling Mo Ling.

“Snow Li, why didn’t you come to chat with me? I am so hurt.”

Snow Li gave Ling Luoyu a little smile, but she did not even bother looking at Mo Ling who was in the same Class Huang-1 as her. She said: “It was because I saw that you were busy. Sister Luoyu, happy birthday.”

“Thank you! Do you want to go inside for a drink?” Ling Luoyu extended her invitation. “Inside” was yet another small circle. And majority of the people in there had huge influential power in the Elite Academy.

“Hehe, I am fine staying here. Wang Zheng, do you want to go swim?” Snow Li turned her head and invited Wang Zheng.

She had an opinion of Ling Luoyu. But, she was also not particularly fond of such small circles, especially those where Mo Ling had entered before her.

Mo Ling gave a faint smile, looking at how Snow Li was treating Wang Zheng, even though initially she was not really interested about Wang Zheng, she suddenly gained interest. “Student Wang Zheng is from Class Huang-7 right?”

“Yes.” Wang Zheng rubbed his nose. He did not want to get involved at all in the war between women.

Fortunately, Snow Li pulled him into the pool at once. Ai Xiaolu, De Fulei, and the rest also followed them and went into the water. Only Oli was still trying her best to drink her milk, and from time to time her gaze would fall on Ling Luoyu’s chest, she was really envious of her big boobs.

After swimming around in the pool, Snow Li pulled Wang Zheng once again.

“Is Mo Ling very pretty?”

“Yes... But, she’s not the type that I like.” Wang Zheng nodded his head at first to tell the truth. But he felt that the temperature of the water in the pool clearly decreased by one degree, hence he immediately added another sentence. And it was also not a lie, Mo Ling’s beauty was the unapproachable type of beauty. “I daresay that the number of people who had confessed to her would definitely not be more than yours.”

“What do you mean, are you saying that I am easy to bully?”

“Hehe.” Wang Zheng used the chuckled loudly decisively. Whenever you encounter a question which you were not able to answer, just chuckle. It would not be lacking in manners, and it would also not be a mistake.

“The sun today is pretty good, would you help me to apply sunblock later on.” Snow Li had forcefully accepted Wang Zheng’s perfunctory gesture. It would not be good to force men too much. Of course, she also did not confuse favorable impressions with feelings, just that she was a little bothered by Mo Ling’s gaze just now. What if Mo Ling beat her to it, how would she be able to tolerate that?

“Hehe.” Wang Zheng continued on with his great chuckling strategy.

In a distance, Ling Luoyu looked at Mo Ling and said, “Xiao Ling, you are a little mean.”

Mo Ling gave a faint smile. “What did I do?”

“You purposely looked at Wang Zheng in that way. It would be alright if Snow Li misunderstood you, but what if he also misunderstood you? Hehe, aren’t you afraid?”

“What is there for me to be afraid of?” Mo Ling sipped her drink. Rather than that, she would be taking pleasure to see what would happen between Snow Li and Wang Zheng. Love made people blind, there were instances that geniuses had become idiots, and they were common occurrences to her. With Snow Li’s temperament, if her competitor showed any interest in Wang Zheng, she would most likely be taking even more initiative and making moves on Wang Zheng, even if she clearly knew that this was a trap.

“Anyway, you got to be careful. From the current situation, it seemed that Wang Zheng is a little strange. Even my grandpa could be moved by him, and that is truly weird. So maybe, you would also fall into it.” Ling Luoyu joked.

“Hehe, but from what I understand, it seemed like teacher Gail wants something to happen between you and him.”

Ling Luoyu straightened up her body: “I am always firm about what I want. Even if it’s my grandpa, it also wouldn’t work.”


Looking at Wang Zheng who was chatting extremely happily with Snow Li in the swimming pool, Ling Luoyu just felt that it was like a perfectly fine fresh flower being stuck on a heap of cow dung. Did the cow dung had too much nutrients, or was the fresh flower too dumb?

At that moment, there was suddenly burst of women’s cheers from the crowd.

“Wow, so handsome!”

“Who is he? Why didn’t I met him before? From his uniform it seemed like he is not from the Academy in Roland Garros.”

“It’s the uniform of the Milky Way Military College.”

“Isn’t that...”

“Yes, it’s the one that is as famous as Elite Academy X.”

For Ling Luoyu’s birthday party, she did not only invite the people from Elite Academy X, but also her neighbors, and some of her friends from the embassy...

It was very obvious her friends did not have enough composure, and there were quite many women who had become love-struck fools.

Ling Luoyu was startled, then she saw a handsome man walking towards her. “Ling Luoyu, I wish you a happy birthday.”

“Thank you, why are you in Roland Garros!” Ling Luoyu was obviously really happy. “Mo Ling, let me introduce to you, this is Senior Ma Guangyuan. However, last year he had went over to the Milky Way Military College for exchange.”

Ma Guangyuan smiled at Mo Ling. “There’s a few teachers from the Milky Way Military College who came over here to settle some stuff. As you know about my family relations... Miss Mo is really beautiful, it is my great pleasure to meet you.”

“Senior Ma.” Mo Ling gave a faint smile and shook hands with Ma Guangyuan.

The Ma family was deeply rooted in Roland Garros, and Ma Guangyuan was also well-known figure of the current generation of the Ma family, and Mo Ling had also heard of him.

Ma Guangyuan was gazing at Mo Ling very passionately. However, his target today was not Mo Ling, but...

Snow Li who was in the pool!

Since he entered, he had been attracted by Snow Li’s figure at first sight. Comparing the two, even Mo Ling was also an absolute beauty, but in terms of the degree of seduction, it was still Snow Li who was in swimsuit that would make it harder for one to hold back the urge in one’s heart.

“Hey, it’s my birthday today. Don’t mess around.”

Ling Luoyu was happy as Ma Guangyuan was her playmate from childhood and was indeed one of her good friends who had journeyed all this while with her. It was rare that he was the only one out of all her guy friends who had never ever confessed to her, ever since she was little.

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