Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 615 - Overlord Disarmed!

Chapter 615 - Overlord Disarmed!

Chapter 615: Overlord Disarmed!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Takra’s eyes were fierce-looking. Finally, the opportunity was given to him. Although he was strong built, he was a scheming and cunning fellow. He shared a close relationship with Berto, all for the sake of forming better relationships with instructors so that it would be more convenient for him to use mecha as he pleased. Since the instructor had given him this ‘mission’, naturally he would do his best.

There was a certain level of intelligence among the students. Takra’s Ability X was flame, and his level of application was quite high. Together with a mech which could easily create a bang like the Overlord, it was easy to produce fatal kills.

To Wang Zheng, he did not care who his opponent was. Instead, he was interested in getting to know all kinds of new moves.

The two of them entered the Overlord mech, and began examining the capabilities of the mech.

“Zhang Shan, it looks like you’re right. I have just received news that Instructor Bonu is Berto’s father, and Berto had to be treated at the hospital because of Wang Zheng. It looks like today’s session won’t end so easily.” Yan Ge smiled bitterly. Even Yan Ge could tell that something was off. Earlier on, Wang Zheng had already passed through a round of testing and then he continued to have a battle with Kendis. By now, his mental and physical strength would have been drained. There was certainly something amiss for the competition to continue at this point.

Zhang Shan shook his head, “Not an issue.”

“Not an issue? Takra has the capabilities to enter Huang Class-1, just that his style of doing things isn’t that good. And he thinks it is cool being on top in Huang Class-2, hence he did not want to join Huang Class-1. His use of the flame ability is also quite good, even when comparing him to the fire-affiliated individuals of the Astina Federation. How does Wang Zheng compare?”

Zhang Shan smiled, “My dear, just wait and see. Later on you’ll know that our brother is truly blessed by the heavens.”

“An blessed by the heavens? Does he have any strong powers?” Yan Ge asked out of curiosity.

“See and you’ll find out.” Zhang Shan refused to reveal further.

The training mode was launched, and the two mech warriors entered. The crowd’s stance could be divided into two. Half of them were indifferent, while the other half hoped that Wang Zheng would not be so outstanding, being a new student from Huang Class-7. Putting on a spectacular performance would put the strong contenders to shame, and since the general opinion of Takra wasn’t that great, it would be best if they both were doomed together.

Wang Zheng didn’t care if people liked him or not, nor did he bother if they had ulterior motives for their participation, all was well as long as the opponent was skilled.

The two Overlord looked at each other with hostility. Takra growled, and the Overlord rushed towards the skies...

F*ck, wasn’t this a little too impatient???

Wang Zheng was speechless. Takra had wanted to go on a full offensive right from the beginning? This was not realistic!

In an instant, Wang Zheng’s Overlord threw out its shield, and the huge shield flew like a spinning frisbee towards Takra in mid-air.

Boom.... Rumble...

Takra’s Overlord stumbled midflight and landed heavily. It was stumbling and wavering, and it almost fell on it’s face.

On the other hand, Wang Zheng had already retracted his shield.

Those onlooking were left dumbfounded. You mean even this was possible? Even the shield could maneuver just like that?

“Takra is too dumb. There is no time for him to release his fatal moves, and yet he wants to forcefully execute it. There are plenty of ways Wang Zheng can stop him in his tracks.” Snow Li shook her head, feeling helpless, and thought to herself why were some people just so naïve?

The Ability X of these people were rather strong, but it was a wonder why their tactical abilities were so lacking. Could they have thought that they were invincible the moment they used the Overlord? And that the opponent would wait patiently for them to showcase their moves?

The blow had awakened Takra. He knew that the opponent did not have the intention to chase after him, but was only interested in watching him from afar.

But, he was an Astinan! He was the mighty Flame God Takra! He was adamant and refused to stray away from his original path!

The Overlord roared, and rushed towards the skies once again. But this time, it was wreathed in flames.

Wang Zheng was stunned, did he really have to be so persistent?

The shield in his hands swung out immediately, making a precise attack. But Takra’s Overlord was surrounded by a ring of fire, and it deflected the shield directly.

Flame defense!

The shield was spinning, and Wang Zheng’s Overlord charged forward, grasping it with its left arm. This was not like the Golden Wheel Fighter God where it had a specialised device meant for catching spinning objects. Instead, the shield could only be caught using its arms. The force was also completely different, but of course, the rotation of the shield was not overly quick.

The ring of fire seemed a little interesting to Wang Zheng.

At this point, Takra had already completed his preparations for the Sky Rocket Cannon. He had his target locked, and was ready to charge towards Wang Zheng with all his might. Wang Zheng had rushed to retrieve his shield, and missed the best opportunity to avoid his attack. Even if he threw the shield out again, he would not be able to avoid Takra’s attack.

Takra’s Vulcan Descent, was an area of effect attack. He had incorporated his own Flaming Ability X with the impulse of the Sky Rocket Cannon, forming something similar to a nuclear explosion. The effect of it was impressive. At the very least, the energy shield would break when hit, and the range of the attack was wide. josei

This was the effective outcome of incorporating a Flame Ability X onto a physical level.

Wang Zheng lifted his head. He was appreciative and recognized Takra’s spectacular performance, for he did not think of such a combination when using the Overlord. From the flame defense to such a destructive combination, everything fell into its rightful place. Takra’s combat ability was indeed amazing, and such combination could not be done simply by releasing one’s Ability X. It had to be in tandem with the mech’s moving speed, in order to create such a magical reaction. It required one to truly have a feel for it before they could even attempt to use such an ability.

Everyone looked at Wang Zheng, was he that foolish???

Why was he still not hiding???

The gaze in everyone’s eyes turned a little strange and only Bonu revealed a smug smile on his face. It was as though Wang Zheng had resigned himself to fate.

Rumble rumble rumble...

An earth shattering explosion sound was heard, and the two Overlord’s separated. The training background had disappeared.

“Wang Zheng wins this round, Takra loses.”

The floor plunged into silence.

All the students stood still for seconds and could not react to the announcement. Was there something wrong with their ears?

How could this be !!!

Even if Wang Zheng had managed to avoid the attack, he could not have won either!

But the damage value calculated by the system would not have gone wrong, could it have made a mistake? The Academy’s system would actually make a mistake?

The cockpit door opened, and Takra walked out. He took a glance at Wang Zheng’s Overlord, lowered his head, and walked down without saying a word.

Bonu thought to himself, why was it so strange? He had wanted to stop Takra and ask him what had happened. There was a high possibility that the system had made a mistake, could it be that Takra’s attack value was too high?

There was no way Wang Zheng could win!

Everyone was looking at Takra, the arrogant boss of Huang Class-2, how did he end up with such an expression, .... And why were his eyes red.

Ai Xiaolu and De Fulei could not believe what they had just witnessed. But suddenly they had thought of it, Wang Zheng could have really defeated the Zerg in the World of Saints.

But this was strange. His Ability X wasn’t that good, if not he would not be assigned to the Huang Class-7. But why.... Why?

Snow Li smiled, “This move is called the Overlord Disarm!”

There was a huge explosion earlier on, and no one could see clearly what exactly had happened. Bonu activated his Skylink, and looked up the footage of the training ground for playback. At this point of time, everyone was already engaged in their own discussions about what had happened earlier.

The virtual screen had appeared. The power of the Flaming Overlord in the air had already condensed to a point. Takra had only disarmed his flame defense when he started to charge forward. This was because once the Overlord charged, there was no need for defense anymore. This was a perfect strategy, and Wang Zheng, being his target, had only just activated his energy shield.

Was this even useful?

If Wang Zheng’s move could allow him to win, the Arbiter Republic would have dominated the entire universe, becoming invincible with such a powerful mech.

But in Wang Zheng eyes, the Sky Rocket Cannon was full of flaws. This was because the critical strike did not leave any room for turning back, and your opponent would definitely counterattack.

The Sky Rocket Cannon could be seen as an all in direct attack. After being strengthened by the flames, the cannon was activated. Indeed, it was a powerful strike but the intrinsic qualities remained the same.

The moment the Sky Rocket Cannon was nearing Wang Zheng, his Overlord suddenly soared, Shoulder Shield Leaning Landslide!

It was not a head-on collision, but at a tilted angle of about sixty degrees from the ground.

At the point of collision, the famous armoury of the Overlord, the shield, exploded into pieces instantly. Wang Zheng’s Overlord had also been knocked away, but Takra’s Overlord had lost control. A fully committed move like this was most afraid of such permutations in the battle. If Takra had not added his flame ability X, he probably would have only crashed to the floor. But adding the flame ability X to the equation had cause his mech to explode instead!

The power of the explosion had weakened Wang Zheng’s energy shield greatly in an instant, but it did not cause fatal damage. Meanwhile, the released energy had been released within the interior of Takra’s Overlord.

What the f*ck.... Was Wang Zheng that lucky???

Everyone had only one thought in their minds, that this was a move that was executed out of desperation, without much thought. And to think it could produce such an effect!

What were the chances of that happening?

But the tactical analytics system of the Elite Academy X did not stop there. It showed the scene where the moment of collision occurred. A few geometry figures appeared, and energy formulas were lined up at the side. The final outcome had concluded that, at this angle with an error range not exceeding five percent, once the impact had reached a certain level, it was possible to cause a backblast in the interior of the mech.

The system gave the final assessment: Textbook example meant for future study!

Would the participant please come forward to name this case?

Everyone was silent, were they all dreaming?

Being assessed as a classic case to be used in textbooks?

It could appear once every year?

This could not be true, this was just sheer luck. It was impossible to not have been his sheer luck!

But... was it really his sheer luck?

Wasn’t this fellow more skilled in using mech models with dexterity?

He could pilot and execute the techniques of the Overlord as well?

Yan Ge had become a little dull-witted. She looked at Zhang Shan who kept a poker face, as though everything that had happened was normal. She asked Zhang Shan, “So you were saying, Wang Zheng’s invincible ability was —- luck?”

Zhang Shan’s face changed. How could this woman be so brainless, he thought. But after all, she was his woman, and so he replied, “My dear, Wang Zheng’s invincible ability is to specifically treat all kinds of dissatisfaction with a resounding smack in the face!”

“Treat... all sorts of dissatisfaction.....” Yan Ge murmured, and suddenly reacted to Zhang Shan’s statement, “And so you mean, what happened earlier was an accident?”

Zhang Shan rolled his eyes, “You really believed that one could have that much luck huh?”

“This is not possible. At such an angle, it requires judgment of one’s spatial position, and an adequate understanding of the mech, this was simply...”

Zhan Shan swung his hands, “There is nothing impossible. Wang Zheng was the award recipient for physics during his university days, and he was a professional mech repairman. What others cannot do, Wang Zheng can definitely do it.”

Yan Ge’s mouth widened in shock. If she had not witnessed this right before her eyes, she would not had felt much when she heard about it. University Science Award? What use did it have? Mech repairman? And he dared to mention such a lowly profession?

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