Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 627 - Overnight Dormitory Room

Chapter 627 - Overnight Dormitory Room

Chapter 627: Overnight Dormitory Room

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Snow Li did not beat around the bush, and her expression became very serious. “I can’t understand the technique Li Poshan taught that day. Can you teach me instead?”

Wang Zheng was nonchalant. Instead, he looked at Snow Li with great interest. “Why do you think I understand?”

“Because... you are Wang Zheng!” Snow Li’s eyes were full of tension.

This reason was a reason, at least one which Wang Zheng was willing to accept.

“This body refining technique was actually derived from the Earth, or the Solar System. We have a certain foundation in this so it is not too difficult to understand. First of all, what you have to do is to believe in the existence of Qi and that the human body is truly mysterious. With that you can better understand the foundation of learning this. However I do not agree with this saying.” Wang Zheng said

In his opinion, this practice was more like a development of human wisdom, but was not supported with technological development in the same civilization.

“I am willing to accept that, but what I can’t understand is why the human body can enhance its strength through this kind of methods while some others fail to.” Snow replied.

“First of all, Qi is an invisible force and is always present in the human body. It is not only power, but also life. There are many factors that can affect Qi like physical conditions and mental strength. Mastering the breathing method is to help cultivate your Qi into an optimal condition. For an example, will someone that eats well grow faster than someone that does not?” Wang Zheng explained.

Snow Li nodded, this was still understandable.

“I still cannot feel the breathing method, can you help me with it?”

Wang Zheng smiled and extended two fingers. “There are ways. One is that I forcibly open your acupoints for you, which I don’t recommend. It is always better to achieve this yourself. The second is self-understanding. I will give you some assistance, but this depends on chance and luck.”

Like Zhang Shan who could not be described with just lucky. It was not the first time this guy impressed him, his speed of learning was amazing and he always strayed away from the conventional path.

“Then let’s get started with the second method!” Snow Li said with great enthusiasm.

Wang Zheng coughed. “I will declare this in advance. Not that I want to take advantage of you, but I might intrude into your spiritual space later, and you cannot reject me. This is something you should consider clearly.”

“Come on.” Snow Li smiled. “I have nothing to hide.”

This was not a good thing for him too. He would rather not know at all.

“An epiphany is the body spiritually guiding you. This is the superior method for one to learn this technique. Whether it is to refine your strength or Ability X, they are interlinked. Some people rely entirely on their instincts, while others have to go through a technique. You can start to try the technique Li Poshan taught, but try to follow your own feelings as much as you can. Don’t be afraid of mistakes. Sometimes your body and soul’s connection is more important.

Snow Li nodded quite decisively.

“... but, it’s best for you to change your clothes, they are too tight...” said Wang Zheng.

He really was not thinking of anything else, but could not help but feel premeditated.

“Ah, I didn’t bring extra clothes, can I borrow yours first.”

Snow Li took Wang Zheng’s T-shirt and ran into the bathroom to change clothes. Wang Zheng could not help but think that he was overthinking things. It seemed that Snow Li was more open-minded. He was the only one who was feeling awkward.

If Xiaosu knew about this, he would definitely be mocked. Nonetheless, he could not help but to fantasize... Snow was a girl who was hard to resist.

After a while, Snow Li returned with new clothes and a very serious expression.

“Now, start with the mind, sink into your body and free your body from it’s physical form”

Snow Li closed her eyes and tried to focus on Wang Zheng’s guidance.

Snow Li’s situation was indeed much more difficult than Zhang Shan. Things like one’s soul and one’s genes would evolve over time. After human beings carried out the interstellar navigation, some evolved from the separation of thousands of light years. Environmental changes had great impact on internal changes, less so on physical changes.

Like this breathing method, it was very simple for the people of the Earth to accept. Like Zhang Shan who was enlightened when he was walking. Something even the elites of Elite Academy X could not achieve.

For Snow Li, the super genius of the Ice Cloud Alliance, born during the Year of the Dancing Ice Dragon, this obstacle was like a mountain.

Wang Zheng’s spiritual force gradually guided Snow Li, but Wang Zheng kept his distance and did not really wanted to enter Snow Li’s spiritual world. It was not just the matter of her privacy, but also his as they would inevitably have certain linked thoughts.

The opening of each acupuncture point consumed a great deal of physical and mental strength, but the captain of the Ice Cloud Alliance remained strong, her expression unchanged. Deep inside, Wang Zheng knew how uncomfortable her current state was.

Snow Li’s frail face was no longer fair, but pale. Her body was unconsciously soaked in sweat, drenching even the newly changed sheets.

Time felt longer than it was. The longer they persisted, the harder it got. Snow Li’s mental strength was enough, but she was lacking physically. Wang Zheng could provide her with the strength she needed, but the scenario now was the tipping point that would be best broken through by Snow herself. The effect would be completely different, and could create better self esteem for any warrior if achieved alone. josei

Wang Zheng also wanted to see Snow’s limits.

Snow Li did not disappoint Wang Zheng. This stubborn girl had obviously exhausted her physical strength and still insisted that the last acupuncture point to be opened.

When that moment came, Snow Li opened her eyes and she knew that she had succeeded. In the current Ice Cloud Alliance, no more than five people had succeeded. Within that five, only one achieved this within one year of entering Elite Academy X – her.

Snow wanted to say something, but she was completely out of strength.

Wang Zheng smiled. “You don’t have to talk, take a break, it’s okay.”

After hearing that, Snow’s heart eased, and relentless fatigue swept through her.

Wang Zheng did not know whether to laugh or cry. He carried Snow to the bed and lay the blanket over her. To think that this girl was the first to use those clean sheets.

Wang Zheng was not too bothered. There was not a sofa around, he sat on the floor and was quickly in his own world. His surroundings was never a problem for him, but sleep had always been one.

When dawn came, Wang Zheng did not felt an inch of soreness although he had been sitting through the night. Although he was not fully recharged, he felt pretty energized.

Snow was still deep asleep on the bed, as sound as an ice princess. Her sleeping posture was adorable. Wang Zheng who was appreciating from one side was in a good mood, especially with such a view early in the morning.

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