Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 661 - Intentions

Chapter 661 - Intentions

Chapter 661: Intentions

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Growth. This was the main aim of the Solar system. The process may be rather long, but it did not mean that everything was in vain.

And all the efforts were shown on the current generation.

Lie Guang and Milo were eventually eliminated, but both of them had shown off their own styles of battle, exceeding the imaginations of their opponents.

Lear and Luo Fei were both promoted. Luo fei was extremely thankful to the heavens above, as his opponent was in fact a Huang Grade expert. Because of this, Luo Fei had been rather excited for a long while. Although he had been taught by Lear for a period of time, he was still quite delighted. It was still better to face against a weak opponent than a strong one, hence Luo Fei happily destroyed his competition. Lear’s opponent was a Xuan Grade, but Lear had won out in the end. However, the process was rather normal, and was deemed as insignificant according to Lear’s usual behavior.

“Boss! Congratulations, felicitations! I’ve already said that those so-called Xuan Grade opponents wouldn’t be your opponent, you can just toy them to death.” Fatty Luo hurriedly started flattering.

Lear simply ignored Fatty, “How’s the others?”

“Wang Zheng, Achilles, Lie Xin, Zhang Shan have advanced. Like me, Zhang Shan’s luck was pretty good.” Fatty laughed.

Fatty’s hidden meaning was that he also relied on his luck, and he might be eliminated in the next round, hence Lear should not hold too much hope for him.

“If you’re eliminated at the next round, you can forget about eating for the next week.” Lear plainly stated.

Fatty Luo’s smiling face immediately turned bitter, “Not eating for a whole week would kill people.”

“You won’t die, thus you should seriously reconsider.”

Fatty Luo couldn’t stand it any longer. At any rate, Lear was far too familiar with his usual antics, and was able to easily control his actions.

However, Lear also knew it too well. With Luo Fei’s strength, there were no expectations for him to advance too far into the competition. After winning the first match, he could be considered to have saved the pride of the Solar System, and there had been no expectations placed on him for the second round onwards. Unfortunately, Lear had no intentions of letting him off easily.

Lear not only wanted to make a name for himself, but on the whole, he hoped that the entire Solar system’s squad could do the same. The influence of a single person claiming to be the best was small, and the entire Elite Academy was filled with people who were still neglecting the Solar system. This was not something that Lear wanted to see. He wanted to witness the rise of the Solar system, while at the same time being the ruler of it, showcasing the might of Earth.

However, for such a powerful representative, only one person was needed.

After the first round, although there were still differences in skill level, but all the participants had shown a certain level of competency. Those at the Xuan Grade remained near the top, with White Tiger and Vermillion Bird winning percentages being slightly higher. Next was Azure Dragon, followed by Black Tortoise. Of course, all of these data points were something that the teams from each school had to know.

“Jiang Feng, you seem to be very optimistic about the Solar system.”

“Director, I am not the only one. The other instructors had also discovered the situation, the strength of their physical skills had been rising, and have broken through the monopoly that the Ability X once had. Although the few youths of the Solar system lack experience, but they still stand a chance to succeed.”

“So in this case, you seem to be favoring those 2 from Arbiter and Earth.”

“Yes, I do feel that there is a possibility that they will be able to enter into the top four of the regionals.”

“Oh, such confidence. It seems that you do have other plans.”

“Director Ming Jian, with regards to these extraordinary students, we indeed should assist their development. This is especially since the rise of physical skills is a good phenomenon, and will be able to act as a counterbalance against Atlantis and Mayan teams. For us of humanity, it is indeed a good sign.”

Jiang Feng mentioned that Ability X was essentially a way to study Atlantis’ runic power. However, such a power would not be able to defeat them. As one of the core figures of the Milky Way alliance, Jiang Feng and the rest were aware that the Atlanteans and the Mayans had both hidden their true strength, Of course, peace was the ideal situation, but as a leader of humanity under the Milky Way alliance, they should not be left behind in terms of their military might. Humanity had to become the strongest amongst the League of Nations, or else they would fade into obscurity.

The current generation were still unclear regarding the mysterious agreement made hundreds of years ago. Additionally, the rising new generation did not believe for a second that that so-called agreement would be able to bring peace and growth for humanity. Strength was forever an eternal truth, thus they had learnt various techniques from all the different civilizations. While the resurgence of physical reinforcement was also a boon for them, it did not matter too much in the grand scheme of things. Their current influence and sway were far too weak, and could only use those results as a minor support in order to develop even further. josei

Rome was not built in a day, and under the era of Ability X, if they wished to reproduce the brilliance of physical reinforcement, it was frankly still too far away.

The delegation from the Milky Way Military College had not yet set off, but as the trials had only just begun, all of them were still watching the high-level battles.

Of course, the results of the trials had already been released to the Milky Way Military College, and they had seen the first round of the matches.

“The standards of this batch are just so-so, even I would be able to attain decent results if I were to go to Elite Academy.”

“”Haha, are you trying to give up your brilliant future and fade into obscurity?”

Everyone laughed. All along, Elite Academy were known for their individual strength. At this current level, it was rather easy to obtain fame as an individual. However, this was extremely different from the Milky Way Military College. After all, every elite had a strong desire to showcase their personal strength. This was also a reason that caused the Elite Academy to look down on the Milky Way Military College,

In fact, mecha battles were also an important course in the Milky Way Military College. Each ship possessed a fleet escort, and even an air force squadron. After watching the competition, they had felt that their standards were just not up to par.

Aurora and Oz were both professionals, and could be considered masters of the mech. In addition, they were the only ones that were trusted by Her Royal Highness. Due to this, they had garnered quite a bit of enmity, and had received a large number of challenges after enrolling in the academy. However, both of them had overwhelming strength that had shocked the rest.

Regarding the discussion of the others, both of them remained silent. It may be that they looked down on IG, but they were unable to forget the experiences that they had personally gone through.

That b*stard, who had shocked the whole IG, and had won the princess’s heart.

As a princess’s knight, their existence had only one purpose, which was to fight for their princess. Her Royal Highness was the pride and future of their Aslan. In order to protect the princess, they were willing to sacrifice their lives at any time in glory. Oz and Aurora were deeply proud of this responsibility, and were willing to become even stronger to prove this point.

This Wang Zheng... if it was any other person, both of them believed that it would be a stain on the princess’s reputation. It was not an exaggeration that they were willing to sacrifice themselves to kill Wang Zheng, but... this Wang Zheng...

Despite the skills of both of them, they had never seen such a person before. When he was not fighting, he was just like a normal person. However, once he boarded the mech, his piloting and strength left others speechless.

However, it had been a long time since IG had passed. Many people may have started out as an amazing genius, but even more have faded away, which was determined by numerous factors. The final few that were able to successful reach the peak were always only a handful.

Aurora knew that the Prime Minister had used some tricks in order to separate the two. This was not out of her expectations, but was it really a separation?

If both of them were forever unable to meet, there might be no issues. However, they were about to meet again right now.

From the perspective of the Aslan Empire, Wang Zheng was indeed unfathomable. However, they were hoping that Wang Zheng would fall from grace, saving Aslan quite a lot of trouble.

In their eyes, this was just a minor ‘trouble’.

Meng Tian had completed her course and training tasks, and the progress she made was unbelievable.

A mid grade C rank Ability X, this was simply incredible. She was very clear about her talent and situation, but now the growth of her power was beyond her control, and her Ability X was beginning to evolve.

This was extremely rare amongst the elites of the Milky Way Military College. After the emergence of the Ability X, there were two situations that were possible. One was the creation of a new and different type of ability, while the other was the evolution of an ability of a similar type.

Without a doubt, the evolution of the similar type was the rarest.

The derivation of the branch ability was just an additional skill, but evolution meant an improvement in the overall tier.

Meng Tian was an Earthling, and was said to be the daughter of a certain general on Earth, and could be regarded as the second generation of a small army. This kind of people was the most despised within the Military College, but now it had attracted the curiosity of quite a number of people.

Her beauty, her coldness, her potential, and her unyielding demeanor.

The Ability X of ice was at the very most related to freezing. Amongst the five elements, it was commonly seen. Even after strengthening, this type of ability would just raise its offensive power slightly, and would not be able to develop any new tricks.

However, Meng Tian discovered that her Ability X was undergoing a strange phenomenon. For example, she was emitting warmth even after using her freezing ability.

This led to frenzied discussion amongst the instructors. Additionally, she found that her body would undergo an internal shift every time she used her Ability X. When the Ability X was able to achieve both purposes, she discovered that the entire world had undergone a strange transformation.

Such a level of application was indeed unimaginable.

Others may not know the reason, but Meng Tian believed that this was related to Wang Zheng.

Under the icy appearance, only one place was warm.

There was only one reason for Meng Tian to leave. The person that Wang Zheng liked was not her.

She did not want to be Wang Zheng’s emotional burden, which violated her principles, and hoped that the person she liked would be happy too.

The first round had ended, and the second round was about to begin, and there had been eliminations. Due to the use of virtual warfare, there was basically no serious injury, except for one, the opponent of Olivios. Due to the counter attack of his Ability X, the opponent had suffered a mental shock, and was currently recovering in a hospital.

Although the current technology of mankind had a deep understanding of physical repair, it was still rather weak in the mental aspect. Hence, the most they could do was to stabilize him.

After a single round, those at the Huang Grade had almost all been eliminated, but the four great academies all had over ten participants entering the second round. The Xuan Grade Class 1 experts had eliminated the most opponents, showcasing their overwhelming strength, followed by the Class 2 and 3’s.

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