Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 726 - Noobs and Honored Guests

Chapter 726 - Noobs and Honored Guests

Chapter 726: Noobs and Honored Guests

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Sun Tianxiong was joyful. Whoever this outsider was, he would destroy him!

Wind God’s movement capabilities were not bad, but after adding lodestone gear, it would affect its movements. And once its speed capabilities were gone, it could neither attack or defend well. It was completely useless.

Wang Zheng Wind God (Support)

Yao Ailun Overlord (Defense)

Lin Huiyin Lightning Swordsman (Offense)

Yao Ailun’s use of Arbiter’s Overlord made their defense substantial, and also had some attack capabilities.

Sun Tianxiong Jungle Scamper (Support)

Mu Guang Slayer (Offense)

Zhang Ziyan Heavy Rider Type III (Defense)

From the lineup, Mu Guang’s team looked like they would definitely win. Of course, they could not hope to compete in terms of popularity. The moment Lin Huiyin appeared, they had been done for. But at least they could take the victory, and still share in the limelight. Although your reputation was big, but an outsider was an outsider.

Especially Sun Tianxiong. He had directly chosen Jungle Scamper. Although it was a support, it clearly had great offensive capabilities. Such a mecha was used to show off. Lin Huiyin’s presence was a good thing after all. Perhaps it could help him increase his reputation to sweep across the Solar System.

Therefore, how could Big God Sun be content as a lowly support? Mu Guang’s choice of Slayer was also a strong move. As for the “Goddess”, she had already been completely ignored. Under normal circumstances, the Goddess would be carefully kept in the back. But for the victory, now she had become a meat shield.

Zhang Ziyan also had not expected to be abandoned like this. The entertainment value of the match was gone now. In order to secure the win, she had to stand at the front.

In terms of firepower, especially at the mid-range, Mu Guang’s side had the advantage. Given Sun Tianxiong’s skills, as long as they controlled the tempo well, this was a sure win.

Under heavy expectations, the competition began.

Mu Guang had already rushed out, overly eager. Slayer aimed to subdue Overlord, leaving Sun Tianxiong to deal with the other two.

“Looks like Mu Guang’s team is very anxious. Given this kind of movement, it looks like a 2 v 3.” Prince joked.

As for Zhang Ziyan, she simply had to guarantee her own safety. They had intended to fight 2 v 3 from the start. Rather than decreasing their battle power, this in fact made it easier for them to shine, because Heavy Rider Type III had added a heavy sniper attack. Zhang Ziyan was not completely useless. Even interference was good, and this was a defensive turret type mecha.

Zhang Ziyan followed slowly behind. Her actual thoughts on the situation were unclear, but it was obvious that this match had evolved from entertainment into a competition.

As for Yao Ailun’s fight, he seemed not to have changed his style much. The 3 mecha maintained their formation as they advanced, with Wind God in the middle. Having added the lodestone gear, it was a little clunky and unwieldy, its agility being punished.

Nobody used this setup. Whether in CT or real life, such a method was sure to fail.

“Prince, although you favor our Goddess’ team, but from the way things appear to me presently, Sun Tianxiong’s battle strategy is clear. A sniper can use its mobility to completely rout Overlord, which is the matchup between Mu Guang and Yao Ailun. Sun Tianxiong chose Jungle Scamper, which in normal situations plays the support, but in his hands will be terrifying. I think if Wind God shrugs off the lodestone system, it might have a chance.”

The other host Small Wisdom laughed.

“The Goddess’ battle power is not necessarily 0.” Prince smiled.

“As for that, it will depend on whether they are willing to go hard.” Small Wisdom also laughed. “In terms of victory, Mu Guang’s side seems better equipped, although it does come at the cost of being less entertaining.”

Originally, people had wanted to see an entertaining match of how a pro would work with two amateurs, but now things were specifically targeted. It seemed like Yao Ailun’s side was still trying to preserve the entertainment value. Otherwise, why would Wind God take a lodestone setup?

The first to enter the Mu Guang team’s attack radius. Once the sights were locked, Zhang Ziyan fired the first shot, a heavy-duty laser shot.

Directly at Lin Huiyin’s Lightning Swordsman!

They did not know whether it was a woman’s sudden improvement at critical moments. From the start, Zhang Ziyan held all the advantages, so everybody had let her off easy, given her goddess-like aura. But suddenly she had become a normal person again. A woman’s jealousy was a frightening thing. This shot was both fast and accurate.

Lin Huiyin was already prepared, because she had a good captain. The Lightning Swordsman made a quick twirl to evade it. This mecha’s movement capabilities were good.

And Lin Huiyin was born confident. She did not feel like her assuming the main force position was a problem at all.

“So cruel!”

“She actually fired such a heavy shot at the Princess, her Highness. Drag her out and behead her!”

“Poisonous witch no. 1 in history!”

Zhang Ziyan did not know this. She had simply wanted to attract everybody’s attention with that shot, and to give herself some credit. She felt that a little wench like Lin Huiyin did not have her feminine wiles, and her looks were “so-so” only. She had just been born into a better position, and exoticism was more popular. And as for CT, she was much stronger than many people. But she had forgotten that fans were not reasonable people, whether those rooting for her or against her. It depended on who was more popular.

Sun Tianxiong’s Jungle Scamper suddenly leapt forward, immediately firing an electric javelin, aimed directly at the Anonymous Guy support. After it left his hand, he did not even bother to look. He immediately changed to half-beast mode, and leapt towards Lin Huiyin. The feeling of crushing the Princess under his body must feel good, even if it was just virtually.

But halfway through his jump... he had been stopped?

That confident electric javelin attack had missed, and he had been snared by the lodestone attraction system.

He had not even felt anything???

How was that possible!

Even in a professional match, he had never been sucked in before!!!

But the opponent was just a support. What could he do?

He completely ignored it, and changed shape again, accumulating energy in the electric javelins in both hands.


Shing, shing...

“Mother-and-son soul-hunting Electric javelins!” Small Wisdom yowled. “Our Tyrant Sun is going at it for real now. From the get-go, he’s using his ultimate move from the last competition.”

The two javelins flew out, one in front and one behind, but their power and throwing method used completely different techniques.

Wang Zheng’s eyes lit up as well. This guy knew his stuff.

Both javelins had rotational energy. The javelin behind was more powerful, and when the javelins intersected, they would create some static energy response, which would alter the two javelins. To an outsider, this would be completely unpredictable.

The live broadcast was already analyzing this. In fact, Sun Tianxiong had his strong points. This mother-son soul-hunting Javelins were nicknamed “Misunderstanding”. The two rotating electric javelins created a small magnetic field. As they intersected, there would be a magnetic response which changed their trajectory. It was completely unstoppable, let alone to know the direction.

On the other side, Yao Ailun had already been trapped by Slayer, and being beaten to the point where he could only give way. Mu Guang was celebrating. Slayer’s high attack was shining, and Yao Ailun could only cower behind his huge shield and retreat constantly. And Lin Huiyin was receiving shot after shot from Zhang Ziyan. One amateur was inaccurate, and the other was dodging randomly. It was indeed a lively scene, although 99 percent of the hearts went out to Princess Huiyin. How could one bear to take her down? The only part left to Zhang Ziyan from now on was that of the evil witch.

With his ultimate move used, Sun Tianxiong immediately changed shapes. The half-beast Jungle Scamper pounced forward. As long as Wind God activated its shields, then it was nothing but a sitting duck.


The audience were exclaiming loudly as well. As a top professional player, Sun Tianxiong had actually used such an unstoppable move. This was something that even professional players would sigh at. Did this mean the competition was about to end? Once they thought of their Goddess being beaten, they could not bear it. What kind of pro was Yao Ailun, he looked like a noob.

Protect the Goddess!

Protect the Goddess! josei

Countless mecha cookies began to accumulate. It was horrible.

Lin Huiyin’s appeal was indeed so great it was scary. Uncaring of the rules, everybody was shouting that it was not allowed to hit the Goddess...

This was a competition.

The definitely-dead Wind God was sitting as though it was blind. It did not activate the energy shield, but maintained its energy in the lodestone system. Wind God’s energy shields were innately weaker, and to waste it in the lodestone system, this was definitely a scrub.

What kind of noob was invited?

Countless people had already turned their hatred towards this nameless guy who had not protected the Goddess. Bring him out and behead him!

... Brought out and beheaded.

Suddenly, it had become a trending phrase.

But at this time, Wind God seemed to not have given up. 2 beams of attraction energy beams shot out.

“The intention of this is to... catch the electric javelins?” Small Wisdom was reeling. As an old CT hand like Old Deer, he had never seen someone so noob.

Prince’s eyes were flashing strongly. ... Miss!

“D*mn, this guy is a maniac. How is that possible!”

“That’s right. If he catches them, I’ll go buy a pair of chopsticks and swallow them whole!”

The two electric javelins grazed past him...

Wait, wait. Grazed past? Did they miss?

The unerringly accurate mother-son tornado soul-hunter javelins had missed?

Had they been disturbed by the lodestone system? But how could he have predicted it? How could he have known the trajectory?

This was definitely impossible!

But something even more unbelievable happened!

The electric javelins had been stopped. If he had not used some magnetic fields it would have been more difficult. But playing such petty tricks with Wang Zheng... He had been tinkering with these magnetic games since he was 10.

The two electric javelins seemed to be tethered in place. Then they flew out with killing intent, arcing towards the Jungle Scamper rushing head-on.

Sun Tianxiong reacted completely on instinct. Lowering his head, he leapt to the side, executing a super-speed twist. He almost fell badly. He would never have dreamed that such a thing would happen.

But Wind God had not used the chance to attack. He was a support. Supports didn’t attack.

“Ailun, go!”

“I have it!” The perennially defending Yao Ailun could stand it no longer. Overlord blasted into the air!

It left the melee and rushed straight at Wind God...

What were they intending...

Wang Zheng’s mouth twitched. He tossed out the magnetic source, and at the same time used the attraction energy system. Lin Huiyin, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, immediately rushed over with her Lightning Swordsman.

Overlord swept past Wind God, directly rushing towards Jungle Scamper. Sun Tianxiong laughed coldly. Did they think he was an invalid? It was so slow that only a ghost would be hit.

Immediately revving the controls, Jungle Scamper leapt aside like lightning, but now the real killing blow had come.

Wind God was forcibly pursuing Overlord. The magnetic attraction had a limit. Once exceeded, the bond would break.

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